Cherie Zaslawsky writes another impressively thought out article for my Blog, many thanks Cherie! Before you cry “conspiracy theory” I urge my readers to be like the Bereans Acts 17:11: These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
Gibber! Gibber!
The Covid McGuffin
By Cherie Zaslawsky|June 25th, 2021

By Cherie Zaslawsky
The brilliant director Alfred Hitchcock often used the term “McGuffin” to describe one of his favorite plot devices—an object or event that set the plot in motion, while essentially inconsequential in itself. And while Hitchcock’s The 39 Steps and North by Northwest provide stellar samples, the ultimate exemplar of this phenomenon is The Maltese Falcon from the beloved John Huston film of that name. In the movie, a group of suspicious characters will stop at nothing in their pursuit of a black statuette of a falcon. Why? Because underneath its dark enamel exterior lay a solid gold falcon encrusted with priceless gems—or so they thought.
Spoiler alert: they never find the Maltese Falcon—it was simply a catalyst for a terrific film, and no one ever pulled off a McGuffin plot better than Huston or the inimitable Hitch. That is, until now. For the powers-that-be have trumped not only the famous director, but also America herself, and quite possibly, the world at large.
How, you ask? By exploiting their own McGuffin: a microscopic virus.

This was brilliant on at least two counts: first because no one can see the virus—though they made sure we were inundated with artists’ colorful renditions on websites and publications galore; and second, because the so-called “elites”—the New World Order/Great Reset billionaire globalist cabal and friends—control our media, as well as much of the world’s media, so guess who got to tell the story?
In fact, they even had a rehearsal, known as Event 201! And if that’s not galling enough, they gave the invitees souvenir plush coronavirus toys complete with little rounded “spikes” as party favors! Seems they couldn’t wait to celebrate their psy-op that would pave the way to their utopian One World Government by destroying First World economies.
And who were the sponsors of Event 201, you ask? Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Do you find that reassuring? Me neither.
In a very real sense, they were the scriptwriters as well as the filmmakers of the Plandemic, bringing to mind the movie Wag the Dog about a deliberately faked “war” presented to the public as real—which, in retrospect, now seems like mere child’s play.
Remember those horrifying videos of people dropping in the street in Wuhan, and Italian hospitals so filled with Covid patients they had to lodge many in the corridors? What perfect cinematography to panic the public. And let’s not forget the scary Johns Hopkins “dashboard” with predictions of “geometric progression” of Covid cases and fatalities. So of course we needed to take extreme measures, like shutting down our country. Otherwise two million Americans would die in our suddenly overcrowded hospitals, struggling for breath. Or so we were told, as the rationale for more or less placing us under house arrest to “stop the spread” and “flatten the curve,” in what has been arguably the most brazen con job in history.
By the way, not only can we not see the virus, but some scientists are now saying it doesn’t exist! That’s right. This would mean that what they called Covid-19 was really just the seasonal flu! In fact no one, including the CDC, has been able to isolate and purify Sars-Cov-2, the virus supposedly responsible for wrecking our lives—I mean for causing Covid-19.
But even if the virus exists, as it certainly seems to, and even if it was designed in a gain-of-function experiment in the biohazard lab in Wuhan, China—funded by our own Dr. Feckless Fauci, head of NIAID—it still fits the McGuffin paradigm.
In fact, the Covid-19 version has been so successful that Bill Gates and pals are likely planning a sequel, and it looks like the title will be The Delta Variant. We’re in unprecedented territory now, as We the People are both their captive audience, as well as unpaid movie extras—who are always replaceable.
Stay tuned.

It seems curious that although no one has isolated the Sars-COV-2 virus, scientists have been able to make a Covid-19 vaccine for the virus.
Or have they?
A number of doctors and medical researchers, such as Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, and Dr. Steven Hotze, to name just a few, point out that the Covid shots are not vaccines but rather experimental “gene therapy” that some would call dangerous genetic disrupters. In Dr. Wakefield’s words, “This is not a vaccine. It is an irreversible genetic modification.” Vaccines require a dead pathogen that puts the immune system on notice to form antibodies against it. But since there was no isolated Covid virus, they couldn’t do this. Ah, but there’s that ubiquitous “spike protein” we’ve all seen pictures of ad nauseam—so why not use that?

