Pastor Wayne Edwards of Heritage Baptist Church, Perry GEORGIA, USA continues his sermon series on “How We should then Live”. This weeks sermon is entitled “Preparing for the Persecution”. To listen click the link above, the Service begins at approximately 21 minutes. The News clips illustrating the current fulfilment of Biblical prophecy are a must read, link at the end after the preamble.
Gibber! Gibber!
Dear Heritage Family and Friends,
As was evidenced in Paris recently, there is a blatant, brazen, and barefaced hostility against Christianity, and the hatred is growing stronger and more militant each day. As that Catholic Bishop said about the drag queens mocking the Lord’s supper, “We now know who their enemy is; they’re naming it, and we should believe them.”
Those who stood firm in their faith amid persecution, even to their death, had the roots of their faith planted deep in the truth of God’s Word and in the assurance of God’s love. Are you so grounded?
This week, as we continue our sermons from 1 Peter, entitled “How Should We Then Live,” our focus will be on preparing for the persecution.
· The sermon may be viewed at
· The live stream will begin Sunday at 10:00 AM.
· The sermon will be available on our website and YouTube.
Thank you for sharing these sermon study guides with those you believe might be interested. Because of your help, we now have viewers in all 50 states and 137 countries. We rejoice to see a growing number of viewers in Nigeria, where Christians face the most extreme persecution. According to Open Doors, 82% of the 4,988 Christians killed for faith-related reasons in 2023 occurred in Nigeria.
Wayne J. and Linda J. Edwards
PO Box 766
Perry, GA 31069
My Fellow Watchmen,
In Matthew 24:4, Jesus warned His followers, “Take heed that no man deceives you!” Jesus warned them to be aware of false claims and deceptive schemes. In 2 Timothy 3:13, the Apostle Paul included deception in his definition of “perilous times,” which are now here. Paul said, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.”
The only preventative for deception is discernment, which can only be found in the Holy Scriptures and under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Beloved, if there ever was a time when discernment was needed, it is now. The world in general, and America in particular, is under a cloud of deception. This is the age of deception, and while it has been evident for many years, the clouds of political deception increased dramatically in 2008. There are still many unanswered questions about the history of the Obamas’, but rather than answer them, we are told to stop with the conspiracy theories. There are millions of unanswered questions about the 2020 election, some of which are answered in this edition of the Watchmen News Report.
But my warning today is regarding these various “political polls.” Every major media outlet conducts its polls to reflect the status of the political horse race. However, to accurately reflect the attitude of the people, whether that is across the nation, in one geographical area, or among a specific group of people, the polls must be taken from a random sample, and the questions must be asked in a way that does not bias the answer. Trust me, the mainstream media does not follow those guidelines, which is why YOU CANNOT BELIEVE THEIR POLLS, and that includes the media that might favor our candidate.
The polls are only as accurate as the polling company conducting them and as honest as how they were performed. As this political season intensifies over the next few weeks, believing what we hear from the media today is to be DECEIVED. TURN IT OFF!!!!
Thank you for forwarding these news stories to those you think might be interested. We are adding new email addresses each week, and I’m very grateful for the increased interest. PW
Wayne J. and Linda J. Edwards
PO Box 766
Perry, GA 31069