Welcome back to my Blog’s most popular teacher and preacher, Wayne Edwards, of the Heritage Baptist Church in Perry Georgia USA. This is another most practical, Biblical and easy to understand sermon, dealing with a most important topic – end time delusion. The Service begins at approximately 25 minutes, click on the link above.
Don’t miss the Watchmen’s Report below this preamble, Wayne is superb at using his hard won media gifts to pick out items that point to the soon coming return of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth for His Church. Don’t miss the departure.
Gibber! Gibber!
Wayne Edwards writes:
Dear Heritage Family and Friends,
The Bible repeatedly warns believers to be aware of those who seek to deceive us spiritually.
· In Matthew 7:15, Jesus said, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”
· In 2 Corinthians 11:13-15, the Apostle Paul said, “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness.”
So, while Satan has legions of demons in the world luring us away from the truth, he also has ministers of deception preaching in churches and teaching in seminaries. More often than not, these deceivers appear to be very religious, winsome, sincere, and devoted to God.
· In 1 Timothy 4:1-2, the Apostle Paul said, “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron.” This departure from the faith is called apostasy—the deliberate rejection of the truth of God’s Word and the full acceptance of Satan’s lie–a position from which there is no return.
These warnings were not written for unbelievers, but for believers, to warn us how easy it is to fall for the less-convicting, easy-believism lies of the evil one. His goal is to deflect us from the daily disciplines of discipleship to prevent progress toward spiritual maturity. The deceitful spirits attract us with a unique religious fad, a different gospel message, or even a new messenger, and one level of deception leads to another until we are captured in Satan’s web of deceit. This, if left unchecked, leads to apostasy, and then into strong delusion.
How can a strong, unsuspecting Christian allow Satan to deceive their heart so deeply that they abandon their faith?
· Refuse to learn the truth.
· Avoid reading The Word.
· Stay away from church.
· Reject the whole truth.
· Justify your sinful habits.
If you weren’t aware of the danger before, you are now: spiritual deception is around every corner. How serious are you about protecting yourself and your family from deception? It can’t wait. If you don’t take it seriously right now, then it’s too late. Know the Truth of God’s Word or fall victim to the king of lies. Our only protection against spiritual deception is constant prayer and a commitment to the truth of God’s Holy Word. Heed His warnings. It is possible to resist the deceiver and to live real in this age of deception.
In our second sermon in the series, “The Church Triumphant,” we will look at the subject of “Strong Delusion” – that deluding influence God will send upon those who refuse to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.
· The sermon may be viewed at
· The sermon will be available on our website and YouTube.
· The YouTube URL:
Thank you for forwarding these sermon study guides to those you think might be interested. We are encouraged by the response we’ve received from viewers worldwide.
Wayne J. and Linda J. Edwards
PO Box 766
Perry, GA 31069
By Wayne J. Edwards, January 4, 2025
My Fellow Watchmen,
Anyone who’s lived in the United States for the past fifteen years has witnessed a dramatic decline in all forms of religious faith, especially in terms of evangelical Christianity. According to an article in this edition of The Watchmen’s Report, the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest denomination in the U.S., has lost over three million members since 2006, and according to the author of the article, “there is no reason to think that will stop in the near future.”
In less than two decades, America’s transformation has been dramatic: We’re no longer a Christian society that has moved to secularism. We’re now a secular society moving rapidly toward paganism, and while we hope and pray that God will use the Trump administration to restore some sense of decency and decorum in our culture, it is not his purview or responsibility to bring about a revival in the Church. In other words, this is not the time for Christians to relax and hope that President Trump will be able to restore America’s Judaea Christian values
- This is the time for every Pastor to “preach the Whole Counsel of the Word of God,” calling God’s people to repentance and lost people to be saved.
- This is the time for every Church to abandon the man-centric, WOKE ways of worldly worship and return to the biblical definition of worshipping God in spirit and truth, with the whole family seated, singing, praying, and hearing God’s Word.
- This is the time for every Christian, whether a teacher, a doctor, a parent, or a student, to use their positions in life to voice their convictions in love without fear of intimidation and to show the world what it means to be called by God.
- This is the time for Christian men to forsake the foolishness of pride and machoism, assume their God-given position as the spiritual leaders of our culture, and teach their sons to be men of valor.
- This is the time for the women of God to renounce the slovenly way of life, learn what it means to be a Proverbs 31 woman in every way, and use their positional influence to teach their daughters how to be women of virtue.
Beloved, President Trump’s election has given Christians a window of opportunity like we haven’t had in many years. Let’s not waste it in our pursuit of a revival of nationalism. Instead, let’s humble ourselves before a holy God and allow Him to use us to spark a “Great Awakening” that will spread throughout the world and into future generations. This is our chance to make a significant impact, and we must seize it with hope and inspiration.
Linda and I pray that God will give you and your family a blessed new year. Thank you for forwarding these news stories and articles to those you think might be interested. PW
Wayne J. and Linda J. Edwards
PO Box 766
Perry, GA 31069