Welcome back to Bud Hancock with some insightful comments on your human politics. Bud’s words should be carefully considered as you continue to be dazzled by the current events emanating from the White House. Chimpanzees seem to be able to get on all right just gibbering, but it seems human gibberish is always problematical.
Gibber! Gibber!
Politics and Truth – Oil and Water
By Bud Hancock
Have you ever tried to make oil and water mix? The two liquids are so very different in chemical makeup that mixing them is an exercise in futility: it just will NOT work. The same is true of Politics and Truth. Even though mankind has tried to make them combine for thousands of years, it has never worked, and it never will; the difference between them is just too great. Just as the water is trying to change, or dominate the oil and the oil is trying to change, or dominate the water, so the Truth is trying to change politics and politics is trying to change the Truth; thus the two butt heads constantly. Each one is desirous of holding power over the other, thus the political process is, or should be, known as the ultimate power struggle.
For more than nine years, I have pondered the conflict between politics and Truth, trying to see if there is any way they can ever be reconciled and provide a hybrid of truthful politics, or political Truth. My conclusion: Based on the definition of politics, as “the use of intrigue, machinations or strategy in obtaining any position of power or control, as in business, government etc.”, the human race is fated to live with this conundrum, at least until God decides to install Truth on the throne of this Earth and condemns politics to an eternal death.

I believe President Trump has done some wonderful things for our country in the past several weeks, making decisions that most Americans are in favor of, and which seem to benefit our nation as a whole; the moves to downsize our bloated monstrosity of a bureaucracy, the firing of unqualified, underqualified and overpaid useless bureaucrats, the closing down of useless agencies that do nothing but waste the wealth of this nation; these are ALL good things that he has initiated.
I base all my beliefs on what God has said; to do otherwise is to deny that God is the Creator of all things and therefore, the authority over all things. To ignore what He has said is to place oneself and one’s nation in a very dangerous place, and based on God’s word, Trump, in some respects, is totally missing the Big Picture, which displays the real truth about what is important and what is not. As a child, I was constantly in Church and heard the Word on an almost daily basis, but I never gave much thought to what was actually truth, I mean REAL truth, not just facts, and what was not. We are now in a time period when ignoring the TRUTH is pure folly and the result of that folly results in death.
When Donald Trump first ran for President in 2015, I was somewhat encouraged that he was a successful businessman and NOT a politician. It seemed to be the start of a very refreshing change in the US government. Thus, for several years, I labored under the assumption that Trump, being a businessman and NOT a politician, would bring something new to the DC theater.
But, I now admit that I was wrong in my assumptions about the man. Indeed, he was a successful businessman, but based on the definition of politics, he was ALSO a politician. His persona of being the quintessential “dealmaker” coupled with the many overt and covert maneuvers, tactics and strategies he must have used to attain such a level of success in business indicates that Trump WAS a “business politician” long before he ran for POTUS. Upon entering the political fray that led to his election in 2016, he became a “government politician”.

But, he seemed so different from the usual political critters in Congress and the DC bureaucracy. Why was that? Basically, unlike the DC swamp rat politicians, Trump was a “business politician” who actually knew how to run a successful business, as opposed to a “government politician”. His businesses nearly always made a profit and he maintained a level of profitability that kept his businesses from failure. He knew that you cannot be successful in business and run a deficit year after year, building up a huge unpayable debt. That could be due to the fact that he was working with his own money whereas government politicians have free rein to squander the public treasury, other peoples’ money, without becoming penniless themselves; on the contrary, they increase their personal wealth even as the nation goes bankrupt. That fact alone differentiates Trump from the others.
However, like it or not, Donald J. Trump is NOW a “government politician” and his entire existence is wrapped up in political maneuvering and making political deals. If I had to hazard a guess, I would say that the successes enjoyed by both businessmen and politicians provide a rush, a “political high” similar to what one gets from using certain drugs. The political high appears to make some changes in the way a person thinks about life, about success and, of course, about his legacy. This is perhaps now the situation we see unfolding with Trump.
I am reminded, often, of the words of President Franklin D. Roosevelt who said, “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” Based on the words of FDR, I must now realistically look at the recent election which placed Trump back into the White House from the Big Picture view, rather than just from the average American citizen’s perspective. As I stated earlier, I am encouraged, at least from the American perspective by the actions taken by him since he was inaugurated on January 20th. If Trump could remove himself totally from politics and be the POTUS basing his decisions on TRUTH and not POLITICS, I would almost be able to relax and think wonderful thoughts about the future.

Of course, I am not so naïve as to believe that, at least for the foreseeable future, politics can be removed from US Government policy decisions. We are still living in a fallen, corrupt world where politics, while being a foul, corrupt system in its entirety, is still the basic means by which both domestic and foreign policies are formulated and carried out. This presents a situation, especially for Bible-believing Christians, that brings much frequent frustration. Maybe this is not altogether a bad thing since the frustration, persecution, trials and affliction we, as Christians experience, tends to make us rely on our belief that God, the creator of all things, is in control, even though the news we hear and see every day says otherwise. I am reminded of the words of Paul in Corinthians 4:17-18:
“For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal”.
I AM so naïve as to believe, as I hope other believers are, that we are so very close to the appearance of Jesus to take us all to the glorious home He has been preparing for us while He judges this corrupt world. That belief makes the words of Paul in the verse above ring all the more true and comforts us with the knowledge that TRUTH is eternal while politics is, thankfully, only temporal.

I am aware that many politicians have, for decades, wanted to be the one man who brought peace to the Middle East, and many assumed that, due to their success in other arenas, they could possibly be “the one” who could actually accomplish what no man, or even nation, has accomplished in the last 77 years, and indeed, in the last 4000 years. If the motives for their publicly stated desire to achieve peace were just that, there could be little doubt of their sincerity. However, knowing the human heart is a very difficult, if not impossible thing. Multiple human politicians, including POTUS Donald Trump, have desired to win that elusive Nobel Peace Prize, much as actors desire to win an Oscar for their stage performances, that egotistical, pride-driven dream of being “the person” who actually brought peace between the Jews and the Arabs, desiring this to be their “legacy”, that elusive peace will only be accomplished by THE MAN Christ Jesus, and any serious attempt to make it happen outside of God’s choice of His only Son, the MAN Christ Jesus, and in His timing, will not only fail, and fail spectacularly, it will result in the deaths of many humans.
Realistically, Trump the politician, though still a brilliant businessman and deal maker, is now a politician and will always be one. I opened this article praising some of the decisions made by Trump since January 20, 2025, specifically the domestic changes he is bringing to the American government, but as a politician, he is most decidedly missing The Big Picture as I see it. That is the perspective that encompasses the land of Israel, and especially Jerusalem, as its center point. After all, nowhere in the Bible does it say that God placed His name on Washington, DC or New York City, or Los Angeles or any other city in America, or any other city in any other nation. I am not saying that God has no use for those cities, or for the many millions of people who live in them; quite the contrary since God loves all people and wants them all to repent and accept the love He showed to the world when He sent Jesus to bear our sins.
But we must remain constantly aware of the fact that, as the chosen Earthly people, God has already designated the events directly affecting the Jewish people that must yet occur before He returns as the King of Kings to establish His Earthly Kingdom with His throne in Jerusalem. Even though He is not dealing with Israel as a nation yet, He still has much dealings with the Jewish people that will only occur when the Church has been removed from the earth, and when the Tribulation Period, Daniel’s 70th Week, the time of Jacob’s trouble, has started. In the meantime, He is working both visibly and behind the scenes to position the nations that He will use in judging not only Israel, but all the nations of the world, and these “positioning events” must occur. Unfortunately, what some people, many Christians included, fail to realize is that God does NOT need their help to make those events happen. If specific nations are determined by God to be of assistance to Israel, then so be it. Those nations will be rewarded for their obedience to God’s commands for them and those nations that work against the Jewish people will also receive their just rewards (Matthew 25:31-46).

It would be wise for the nation’s so-called leaders to keep in mind the promises God has made to the Jewish people, to either bless or curse them depending on their actions. It is also advisable to remember the promises God has made to the Gentile nations regarding their treatment of the Jewish people, the offspring of Abraham. Those who bless Israel will in turn, be blessed, but those who disrespect or curse Israel will be cursed and destroyed (Genesis 12:1-3).
God considers the treatment given to the Jews, whether good or bad, the same as the treatment given to His Own Son, and both the rewards and judgments of all the nations will be based on this irrefutable fact.
If God has chosen this nation, the United States of America, to be a help to the Jewish people, as I believe He has, then it is incumbent on us to follow through on God’s wishes in blessing the Jewish people (Genesis 12:1-3). As POTUS, and the elected leader of this nation, Donald Trump has many heavy responsibilities, chiefly fulfilling his Constitutional duties to protect the American people from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. He will be judged by the American electorate, but more importantly, by God for his success or failure in that respect.
However, as an ally of the State of Israel, as a nation founded on Judeo-Christian principles and as the nation that, alone among the nations of the world, has defended her many times and has sworn to be ready to align with Israel against all her enemies, this entire nation will be judged by God for their success or failure on that front. While any failure on Trump’s part to uphold the U.S. Constitution may bring domestic problems for the nation’s people, the failure of the US to protect and defend Israel, or even worse, to actively work against her in the shadows, has the potential to bring total destruction, annihilation, to this entire nation. The leaders of the Gentile nations should also recall that God is NOT mocked; whatsoever a man (or a nation) sows, that is what he (or the nation) will reap (Galatians 6:7).

What are the names of Israel’s air defense systems? Iron Dome, David’s Sling, Arrow 2 and Arrow 3.
Only time will tell if the man elected POTUS a few months ago is truly a friend of Israel and a man chosen by God to defend her in her greatest moment of need. If his decisions regarding Israel are based on a love for the Jewish people and the nation of Israel, rather than a human, ego-driven desire to win a “useless peace prize” awarded by a group of flawed humans who have never themselves produced peace anywhere, then we may be able to rest more easily and just simply watch God do what God does best. Our prayers should be for God to guide President Trump as he makes such critical, life or death decisions that could either bring blessing to America and thus the world, or potentially judgment and destruction.
The decisions made by nations to bless Israel and the Jewish people are based on TRUTH; everything else is simply POLITICS, and the two, like oil and water, do not mix.\
Maranatha and Blessings!
Bud Hancock

Born and raised in a small textile town in North Carolina, Bud’s family moved to Michigan in the hope of finding better employment with General Motors. After graduating from high school, Bud began an apprenticeship with General Motors to become a Metal Modelmaker. Retiring after a 30 year career, which included an eight year stint as a Metrologist (Science of high precision measurement), he and his wife moved back to North Carolina to be near his elderly parents. Shortly thereafter, with both of his parents having passed, he began a new career in the bank security/ATM business, advancing from an entry level technician to one of two North Carolina customer service managers for his employer. Retiring again after 13 years, he and his wife of 51 years relocated to Tennessee where Bud began writing articles emphasizing Biblical teaching and geopolitical issues. At age 75, he and his wife relocated to South Carolina with their Miniature Schnauzer, Baxter. Bud continues to study God’s word and write articles on Christian living and geopolitical issues from the Biblical end times perspective.
All true, and we will have to wait and see. Bud is right, and although many things that he’s doing are fabulous, there are huge questions regarding GAZA and Stargate. Time will tell.
Thank you Kelleigh! We live in extraordinary times! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
Thanks Bud. Another thoughtful commentary on your POTUS and connections with Israel.
As a very interested Australian observer of Trump, I see a man who not only possesses enormous power and influence…but he wields it knowingly, and with massive self-confidence (arrogance??).
Because of his charismatic, fearless character and his claim to at least being a lover of God’s Word, I want to watch him carefully in his dealings with Israel.
We know that a certain yet-to-be-disclosed character (mentioned in the Bible) will lure Israel into his confidence so much that he might well encourage/ enable them to re-build their Temple.
Trump is a unique and fascinating man. I’m keen to see what becomes of him in the next couple of years.
Thank you Paul, most encouraging! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley