Kelleigh Nelson
We will see how contact tracing has an unequalled capacity and a quasi-essential place in the armory needed to combat COVID-19, while at the same time being positioned to become an enabler of mass surveillance.
― Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum
The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property. Karl Marx
I consider that the Communist Party of the United States is one of the few Communist Parties to which history has given decisive tasks from the point of view of revolutionary movement. You must forge real revolutionary cadres and leaders of the proletariat, who will be capable of leading millions of American workers toward the revolutionary class wars. Joseph Stalin in his speech to the American Communist delegation in Moscow, May 6, 1929
The 19th Century Victorian scholar of freedom, Lord Acton, made it plain to the people when he said, “Socialism is slavery.” It is also starvation and death.
“Terror By Starvation” is Charles Scaliger’s latest article in the June 13th issue of the New American Magazine. He states, “The practice of deliberate starvation as a tool of war and oppression was fine-tuned by communists in the 20th Century.”
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known by the pseudonym Lenin, died on the 21st of January 1924, having killed an estimated 3 million of his people and that’s beyond the six million who died in the civil war with the Marxists gaining power. He had built a totalitarian horror, and it fell to a monster after his death.
The communist state took the place of God. Under the rhetoric of liberation, Lenin’s Red Terror plundered the rural middle class, known as Kulaks, and when they resisted, it slaughtered. The confiscation and redistribution of grains from Kulaks in Ukraine and Russia led to starvation on an epic scale. The urban middle classes in general, and free-thinkers in particular, suffered a similar fate.
Other mass murderers followed Lenin. Stalin, who through mass starvation murdered at least 20 million, and Chairman Mao, most prominent among them, who starved at least 45 million Chinese. Scaliger writes, “Mao Tse-tung’s Great Leap Forward, which resulted in the deaths of tens of millions of Chinese, primarily by starvation, was a deliberate imitation of Stalin’s Great Turn.”
Millions upon millions died of starvation when communism’s collectivism took over farms, production and ultimately property. By the time the Soviet Union collapsed the engineered famines and sweeping purges of Lenin and Stalin had murdered from 40 to 60 million, probably even more.
Remember the truckers of Canada and now the farmers of the Netherlands. We’re seeing the beginning “tools of oppression” ultimately leading once again to mass starvation. It was the key in the 20th Century and it’s now the 21st Century plan for the entire world and it started long, long ago.
Communists Emigrate to America
In previous articles, I’ve mentioned the 48ers, European communists who emigrated to America in 1848. The 48ers left Europe after a series of revolutions, including Germany where Marx and his colleagues worked and fought. Bourgeois liberals and communists fled their countries and emigrated to various countries across the world, including the United States. The 48ers played a large roll in American leftist movements in the middle and late 1800s.
But they weren’t the first communists to come to the US. There is a tradition of socialism and communism in the United States tracing back almost to the very origins of the movements and much further back than many of the things we consider “American” today. Matthew Britt, author of The First Communists in the United States writes, “Only a selective reading of American history will tell you that socialism and communism don’t have a place in America’s history or society today.”
Not long after America’s founding, members of the first Marxist organization known as the Communist League moved to the states to avoid political persecution in Europe. Robert Owen, a socialist from Wales, emigrated to America in 1824.

Owen created the Utopian Socialist Society of New Harmony, Indiana in 1825. He tested some of his writings and speeches in both Scotland and Indiana and his experiments were very influential on Marx, Engels, and other socialists and communists at the time and later on. This led to Owen being mentioned in the Communist Manifesto and would lead to the creation of other utopian societies around the country.
Robert Owen’s influence reached key members of society. In February and March of 1825, Owen gave two speeches to Congress when figures such as John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, and others were present. Wouldn’t you love to know what our early presidents and founders thought of Owen’s speeches!
One of Owen’s sons later became a member of Congress from Indiana. Robert Dale Owen was a Democrat steeped in his father’s utopian socialism. Later in life, he was into spiritualism as were President Lincoln and his wife, Mary.
Many of the early American communists were figures in history and have been mentioned in numerous books and articles. Let’s take a look at just a few of the many.
Edward Bellamy, born in 1850 in Massachusetts, was another latter 19th century utopian socialist. His claim to fame was his best-selling book, Looking Backward. His book, still popular today, is nothing more than a socialist polemic promoting a communist society for America. Charles Beard and Melville Dewey (the famous Dewey of progressive/leftist education, no relation to the John Dewey of the decimal system) considered Bellamy’s book to be the second most important book of the 19th century. The book cited by Beard and Dewey as the most influential book of the 19th century was Marx and Engels’ Das Capital.
On page 16 of Crimes of the Educators by Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex Newman, the authors state, “Even after the rise of Hitler’s National Socialism in Germany and the Marxist-Leninist communism in Russia, Dewey still clung to Bellamy’s vision of socialist America.” On page 17 of Crimes of the Educators, the authors write, “Dewey, who spent his professional life trying to transform Bellamy’s fantasy into American reality, is responsible for the dysfunctional public education we have today—a minimal interest in the development of intellectual, scientific, and literacy skills, and a maximal effort to produce socialized, politically correct individuals who can barely read.”
Education was a massive target of the early communists.
Francis Bellamy was the socialist minister cousin of Edward Bellamy and the original author of the Pledge of Allegiance. Francis believed the Civil War was the defining event in American history and desired a pledge that would reinforce the meaning of the North’s victory over the south, (and the centralized federal government). On page 292 of Lincoln’s Marxists, the author Al Benson Jr. and Walter Donald Kennedy write, “His pledge was designed to incorporate into the mind-set of all Americans the views of Abraham Lincoln, Daniel Webster, and the radical abolitionists, who he believed held the correct view of what America should be.” (One nation, indivisible.)

Joseph Weydemeyer was one of the first major figures to arrive as a forty-eighter. He was part of the League of Communists and headed its Frankfurt chapter before moving to the US. Prior to emigrating, Weydemeyer participated in the 1848 revolution and was a close friend of Marx and Engels. In 1852, Weydemeyer founded the first Marxist organization in the US called the American Workers League.
In 1860, he became involved in the campaign to elect Abraham Lincoln. Weydemeyer joined the army soon after Lincoln was elected, and during the Civil War, he led volunteer units from Missouri. With his socialist faith in strong central government, he was an avid supporter of the Union cause.
Marx even wrote a letter to Lincoln on behalf of the International Workingmen’s Association congratulating him on his second electoral victory, which you can read here.
Weydemeyer stayed politically active, which continued after the end of the war, even handing out copies of Marx’s Inaugural Address of the International Working Men’s Association to troops under his command. In his post-war career, he was elected as a county auditor in Missouri.
August Willich was a Brigadier General in the Union Army and was often referred to as “the Reddest of the Red 48ers.” He fought in the 1848 Revolution in Germany and Friedrich Engels was his aide-de-camp, which is basically the highest-level personal aide. Marx called Willich a “communist with a heart,” even though Willich had publicly insulted him and called him too conservative. Willich was actually more “radical” than Marx, and was part of the opposition group against Marx when the Communist League split. He wasn’t fond of Lincoln’s close ties with big-business interests, but he still supported the Republican Party and the Union’s war efforts against the South.
William Tecumseh Sherman – On page 296 of Al Benson Jr. and Walter Donald Kennedy’s book, Lincoln’s Marxists, is the following:
While doing research for this book, the author came across Sherman’s name in a list of “approved” socialists/communists in America. The press of the Communist Party of the United States published the book from which this name, as well as the names of other leading socialists/communists, was taken. The editor of this communist book noted that Sherman was an “outstanding” general of the Union Army. It should be noted that the co-founder of modern-day communism, Fredrick Engels, also held this opinion. Both Gen. William Sherman and Sen. John Sherman, his brother, believed in a strong, indivisible, central government.

