I continue with part two of Dr Archie Kalokerinos’ eye opening article explaining his findings about the effects of vaccines in the Aborigines in the 1970’s. Thank you to all those who wrote in regarding part one. Thanks again to Jacquie and her friend who sent this to me.
Gibber! Gibber!
Dr Kalokerinos ended part one with these words:
But this is fairly typical of my work really that other doctors for some reason seemed to go around with their heads in the sand…

International Vaccine Newsletter (IVN): … and there is plenty of sand in Australia…
Kalokerinos: Plenty! A few months later I was in America when President Ford was about to vaccinate the entire population of America, every man, woman and child, black, white and brindle against swine flu, because some idiot had told him there was going to be a massive epidemic that was going to kill millions of people. And my views received considerable publicity. In fact I ended up appearing on Catty Cosby’s television program, and I said it would be mass murder and I specifically described how people who had heart problems could drop dead. There was a man watching the programme in New York who did not like a particular gentleman by the name of Gambino. Gambino was 69 years old and a mafia boss. He thought this is a great idea. So he got someone to persuade Gambino to have his flu shot and Gambino promptly dropped dead. The heading of the newspapers went something like “Mafia flu jab conspiracy”. It was fairly obvious that the person who advised Gambino knew what would happen or was hoping that Gambino would drop dead.

It caused a hell of a row. But President Ford said “I’ll settle all this”, and he called a special news conference and in front of the whole of America rolled up his sleeve and had his shot Now there is no doubt he did not have swine flu vaccine. They would not have given it to him, no way! But then he invited all the news media people that were there to line up and have theirs. Only one man volunteered and he was the White House press secretary, the rest refused to have it. And of course the other part of the story, which is history now, is that people started to sue or drop dead in the buildings where they had received their injections. There have been several huge settlements, I think they are still going on now, haven’t finally been settled yet. President Ford passed a special act in Congress so that you couldn’t sue the manufacturers of the vaccine, you had to sue through the government.
So that was another thing. But I think the most serious event was really in the early seventies. I was in London and I heard they were going to vaccinate all the children of Africa against measles and the entire black population against smallpox. I knew the way they would carry out these campaigns and I knew that they would not use clean needles. I went to the BBC in London and tried to get on a programme with my views but of course they would not do it. And what I forecast happened. They did use dirty needles, they spread viral infections from one person to another and they continued to spread these viral infections in the vaccination needles for years. And of course that is how AIDS spread so rapidly in Africa. AIDS did not spread so rapidly in the black population of Africa simply because truck drivers were having sex with prostitutes and then giving it to their wives. Certainly that happened, but it did not explain the explosive outbreak of AIDS. AIDS was carried by dirty needles.

I will tell the story how I read the 1993 special edition of Scientific American. It is a prestigious scientific journal. September 1993 – a special edition on Immunology. There is a leading article in that journal about Sir Gustav Nossal the famous Australian so called medical authority. He says what a wonderful thing these vaccines are in third world countries, because the kids no longer die from polio or diphtheria. And to illustrate his point he has got a full colour page photograph of a Nigerian infant being vaccinated, and you would not believe it, using a non-disposable needle! This is in a country where the incidence of AIDS is terribly high, hepatitis B and you name it… There is no way you can sterilise these needles efficiently in practice. If I did that that sort of procedure at home in Australia I would be instantly deregistered and probably even jailed. Now why the … (I was going to swear because it really makes me angry) are they allowing to continue this sort of practise in places like Africa just because they are blacks. I wrote a letter to several sources after reading that article and I said it was murder and genocide. And it is, but no one would print it. Now this is the worst state of affairs in this vaccine business today, where in Africa they are still using non-disposable needles for the vaccines. Now I ask you a simple question: would you go to Africa and receive a vaccine under those conditions? You would have to be off your head! I saw one patient who was touring around Africa and there was an epidemic of some sort of disease. They advised him to be vaccinated, so he was vaccinated. They used a dirty needle and gave him AIDS. He did not know he had it, came home and gave it to his wife and they are both dead! White Australians. Now, I don’t know what people are going to do but I think if we tolerate this sort of situation in Africa then we are guilty of some pretty terrible crime against humanity.

IVN: Are you suggesting that if they use clean, disposable needles there is not so much of a problem?
Kalokerinos: Well, of course, at least they would not be spreading disease in that fashion. I do not think they should vaccinate the kids anyway, and I can show some slides about measles and how they misrepresented the situation in Africa. You cannot immunise sick children, malnourished children, and expect to get away with it. You’ll kill far more children than would have died from the natural infection. There are other ways to deal with things like measles. If they gave them intramuscular or perhaps intravenous injections of vitamin C and a bit of other nutritional support then you can virtually forget about nine tenths of your problems. I would not say all of them because a lot of these kids are so sick and so malnourished, I mean, they are like vegetables and nothing is going to save them, let us face up to it. But the ordinary child who gets measles, even the child with a moderate degree of malnutrition and so forth, if you give intravenous vitamin C supplementary to other forms of treatment, the response very often, not always, is absolutely dramatic If you get them early enough. You must get them early. If you delay, and they have been unconscious let us say for days, or a day or two, you cannot reverse it. The damage is permanent. If you get them early, give them this treatment and there is no problem. And that makes me very, very angry, because they talk about “Oh, we must stop these kids getting measles” and so forth. Well, all right, I can fix them if they get measles.
IVN: What about oral vitamin C as a preventive measure?
Kalokerinos: As a preventive measure, yes. But when they get sick like that, they have to have it intravenously. Or, sometimes if they are not all that sick, you can get away with intramuscular shots, but really it has to be intravenously. I have witnessed dozens and dozens of times how kids sick from virus infections, how their responses are dramatic. Once again with the proviso, a very important proviso, that you get them early.
IVN: So what is your final conclusion from your experience after so many years?
Kalokerinos: My final conclusion after forty years or more in this business is that the unofficial policy of the World Health Organisation and the unofficial policy of ‘Save the Children’s Fund and almost all those organisations is one of murder and genocide. They want to make it appear as if they are saving these kids, but in actual fact they don’t. I am talking of those at the very top. Beneath that level is another level of doctors and health workers, like myself, who don’t really understand what they are doing. But I cannot see any other possible explanation: It is murder and it is genocide. And I tell you what: when the black races really wake up to what we have done to them they are not going to thank us very much. And if you want to see what harm vaccines do, don’t come to Australia or New Zealand or any place, go to Africa and you will see it there.
Every Second Child by Archie Kalokerinos

Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame
Inducted 2009
“Any attempt to adequately write about Archie Kalokerinos would need a thousand pages and would incorporate many such adjectives as: far-sighted, intelligent, sensible, observant, honest, caring, altruistic, congenial, meticulous, brave, dogged, intrepid, and last but not least, the trite, but well-deserved, ‘great.’”
-Oscar Falconi (Author The Miracle of Vitamin C)
Archie Kalokerinos was born in Glenn Innes, Australia, in 1927 and took his MD degree from Sydney University in 1951. He was appointed Medical Superintendent of the hospital at Collarenebri, Australia, where he served until 1975. His practice is based on Linus Pauling’s theory that many diseases result from excessive free radicals and can accordingly be prevented or cured by vitamin C.
Kalokerinos is well known worldwide as the doctor who spent much of his time fighting for the well-being of the Aboriginal inhabitants of Australia. He became very concerned about the high death rate of Aboriginal children in New South Wales and came to the conclusion that the infants had symptoms of scurvy, a deficiency of vitamin C. In his ground-breaking book, Every Second Child, he discovered that the an acute vitamin C deficiency provoked by the vaccinations was the reason why, at a certain point, up to half of the vaccinated Aboriginal infants died. Instead of being rewarded for this lifesaving observation, Kalokerinos was harassed and his methods were disregarded by the authorities, probably because they were too simple, too cheap and too efficacious to be accepted by the vested interests of modern medicine. And, besides, they were meant to protect a population which, in its own native country, is regarded by some as not worth taking the trouble for anyway. Dr. Kalokerinos, however, thought differently, and the Nobel prize winner Linus Pauling, (who wrote the foreword to Every Second Child) endorsed his views.
Kalokerinos is a Life Fellow of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health, of the International Academy of Preventive Medicine, of the Australasian College of Biomedical Scientists, of the Hong Kong Medical Technology Association, and a Member of the New York Academy of Sciences. In 1978 he was awarded the AMM (Australian Medal of Merit) for outstanding scientific research. He is an author of 28 papers listed in PubMed. He retired from full time practice in 1993 and spent most of his time doing private research until his death in 2012.
2 thoughts on “PLENTY OF SAND Pt 2”
I love this. I have his book and have followed him.
That is very good confirmation Dianne, I had not heard of him until Jacquie sent this article through. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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