I am reading Dr Henry M. Morris’ book “The Revelation Record”. I enjoyed Dr Morris’ book “The Genesis Record”. “The Revelation Record” is just as thorough and easy to read.
On page 235 Dr Morris gives an excellent summary of what the FULL Gospel of Christ is. I hope that my readers will find this both helpful and edifying.
Gibber! Gibber!
“It is significant that the first time the word “Gospel” is used (Matthew 4:23), it is in reference to “The Gospel of the Kingdom,” looking forward to the great day when Christ will be universally acclaimed as King of Kings. The final occurrence is in Revelation 14:7, where it looks back to The Creation.
The Gospel of Christ (“The Good News about Christ”) is that:
I. He is The Creator of All Things – and therefore able to save to the uttermost them that come unto God by Him,

II. HE is The Heir of All Things – and therefore able and certain to bring The Kingdom of God to earth as it is in heaven.

The Creation is The Foundation of The Gospel. The Second Coming is The Blessed Hope of The Gospel.
The Cross and The Empty Tomb constitute The Power of The Gospel.

A Gospel without The Creation and Consummation is as much an emasculated gospel as one without The Cross and The Empty Tomb. The Gospel is not truly proclaimed unless these Truths are ascribed their true majesty and fullness.
One thought on “THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST”
Thanks for that precis of Henry Morris’s views on what constitutes “the Gospel” of Jesus.
I agree that it’s all about God acting to restore this fallen universe and His precious mankind to the perfect relationship we had with Him before sin defiled “everything” back in the beginning.
We believers know that what God did to restore everything was through the Cross and resurrection of Jesus. These are the only means we can be restored to our Father….believing by faith in what Jesus did.
It’s “good news” because Jesus did it all in love for us….nothing we could of our own merit.