It gives me great pleasure to present this article by Bob Cotton, Pastor of Maitland City Church, Maitland New South Wales, Australia. Bob is a very much “tell it as it really is” type of Pastor. If ever the Church needed a “certain trumpet call” it is at this time. Thank You Bob for sounding it loud and clear.
Gibber! Gibber!
29th February 2025
Trump’s election victory is an unmistakable indication that the madness that has steadily crept into western society over recent years is now being rejected by the majority of normal, everyday people.
Without sounding too dramatic it is not unlike the stone from David’s sling that sunk deep into Goliath’s forehead. Donald Trump’s victory was a stunning blow to the giant of wokeness in the United States.
To many, his straight talk and direct action against the relentless efforts to normalise perversion and insanity and the disproportionate amount of influence that minority groups have is like a breath of fresh air.
Men competing in women’s sports and using their bathrooms along with an ever growing list of pronouns that must be used for fear of cancellation or accusations of some kind of phobia could soon (and rightly) be a thing of the past in the US.
Unfortunately, the toxic effects of wokeness has not been limited to secular society alone but has also driven the corrupted thinking of many within the Christian community. Individuals as well as entire denominations have betrayed God Almighty by pandering to and accepting the “rainbow flag” and the social justice agenda that comes with it.

Proof of this was clearly seen last week when President Trump attended a church service at the Washington Episcopal church. The spotlight was on “bishop” Mariann Budde who used the pulpit, not to call the government to Christ or the nation to repentance but to spruik wokeness.
The fallen state of the church is a major contributing factor to the condition of the world at large. Instead of being the light of the world the institutional church has become like salt that has lost its savour and is fit for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled. (Matt 5:13-14)
All eyes are on the United States at the moment and hopefully they are on the church as well and pressure will come on the leadership to ditch their apostasy and lukewarmness and return to the God given mandate that many have so clearly rejected.

Hopefully, if the damage done through “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion”, climate madness and all the other lunacy can be systematically undone, the American economy will no doubt recover and the country will begin to prosper. That will be a beacon of economic hope to the world and present a model worth replicating.
Perhaps, Australia will pay attention and follow suit and we too will pull out of the nose dive we have seemingly committed ourselves to.

Wouldn’t it be something if we could fully utilise our own gas, oil, coal and every other God given natural resource without being sold out to overseas interests or held to ransom by minority groups? What if we started to manufacture again and there were jobs for all and truly affordable housing?
It would be wonderful to imagine a world where our children and grandchildren will know how to define what a woman is and not be subjected to the madness of gender theory or think drag queen story time is somehow a normal part of childhood or that full term abortion is just “healthcare”.
While all these things just mentioned are highly desirable and certainly within reach there is much more to the story than just this. Jesus Christ gave us a stark warning when He asked ” what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world yet loses his soul”? (Mark 8:36) We can have and enjoy all the natural prosperity in the world but if we do not have salvation for our immortal soul through Jesus Christ then it worth nothing in the context of eternity. Jesus reinforced that fact in the account of Lazarus & the rich man. (Luke 16:19:31)
The economic prosperity of a nation is never a true indicator of a its spiritual health. Nor will there ever be a political answer to a spiritual problem.
For a nation to be truly prosperous it must be in submission to God Almighty. Scripture says “Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people” (Prov 14:34). This is not so much a reflection of the ruling party’s policies but more so the condition of the hearts of the people who make up the nation. Economic or social reform is not a pathway to righteousness, turning to God and repentance from sin is. It is not enough to remove perversion from the centre stage of society, it needs to be expelled from the heart of the individual through new birth & sanctification – and only the power of Christ can do that. (2 Cor 5:17, Phil 2:12-13)

1 Samuel 17:49-53 tells of when Goliath had been mortally wounded, all Israel were filled with courage and pursued the Philistines and defeated them utterly.
This incredible blow against “woke-ism” should give courage to the Christian to stand up boldly for their faith and for Godly standards. There are so many opportunities to share the gospel as people speak of Trump’s executive orders – regardless of whether they are for or against them. It gives us the opportunity to address the subject of sin and share the remedy that God has provided in Jesus Christ.
It also presents an opportunity for believers to call church leadership to account.
The church that Jesus died for was never called to preach a “social welfare” gospel. We were never called to lower the bar and accept sinful relationships in order to boost dwindling numbers or make the Gospel sound more attractive. We were never called to receive government funding in an unequally yoked relationship that is steeped in compromise and has strings attached. On the other hand we were called to separate unto God and to be holy and to boldly declare the gospel. Church leadership should reflect that and if not, they aught be rejected. (2 Cor 6:14-18, Eph 6:19-20)
Finally, Christians should be praying for our politicians just as we are commanded to do (1 Timothy 2:1-4). It should be a priority, more so than ever, considering we have a federal election only months away. May our political leaders and candidates have Godly conviction and draw courage from the political swing in the US. May they have genuine and deep experience with the fear of God and come to know His saving grace.
In closing, it is worth repeating that there will never be a political answer to a spiritual problem and that true riches are not found in national prosperity but in salvation from sin through faith in Jesus Christ. May our focus always be on that which is of eternal value.
Grace & peace to all.
Bob Cotton
Maitland Christian Church

BOB COTTON is Pastor of Maitland Christian Church. Bob is a genuine and committed warrior for the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Their live Facebook link appears above.
Thanks to Bob for his Christ-centred insights!
I too was very disappointed the Washington Bishop used her massive media “limelight” to push an ideology…an agenda in her message. She had the huge God-given opportunity to make a witness to Trump (and the world) about what the Bible says on “servant” leadership…and Christ being the example of that.
She could’ve also urged Trump (and the rest of the world) to regularly read, feed on and understand God’s Word as the ultimate authority and truth in a dark world.
Trump’s leadership and influence could’ve benefitted so much from this sort of sermon.
Opportunity lost….so sad!!
Having seen too many so-called Christians here in the US, I was not surprised by the inane comments made by the phony “wolf in sheep’s clothing”, Bishop Budde. She embodies everything that is wrong with the churches where God is ignored and Satan is represented. The good news is that, soon, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah will arrive on the world scene and show openly just Who God is and what He plans to do. When that happens, not only will wokeness be a thing of the past, but all those who opposed the Word of God will be vanquished, never to be heard or seen again. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!
Thank you Bud! Great comment. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
Dear Chugley,
Thank you for posting this very insightful article by Bob Cotton. A true Gospel Warrior.
As I am reading Bob’s article each paragraph is “Yes, and Amen.” Our commission is to “go into all the world preach the Gospel to every creature.”
What an excellent chance to have the message go out to an extremely wide audience and possibly save souls, totally squandered on some social “be nice” message that will produce no fruit. The fig tree.
Thank you, Bob Cotton, for calling this out!
Thank you Sydneysider! I appreciate your encouragement. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley