Thank you once more to Pastor Wayne Edwards for another inspiring sermon explaining the origin of these dangerous times in which we live. Click on link above, and select “Battle of the Ages”.
Gibber! Gibber!
Pastor Wayne writes:
Contrary to what many preachers are saying today, the Christian life is not a playground, it is a battleground. We are at war with the most powerful enemy the world has ever known. Even though Satan is already defeated, he is still able to wound us with his deadly darts of disappointment, discouragement, despair, depression, defeat, and death. This is the battle of the ages.
To live with a biblical worldview is to know that God is sovereign over all, in all, and through all, and to remain steadfast in our faith in the midst of adversity. Jesus said the world would be in a chaotic mess just before the rapture of the Church, so why are we surprised that it is?
The title of this sermon is: “The Battle of the Ages.” While the sermon study guide is attached, we encourage you to use our INTERACTIVE WEBSITE:
The stream starts at 10:00 AM and the worship service begins around 10:13 AM. Videos of the “sermon only” are available on the same site.
Thank YOU for forwarding these sermon study guides to others.
Wayne J. and Linda J. Edwards
PO Box 766
Perry, GA 31069