Welcome back to Bud Hancock who takes a close look at this American Government and dislikes what he sees. He concludes with a prayer for the Nation. Thank you Bud for your consistent contributions to my Blog.
Gibber! Gibber!
The Anti-God, Anti-Christian Government of the United States
By Bud Hancock
The USA: A Christian Nation?
The belief that the United States is a “Christian nation”, may still be held by some who feel that thinking it and saying it will make it true. However, only the actions of a nation can truly illustrate its religious or political status, and the words, which are more for show and which change with every political breeze, offer absolutely no assurance that The United States indeed is, or even should be considered, Christian.
The current situation in the United States, with nearly uncontrolled crime, millions of illegal aliens flooding in through unsecured borders, “do-nothing” politicians ignoring the chaos in our cities, rather spending more and more billions of dollars that will never be covered by the tax revenues of our citizenry, creating an endless debt spiral, growing exponentially by the day, out-of-control “intelligence community players” determining policy foreign rather than the elected leaders of this nation. These are NOT the reason why our beloved nation is now considered “non-Christian”; rather, they are all symptoms of a spiritual disease that is eating the very flesh of the nation. Evil might well be called the name of this disease, but the carrier of it has a different name: POLITICS. That ugly process, once regarded as the very strength of our system of representation, has become nothing more than a militarization of the freedom upon which our system of government was founded. That militarization has been extremely successful in destroying the unity that formerly marked the greatness of this nation and allowed for peaceful communication even between groups with greatly varying political beliefs. The once peaceful voice of our people has now been turned into an uproarious cacophony of ugliness and hatred with no true peace in sight.

Christianity is, or at least historically was, accepted as a religion of peace, established by Jesus Christ, Himself the Prince of Peace. It is difficult to reconcile the militaristic actions of the government of the United States with true peace. For more years than I can remember, our nation has been involved in war, military conflict or police action and more than a few regime change actions that have had devastating consequences for the nations wherein those regimes dwelt, not to mention the long-term consequences for our own nation.
For whatever reason, the United States government operates much of the time as though it is universally accepted as the World’s policeman, or peacemaker/peacekeeper, whichever way you prefer to see it. In nearly all the actions I have seen our country involved in as policeman or peacemaker or peacekeeper, there has been precious little peace that resulted from such actions. Most of those actions have run counter to the stated policies of our Founding Fathers in their correspondences while they were establishing this nation as one founded on 1) the Rule of Law, which is still our beloved US Constitution, and 2) minding our own business, avoiding any involvement in the quarrels between other sovereign nations. Much of the U.S. involvement, especially militarily, in these numerous quarrels throughout the past 120 years has taken an enormous toll on our own security, prosperity and peace.

The entirety of information related to the foundation of the United States of America reveal that the Founders were men of strong faith in God, upright morals and unquestioned integrity and sound thinking. For those who might question this, consider the absolute majesty and beauty of the documents they wrote that brought this nation into existence. Their faith was based on the Judeo-Christian principles with which they were raised and taught daily. Nearly all of them had several noble goals for themselves and their families: to be allowed to live in peace and to raise their children to be decent, God-fearing people, and to promote prosperity and happiness for themselves, their posterity and their fellow citizens.
There was no thought of becoming “the policeman of the entire World”. In fact, they all expressed their concern for the dangers of becoming involved in the affairs of other nations, preferring to spend their time and energies working to establish a great Republic where all men could be free to worship God and to be prosperous. The government of, by and for the people was to be the means of this freedom and prosperity becoming reality.
By comparison to those times, now many Americans are beginning to see ALL government as the enemies of freedom and prosperity. Even though the number of people who actually are a part of the government is extremely small compared to the total number of American citizens, the government nevertheless has the power and authority, as well as the determination, to back up the (sometimes) ridiculous policies of that small number of government participants. The policies in question are not difficult to decipher as to their origins. They all exhibit a strong anti-God and anti-Christ or Communistic sentiment.

While this nation was, for many years, one that accepted the existence of the Jewish people as a gift from God, and one that welcomed the many Jewish refugees coming to our shores, that sentiment began to change during the war in Europe, WW2, and especially in the years after the assassination of John F. Kennedy and his brother, Robert F. Kennedy, the events that seem to have heralded a new and disturbing sentiment toward Israel and the Jewish people.
The descendants of Abraham have been, for many centuries, both before and after the advent of Jesus Christ, a people hated and persecuted because of their genetic connection to Abraham. While this is not an entirely unexpected situation, based on the historical accounts of such actions against them by so many peoples and nations, it is a very alarming one for our country, a nation that was established upon a desire for religious freedom for all people. This idea existed, more or less intact, for many years after our founding, but in recent times has deviated from its original intent, that of allowing all to worship God as they choose, as long as they do not infringe upon the rights of others to do so.
In all governments, in all societies, there must be rules that are meant to be obeyed by all, whether government officials or ordinary citizens; these rules MUST establish just and specific punishment for any who refuse to obey the rules and refuse to treat others with due respect. Our founding documents establish those rules for all American citizens as well as those who reside in our country as visitors or non-citizens. In order for any nation, any government, any society to survive, the rules must be obeyed, under threat of punishment, or society begins to crumble and civility goes out the window, resulting in a loss of peace and tranquility, leading to chaos.

There is One Sovereign God Who has established Himself as the Supreme Ruler over both Heaven and Earth. Many are those who reject this fact and insist there is no God; my belief is they reject Him because they cannot see Him with their eyes, thus they refuse to believe He exists; they do so at their own peril. He established His rules, His Ten Commandments, by His Word, and recorded them in the Book of Exodus, chapter 20, for all humanity to see, hear and understand what He expects of us all.
In Genesis 14:18-20, we Are told of an encounter between an historical biblical person named Melchizedek who was called the “Priest of the Most High God”, whose name Melchizedek means “King of Righteousness”, and his title is given as King of Salem, which means “King of Peace”. A battle between Abraham and his warriors and those of several local kings who had raided the herds of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, capturing Abraham’s nephew, Lot, along with all his goods ended when the kings were defeated by Abraham. Melchizedek honored Abraham by providing bread and wine, saying, “Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth, and blessed be the Most High God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he (Melchizedek) gave him (Abram) tithes of all”. God showed how much He respected Abram by having Melchizedek, who was a type of Christ, receive from Abram, the tithe of all the goods that were captured during the battle.
He had already established the specific rule for the manner in which ALL people are expected to treat the offspring of Abraham, the Jewish people. In Genesis 12, He stated that all who bless Abraham will be blessed and all who curse, (disrespect and dishonor) Abraham will be cursed and ultimately destroyed. These rules have not changed since God spoke them to Abraham thousands of years ago.
Our nation, the United States of America, was blessed beyond any nation in history, and indeed became great as long as the Jewish people were honored and respected as God had decreed, but when that attitude of respect for, and honor toward, the Jewish people began to wane, so did the fortunes of this nation.

No events illustrate this fact better than those that occurred when the Holocaust was happening in Germany and most of Eastern Europe, where Jews by the hundreds of thousands were being exterminated as the “final solution to the Jewish problem” under Adolf Hitler and his demonic minions. Many Jews, expecting to be secreted out of the ghettoes ahead of the Nazi onslaught, and were hoping to escape the destruction in ships, were turned away from their escape routes by order of both the British and American governments. This action resulted in the deaths of many Jewish families:
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There are many other accounts of both governments refusing to save the fleeing Jews, and in most cases, those Jews did not survive.
Based on the information provided by God through his servant, the Apostle Paul, such actions are neither Godly nor Christian. We are exhorted to be gracious to all the Jewish people and to honor them because, through them the Oracles of God were given (Romans 3:1-3). They were specifically chosen by God for His purpose, and even though they failed God many times, they were and still ARE, the Apple of God’s Eye. Anyone who questions this statement is denying the true word of God, and that is a dangerous position for any person, especially a believer.

The current anti-God/antichrist status of this once-great nation has terrible implications for all United States citizens, but also impacts the rest of the world. I remember years ago hearing the statement, “America is great because America is good”. Wrongly attributed to the French author and historian, Alexis de Tocqueville, it has nevertheless been used by many to indicate why America has been so loved and admired by many other nations and peoples during the last 246 years. During times of crisis, whether caused by wars and other “people-caused” disasters, or by natural weather-related actions, other nations always knew they could expect that the USA would be there when emergency aid was needed. The fact that this expectation even existed was because the moral underpinning of this nation was built on the Judeo-Christian principles of helping our neighbors. Unfortunately, it is now easy to see that America is no longer great because she is no longer good, regardless of who originally made the statement to the contrary.

The recent decline in numbers of Americans who believe in, let alone live by, the principles that were used to found the United States can be easily seen by those nations that once depended on us to help them in their time of greatest need; it is also apparent to the nations that have always hated us because of our adherence to those same principles. Those nations now see an America in a steady decline and an ever-increasing movement away from being a godly, Christian nation, and what they now see encourages them to have the confidence in their own ability to engage the US in conflict. This condition now spells great difficulty for our nation’s security.

When Christian groups fail to police their own behavior and begin to establish a rapport with evil, that is a certain indication of the failure of the Church to follow the teachings that Jesus espoused in His ministry while here on Earth. When those teachings which became the fundamental doctrines of Christianity are tossed aside and regarded as nothing, it provides the evidence for the word being true wherein is stated: “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners: (1 Corinthians 15:33). To paraphrase this sentence from the Apostle Paul in today’s vernacular: “Associations with people of low moral standards and low character will bring you down to their level and destroy your Christian witness”. This is exactly what we are witnessing in the Church in America today. The failure to demand of ourselves the standards that the Bible demands of us allows evil, greed, envy, hatred and every other corruption of “good manners” (behavior) to creep into every area of life, destroying whatever was good and turning all into evil. This is the reason for the apostasy that is now ravaging the Church, definitely here in America, and likely in every other western nation. When the world sees this, there is no question in their minds that the United States is no longer a Christian nation.
Let us pray and ask God to restore the United States and the Church therein to the witness to the world that it was before evil changed the course of our nation.
Blessings and Maranatha
Bud Hancock
Dear Bud, Dear Chugley,
Thank you for this excellent article on the treatment of Jews and God’s plan for them. It is very astutely observed that the treatment of God’s people with blessings will bless the providers of that blessing and that those that curse the Jews will be cursed by God. Exactly as written in Genesis 12:3 .
A good guidance to all of mankind!
Thank you Concerned Sydneysider for your ongoing support and encouragement, it is much appreciated – Gibber! Gibber Chugley
Thank you Bud for those insights about the moral and spiritual state of the US and other western nations.
I have prayed just now along the lines Bud suggested….especially that the western nations’ churches would be filled with a renewed love for God’s Word, Christ-centred worship, heartfelt repentance and spiritual revival amongst the people.
Thank you Paul, so encouraging! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
Now that Trump and his people are rooting out the entrenched criminal leftist government forces here, the way is clearing for a return to a more moral USA. Hopefully that spirit will land in Canberra also.
Good to hear from you Jeff! Everybody down here hope so too! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley