Many thanks to Shirley from England who has sent this statement, below, from the English Issachar Ministries. It is good to see a few Christian Ministries now addressing the questions surrounding the issue of mass forced “vaccinations”. It is a relatively short article but with many well researched links to explore. Maybe the floodgates are beginning to open and the truth is being exposed? Remember The Tribe of Issachar and understand the times as they did:
1 Chronicles 12:32
32 And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.
The statement follows, and more excellent links are listed below the full article.
Gibber! Gibber!
A State of Fear: How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic: Dodsworth, Laura: 9781780667201: Books Romans 13 and Covid 19: Knowledge, Warnings and Encouragement for the Church and World: Fuller, J.L.: 9781919622408: Books
From: Issachar Ministries UK <>
Sent: Wednesday, 2 November 2022, 16:12
Subject: Statement from Issachar Ministries UK Trustees
![]() Statement from Issachar Ministries Trustees: Covid-19 and the ‘vaccines1’ The role of an Issachar people has always been to be watchmen who understand the times and alert people to what is going on so that they can better decide what they ought to do. This includes reassessing advice and guidance previously given to see whether it still stands in the light of new evidence becoming available. We believe this is particularly the case regarding Covid-19 and the vaccines. When we were first alerted to a novel Coronavirus early in 2020, we were warned by international health and governmental organisations that the spread of the disease would lead to deaths comparable in magnitude to those experienced during a plague. This has since proved to be false. Given the unprecedented fear campaign and coercion, it is understandable that when the jabs were first announced, many sincere and believing Christians received them as a gift from the God who made us in His image, loves us and provides for our wellbeing. Almost two years later, the huge amount of new evidence that has become available to us makes such a position untenable. In particular, we know that the number of deaths or serious injuries leading to lasting damage from the Covid-19 virus is nowhere near as great as feared or predicted. Without diminishing the suffering of some, for the vast majority the disease presented only mild flu-like symptoms and is virtually non-existent in children.It is well known that these novel viral vector and mRNA jabs have not prevented transmission, nor stopped people from being infected with Covid, but rather have themselves been the cause of utterly unacceptable numbers of deaths, life-changing injuries, unexplained debilitating conditions and a huge volume of adverse reactions. This therefore raises the question about whether official statements concerning the safety and efficacy of these newly developed experimental ‘emergency use’ products were accurate. Each time one takes any medical intervention, the decision to do so must be down to that individual. Age, medical risk versus benefit and evidence enabling ‘full and informed consent’ are some of the factors that influence this decision. We are also free to stop taking an intervention or to decline the offer. Bodily autonomy, the freedom to choose what goes into our bodies is an important and well-established human right. Sadly, amongst the Christian community there was great division on this subject, even within families. People lost friends, their jobs, and were vilified and ostracised for refusing the jab and choosing to rely on their God-given immune systems. Let us pray for those who continue to suffer as a result of Covid-19 or the vaccine injuries, and especially those who are struggling with a sense of having been deceived. Let us ask for forgiveness for those times when we have allowed fear to drive us and not cast our cares on the Lord; Let us pray for healing of relationships so that we truly love one another as the Father has loved us; Let us pray for the Spirit of Discernment, Wisdom, Revelation and Understanding for the times we are in. Lord, thank you for your grace, please have mercy on us all. Regrettably, we believe the conventional relationship of trust and respect between government and the people has been sacrificed to a campaign which has elevated compliance over conscience, silenced debate, and, by the use of behavioural science and ‘nudge theory’, used fear as a tool to achieve its objectives. Armed with the uncomfortable realisation that being coerced into receiving a Covid-19 jab was just the first of many trials we may face in the months and years ahead, we must expect the weaponising of fear to continue undiminished. Let us be vigilant and alert, so that we are better prepared each time another deception rears its ugly head. Whatever decision we chose to make on this issue, our Lord clearly warned us that there would be great deception in the last days. Let us seek to be led by the Holy Spirit and live out our faith each day. The Bible gives us good instructions on how to deal with fear and we know that “Perfect love casts out fear”. 1 John 4:18. Our task is to share the good news of the Lord Jesus, and all that He has done for us, that His Kingdom of perfect peace, justice and righteousness is near, and that for all who love Him “…nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” Romans 8:39. The Lord is coming soon. Maranatha.[1] Experimental messenger RNA (mRNA) products which do not meet the traditional definition of a vaccine. We have provided a few links to videos, articles and books below for further information on the topics raised in this statement. Whilst we do not in any way intend to provide individual medical advice, some of the information here may be new to you. Safe and Effective, a Second Opinion Safe & Effective | Oracle Films Dr Tess Lawrie and Dr David Cartland – UK based doctors discuss the Covid saga A UK Based GP finally speaks out about Covid Saga – Dr Tess Lawrie with Dr David Cartland ( Closer Look at the Covid-19 Mortality Rate A Closer Look At The COVID Mortality Rate | ZeroHedge UK Consultant Cardiologist explains the findings of the research paper “Curing the pandemic of misinformation on Covid-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine” Dr. Aseem Malhotra who promoted COVID-19 vaccine on TV calls for its immediate suspension – YouTube Vaccines injuries finally get a hearing Thanks to Aseem Malhotra, MPs finally give vaccine dangers a hearing – The Conservative Woman Sir Christopher Chope MP in Parliament 24th October 2022 COVID VACCINES can be DANGEROUS – Sir Christopher Chope in Parliament – 2022-10-24 ( The British Medical Journal questions why the FDA have been silent on Covid-19 vaccine safety signals FDA urged to publish follow-up studies on covid-19 vaccine safety signals | The BMJ Maddie’s story RIGGED: MADDIE’S STORY ( Australian Teenager vaccine injury Australian teenager reaction to Covid Pfizer vaccine | Daily Mail Online Supplementary Written Evidence Submitted by Gillian Jamieson –Covid vaccines, treatments, mental health and the future Questions about health Treatment and Protocols for Post Vaccine I-RECOVER: Post-Vaccine Treatment – FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance ( Spike Protein detox guide Spike Protein Detox Guide — World Council for Health Early Covid-19 Treatment Guide Early Covid-19 Treatment Guide ( Books to Read ‘State of Fear’ – Laura Dodsworth explains how the UK government weaponised fear. A State of Fear: How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic: Dodsworth, Laura: 9781780667201: Books ‘Romans 13 and Covid 19’ by L J Fuller – ‘This unique timely book gives a comprehensive analysis and exposure of the deceptive dangers and errors entering the Church under coronavirus mandates and a clear biblical roadmap out of it’. Romans 13 and Covid 19: Knowledge, Warnings and Encouragement for the Church and World: Fuller, J.L.: 9781919622408: Books Issachar Ministries UK Bedford Heights Brickhill Drive Bedford MK41 7PH Office Tel.:0333 090 2187 Website: |