With my Sherlock Holmes’ cap in place, here’s what occurred to me earlier this year regarding the plandemic:
The virus itself was a blind—It was all about the spike protein. And the spike protein was very likely developed through Dr. Mengele Fauci’s funded “gain-of-function” research carried out in Wuhan. Perhaps the Frankensteinian scientists working on this malevolent project simply hollowed out the original Sars-CoV virus–as J&J hollowed out an adenovirus for its vaccine—and injected it with their genetically engineered spike protein, which was the actual bioweapon all along.
From there it would be an easy step to make so-called “vaccines” to deliver the spike protein bioweapon directly into the bodies of millions of unsuspecting people, primed as they were by the media and public health officials’ daily trumpeting the dangers of Covid, to line up for their shots. More to the point, they were desperate to return to normal life after a year of insane “lockdowns” and believed getting the jab was the only way to do it.
But don’t take Sherlock’s word for it. In an interview on June 11th, 2021 regarding Covid-19 and the vaccines, Dr. Peter McCullough—one of the foremost frontline doctors who’s treated patients with Covid-19—pointed out that both the virus and the vaccine infect the body with “the spike protein—the gain of function target of this bioterrorism research.”
And let’s not forget that the mortality rate for Covid was only around .1% for the general population, up to .2% for the elderly and those with co-morbidities; yes, sadly, the death rate was higher in nursing homes that were forced to take sick Covid patients back from hospitals—thanks to Andrew Cuomo and his ilk. Nevertheless, most people’s immune systems could vanquish the genetically engineered Covid-19 virus, spike protein and all.

Yet there were also rare occurrences of blood disorders, sometimes fatal, in a very small percentage of those who got Covid. It now seems that those blood issues, which we were told distinguished Covid from an ordinary flu, were directly caused by the spike protein. As this happened very infrequently, primarily in people with compromised or weakened immune systems, those who died of such disorders were the proverbial canaries in the coal mine—harbingers of the dangers looming ahead from the vaccines themselves.
Now imagine the difference between catching Covid and quickly recovering from it, versus being injected with “instructions,”—translation: orders—to your cells to make millions of spike proteins! We don’t even know whether this bioweapon production machinery ever turns itself off! In any case, not only would this onslaught of spike proteins be likely to overwhelm anyone’s immune system, but these tiny bioweapons can travel all over your body, wreaking havoc in multiple organs and doing untold harm, including causing miscarriages and making women infertile. Hmmm… coincidentally, that oughta slow population growth….one of the goals of the NWO crowd.

And it’s now come out that Pfizer knew many of these dangers prior to marketing its vaccine—or more accurately put, prior to launching its experimental study conducted with the largest experimental group ever assembled: millions of unsuspecting human guinea pigs.
Here are some quotes from a recent article on Dr. Joseph Mercola’s website:
- Pfizer’s data, however, show the mRNA and subsequent spike protein are widely distributed in the body within hours
- This is a serious problem, as the spike protein is a toxin shown to cause cardiovascular and neurological damage. It also has reproductive toxicity, and Pfizer’s biodistribution data show it accumulates in women’s ovaries
- Once in your blood circulation, the spike protein binds to platelet receptors and the cells that line your blood vessels. When that happens, it can cause platelets to clump together, resulting in blood clots, and/or cause abnormal bleeding
- Pfizer documents submitted to the European Medicines Agency also show the company failed to follow industry-standard quality management practices during preclinical toxicology studies and that key studies did not meet good laboratory practice standards
Here’s what Canadian immunologist and vaccine researcher Byram Bridle, Ph.D. had to say after reviewing Pfizer’s study that tracked where the spike protein ended up in the body:
“We made a big mistake,” Bridle says. “We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen; we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So, by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.”
I beg to differ with Dr. Bridle’s assessment on a key point: I do not believe this was a “mistake.” Consider the following:
- We know the pandemic, aka Plandemic, was carefully planned in advance, and the lockdown scenario rehearsed in the infamous Event 201 “table-top” pandemic preparedness conference in October 2019—coincidentally, just a few months prior to Covid emerging, and funded by Bill Gates, who’s concerned about “overpopulation.”
- We know the virus was manipulated to make it more lethal through the nefarious process known as “gain-of-function.”
- We know the globalists/Davos cabal/Deep State, et al. wanted to destroy the Trumpian economy, oust the President, and cripple America to make her easy pickings for the Elites in their New World Order/Great Reset planned dystopia.
- We know pregnant women were encouraged to get the vaccine though there were no relevant safety studies done. The result? The miscarriage rate for vaccinated women has skyrocketed to 82%.
- So far, in just a few months, it’s been estimated that 25,800 Americans have died from these vaccines, and 1,000,000 more have been disabled—many permanently—though you won’t hear about this on the evening news.
- Agencies such as the CDC, as well as our Fake News Media and its assorted “fact-checkers” are hush-hush about the vaccine tragedies all around us, and still pushing vaccination for all, including children, who were never at risk from Covid!

How likely is it, when the above points are taken into consideration, that Big Pharma simply goofed when concocting its highly experimental, virtually untested “gene therapy” mRNA “vaccines,” and really was trying to save humanity from the supposedly deadly virus known as Covid-19?
Sherlock himself addressed such complex quandaries as ours with pithy eloquence:
“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”
In our own present-day case, what might that truth be?
Here’s the way Shauna O’Neill, the mother of Haley Link Brinkmeyer who died after getting the Moderna vaccine, sees it:
“My 28 year old daughter took the vaccine on a Tuesday and she was dead by Thursday. …Anything with Bill Gates or Quack Fauci’s name attached should be a red flag. Depopulation my folks, depopulation. That’s their objective.”
Improbable, yes.
Impossible, no.
About the Author: Cherie Zaslawsky

Cherie Zaslawsky is a writer, freelance editor, and private educator/teacher/writing coach for high school students, as well as a confirmed Constitutionalist who nevertheless lives in California. Her work appears in Renew America, Lew Rockwell, American Thinker, Canada Free Press, WND, The Published Reporter, and more
6 thoughts on “THE COVID McGUFFIN”
Cherie’s observations are very astute. This McGuffin has turned out to be very useful indeed. Leaving aside the unconstitutional limitations on freedom of movement, freedom to conduct business, freedom of religious worship and freedom of speech, it is distracting billions of people from some other pressing issues that really need their attention:
– US sabre-rattling in the Crimea, amounting to a deliberate provocation of Russia
– Chinese Communist Party sanctions against Australia
– food shortages and disruptions to global supply chains
– the continuing nuclear meltdown of Fukushima and the irradiation of highly populated Pacific coastal areas
– the perpetration of the largest-scale and most transparently obvious election fraud in modern history
– the escalation of the ongoing crisis between Israel and Palestine
– the completion of the Starlink network which has permanently altered the night sky and will leave global communications in the hands of a privateer
– the ongoing power and internet outages affecting fifty of the world’s largest banks and financial organisations
– a series of mysterious deaths, disappearances, accidents and suicides involving people inconvenient to ruling elites
– the slow but sure public exposure of once untouchable elites as pedophiles and child traffickers
Thank you so much for this most insightful and edifying comment. I shall pass it on to Cherie. It is very encouraging to know my Blog is appreciated and I am sure Cherie shares my appreciation! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley The Thinking Chimp
Dear Cherie,
Thank you for your ‘COVID McGuffin’ post on Chugley’s Chatter. It is so refreshing to read such a well written and truthful article amidst all the daily propaganda we are being constantly bombarded with.
Chugley’s blog is such a comforting ‘oasis of truth’ during these troubled times. I think he deserves a raise in bananas!
Thank you! What an encouraging post, I shall pass your comment along! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
This has WMD written all over it!
It would seem so! (Weapon of Mass Destruction) referring to McGuffin article by Cherie. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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