Post Inaugural Observations From the UK and a Journey through Middle Earth

Some of my readers still have a problem grasping why news from overseas is so relevant to Australia. I think they are slowly changing there points of view as they grasp the new “global” standpoint. Shirley, from England, brings a refreshing perspective to the perception of changes the Trump win might bring in her country. It is heartening to see that England does have its own tenacious seekers after truth. I hope Peter Dutton shows some real bottle and dumps the WHO and “net zero”. Perhaps the human race has not lost all of its valour and honour, it would good to see this confirmed by a Trumpian Dutton.. Many thanks, Shirley, for your message of hope, a message badly needed downunder.
Gibber! Gibber!
Post Inaugural Observations From the UK and a Journey through Middle Earth
By Shirley 2025

By Shirley Edwards
[These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years. Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.]
If you stand very still in the heart of a wood
You will hear many wonderful things
The snap of a twig, the wind in the trees
And the whirr of invisible wings
The last five years has most certainly been a very big and intense lesson in attempting to decipher the genuine from the artificial.
Even if you have lived in a comfort zone of believing everyone in authority is somewhat honest and trustworthy; the thought of being leisurely or nonchalant in all your interactions, should have quite notably, not been an option.
From news reports, both mainstream and alternative; to media personalities, friendships, and family relationships, they have all undergone a litmus test of being very confusing and troubling seasons of who to trust and mis-trust, in a rapid and on-going succession through different world events which has exposed the deepest corruption imaginable.
From discovering evil agendas, listening to lying politicians, and living with others who are indifferent and trusting to everything they are fed, it has certainly created some sort of natural separation to everything. Has there been a good and a bad side to the whole experience?
Even amongst what some people call the ‘Truther’ movement, where people label others as asleep or awake, (like we really know what awake is) it is littered with a hierarchy of who is vehemently right or wrong, to who or what might be genuine, and who and what may be false, sometimes creating even more angst, frustration and confusion.
It’s been a minefield

With the inauguration of President Donald J Trump in the USA, it did not take long for some people in the UK who wanted the liberal left out, to start being extremely critical, rather than relieved for the American people and the world. It personally felt like a big attack on Hope after years of suffering liberal lies by people who do not have the best interests at heart for the lives of others.
I was personally reminded myself, by a good and knowledgeable friend in America, to effectively watch and wait. And quite rightly so. It bought me back to a place of balance.
Whilst I am absolutely loving this time in history for America and the world (it feels like the cavalry has arrived) and the promised actions which are now taking place, it is also wise to keep a healthy space of not knowing the ‘ultimate truth’ and always staying totally focused on God as the only reliable and stable mind, who is all seeing, and all knowing.
Too much trust as well as too much cynicism, can also be a dangerous poison which is being fed to us, when dealing with humanity.
We have been played and toyed with too many times. Built up and knocked down. It is sometimes wise to say “I really don’t know” whilst retaining a realistic but positive outlook anchored to that statement.
Somewhere along the line, learning to look inward and trust your own intuition, with what some people call, the still small voice, has been the only reliable source of sanity for some people in a crazy manufactured world, amidst the drama’s which are resulting in real life suffering.
Ultimately, and ‘hopefully’, this should lead you back to your own authenticity and your own discoveries and understanding, whilst retaining friendships where necessary; but phew, what a journey in finding balance, and a middle ground, and not falling into a dark black hole where no one at all can be trusted, and all Hope is lost.

Listening to Others
Recently I visited Ledbury in Herefordshire, a small historic market town near to the Malvern Hills, which is also known for where the authors C S Lewis and JR Tolkien once walked and talked together.

C.S. Lewis and J.R.R Tolkien
Many people believe their writings were all inspired by the surrounding countryside of Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Oxfordshire. It is indeed not difficult to imagine hobbits living in secret places in the hillsides as you also pass old fashioned street lamps, reminiscent in scenes from Narnia, where a light is always quietly flickering. Both authors seemed to have an understanding of the battles between good and evil, and knew that good endings are what people want and need.
The drive from Malvern to Ledbury is refreshing. Once over the Malvern Hills, the scenery opens up to rolling countryside, and far- reaching views, and the hustle and bustle of urban life quietly disappears.
Visit Ledbury – Ledbury Places
Real story of CS Lewis, JRR Tolkein and the Malvern connection | Worcester News
The person I went to listen to in Ledbury, was ex MP Andrew Bridgen who was expelled from the Conservative Party in April 2023, after criticizing the efficacy of the vaccines which were promoted and administered during 2020 to the present day. He has typically been called a ‘conspiracy theorist’

He has probably been one of the most outspoken politicians on many issues in the UK and especially on this particular issue. He has stood alone, with perhaps only one or two others in representing the voice of the people in parliament who were being silenced in their concerns.
He was also at the core of raising alarm bells about the Post Office Scandal, also known as the Horizon IT Scandal for many years, which recently came to light and was made into a TV drama series, by ITV, although his key involvement was not publicly acknowledged.
From its website, The ICO, (Information Commissioner’s Office) reports as follows:
“Described as the UK’s worst miscarriage of justice, at the heart of the scandal lay the Horizon computer system introduced by the Post Office in 1999. Personally pursued to pay back unexplained accounting errors, the effect on all the accused and their families was the most painful part of the scandal. Over 30 people died without ever seeing the accusations against them overturned”.
Information Commissioner’s Office – GOV.UK
In effect, the faulty IT Horizon computer software system developed by Fujitsu, resulted in hundreds of sub postmasters being falsely accused of fraud or imprisoned. Of the 30 people who died in the above statement, 4 of those people committed suicide.
Computer Weekly reports:
The human impact hearings were shocking, revealing the extreme suffering of people at the hands of the Post Office. Other phases have revealed that the Post Office had knowledge that the Horizon software had bugs when rolled out, prosecution witnesses changed their statements when prompted by the Post Office, and lawyers hid evidence during trials of sub postmasters because it would have made their prosecutions unsafe. It has also featured directors, politicians and civil servants who, whether deliberately or not, contributed to the cover-up.
Post Office Horizon scandal explained: Everything you need to know | Computer Weekly
Post Office Horizon scandal: ‘It’s broken people’s lives’ | Andrew Bridgen MP
Amongst people who are following independent media and news, Andrew Bridgen is probably trusted and also respected a lot more than MP Nigel Farage, from the Reform Party, who is a very outspoken critic on illegal immigration and also well known in the UK and America for leading the battle for the UK in exiting the EU, known as Brexit, and who was present at the inauguration of President Donald J Trump. The UK Prime Minister, Keir Starmer was excluded.
Below is an interview with Nigel Farage on a very recent mainstream programme since returned from America. It is interesting that it is now very friendly, where once in such interviews, he would be constantly interrogated and ridiculed.

Why is that?
Nigel Farage MP Speaks Out on Brexit, Trump & No. 10 Aspirations | This Morning
In my listening to Andrew Bridgen at Ledbury he appeared to be a very sincere man who has lost everything and had nothing to gain from speaking up, other than loving the truth, supported by having a history of fighting injustice.
Outside of the more well-known and bigger personalities across the globe, he has almost appeared like a voice in the wilderness.
He made an interesting statement in that when people shunned him or did not speak to him in the Houses of Parliament, it was mainly the house-keepers, and the catering staff who would come and give him words of encouragement.
Personally, I got the impression that most MPs are compromised, and he gave that impression.
He was very relatable in that he believed in God and also believed that truth always wins in the end.
There and Back Again
Travelling back from Ledbury, through the different shires, and from country life to city life, it became even clearer that to be objective can mean it is something in the message which is important, and that God uses good and bad people to deliver that message and to teach us discernment.
Authenticity and being genuine is the real deal.
Searching for it in others may not be as important as finding it and returned to it inside of ourselves.
Sending sincere congratulations to America and President Trump. His actions and his sense of positivity are certainly sending messages across the world.
Let’s see what happens next……….
If you stand very still and hold to your faith
You will get all the help that you ask;
You will draw from the silence
the things that you need,
Hope and courage and strength for your task.
Patience Strong.
© 2025 Shirley Edwards – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Shirley Edwards:\

Shirley was born and lives in Great Britain. She has always worked in administration, but has also taught and studied complimentary health. In administrative roles, she has worked within The Church of England. She also worked for some years as a volunteer within the hospice movement. Shirley has an interest in all health issues, loves the British countryside, and enjoys writing. She is thankful for talk radio and loves listening. Shirley has always been concerned about the loss of freedoms in her country, and also the demise of America, a country she loves for the original reasons on which it was founded. She believes in the Pursuit of Genuine Happiness
Visit Ledbury – Ledbury Places
Real story of CS Lewis, JRR Tolkein and the Malvern connection | Worcester News
Post office scandal | ICO
Post Office Horizon scandal: ‘It’s broken people’s lives’ | Andrew Bridgen MP
Post Office Horizon scandal explained: Everything you need to know | Computer Weekly
Andrew Bridgen – YouTube
Andrew Bridgen – Wikipedia
Nigel Farage MP Speaks Out on Brexit, Trump & No. 10 Aspirations | This Morning