General William Tecumseh Sherman’s Union “Army of the West” marched from Atlanta, Ga., to the seaport of Savannah. Enroute, Sherman’s forces intentionally devastated a 60-mile-wide swath of countryside. Sherman’s March to the Sea was a hideous five-week destruction of “total war.” Sherman’s engineers and foraging “bummers” — were scorched-earth devils, burning Atlanta and then plundering the countryside.
Sherman’s order was clear: Thoroughly destroy every building and every piece of equipment that might be militarily valuable. Lincoln’s army, especially those under the command of Sherman, left a swath of destruction. Congressman Zachariah Chandler said this about the rights of Southerners, “A rebel has sacrificed all his rights. He has no right to life, liberty, property, or the pursuit of happiness. Everything you give him, even life itself, is a boon which he has forfeited.” (Congressional Globe, 37th Congress, 1st sess.)
Horrors were visited on the civilian population of the South, even upon women and children; mass starvation, pillaging of homes and churches, rapes of both white and black, yes, raped and murdered, thousands of citizens, both white and black, left homeless and forced to forage for whatever morsel of food they could find in the rubble left desolate after the slaughter. Destruction of all means of production, even of medicines and medical supplies, cemeteries were looted, colleges and libraries were obliterated, a massive blight on the land and her people.
Sherman, upon hearing in 1864 that continued attacks on his army were being conducted by Southern partisans, said this, “There is a class of people (Southerners) men, women and children, who must be killed or banished before you can hope for peace and order.” Sherman wasn’t the only one, Grant was in on the murder of non-combatants. Grant stated, “It is our duty to weaken the enemy by destroying their means of subsistence, withdrawing their means of cultivating their fields, and every other way possible.” And it was an order from on high, Lincoln did not dissuade his Union Army from these atrocities on Southern Americans.
With the blessing of President Abraham Lincoln, General Sherman and his 62,000
battle-hardened Union troops fulfilled his promise, raping, pillaging and burning their way through South Carolina and Georgia.
General Henry Halleck, Army Chief of Staff wrote to General Grant the order to annihilate the south, “…make all the valley south of the Baltimore and Ohio road a desert.”
Sherman obliterated the ability for men, women and children, and the elderly and infirm to sustain life. One need only search, “The War Crimes of William T. Sherman.”
Sherman didn’t retire after the war. He took his “scorched earth” tactics to the American Indians and wiped out their food supply. In the late 1860s and early 1870s, nearly every Buffalo herd of the plains was slaughtered by Sherman and his men. In an 1867 letter to Grant, Sherman referred to his policy against the native Americans as “the final solution to the Indian problem,” the same sentence Hitler said some 70 years later.
Nationwide Infiltration
In the late 1940s and early 1950s, Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy tried to warn the American people that communists had infiltrated every branch and department of government, and society.
Hollywood romanticized communism by promoting “world peace” in the 1933 movie, Gabriel Over the White House. The movie was a promotion for the 1945 United Nations Charter and was funded by William Randolph Hearst.
The pulpits of America were slowly infiltrated with black churches being the first targets for subversion.
But the real quarry was education.
As Lenin stated so long ago, “Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.”
John Dewey’s plan to dumb down America was launched in 1898 and today it is alive, well, and flourishing with communist propaganda. Academic education is gone, a collective utopia runs in the veins of every public school and most private and religious schools. Dewey has destroyed the literacy of millions upon millions of American children, most of whom have attained only a third-grade level of reading. Phonics is long gone, English literature is a thing of the past, simple math has become a nightmare.
Dr. Theodore Brameld, an avowed communist, was professor of education at New York University and right-hand man of Dean Ernest 0. Melby. Dean Melby was perhaps the most conspicuous champion of progressive education, and also was most vocal in his criticism of any investigation of subversion in education.

The Turning of the Tides by Paul W. Shafer and John Howland Snow was first published in 1953. It is an expose of the destruction of academic education in America by the communists. On Page 47, the authors expose Dr. Brameld’s device for circumventing opposition via slyness and outright deception.
In 1935, Brameld said, “Teachers favorable to the collectivist philosophy and program must influence their students, subtly, if necessary, frankly, if possible, toward acceptance of the same position.”
It is the method referred to in the May 1937 issue of The Communist: Only when teachers have really mastered Marxism-Leninism will they be able skillfully to inject it into their teaching at the least risk of exposure, and at the same time to conduct struggles around the schools in a truly Bolshevik manner.
They trained the teachers. And we willingly gave them our children!
Homeschool your babies and grandbabies!
The tentacles of socialism/communism are deeply ensconced in our culture, but the Great Reset is nothing new. It has been around from the beginning of time, the desire of man to eliminate opposition and subjugate survivors into slavery. It’s the same serpent from the Garden and his fallen minions. The Great Reset may be communism’s final solution, but an all-powerful Creator is still in control.
We’ve recently seen breathtaking answers to prayer. We must keep working in our local communities, keep praying, and as my friend Roger Anghis says, “God has everything in control. It’s time to get the popcorn.”

About Kelleigh Nelson
Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Previously, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, Clinton) in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Email: