This monkey had not heard about Dr Kalokerinos, until Jacquie sent this article to me via a friend of my Blog. I am sure my readers will be as astonished as I am about the conclusions, concerning certain vaccinations that came to be made by the late Doctor so many years ago. Thank you Jacquie for your pursuit, and interest in, truth. Part two is yet to come.
Gibber! Gibber!
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Dr. Archie Kalokerinos on Vaccinations

Interview—- International Vaccine Newsletter June 1995
Part one
The late Dr. Kalokerinos was a well known doctor worldwide who spent much of his time fighting for the wellbeing of the Aboriginal inhabitants of Australia. He is so much appreciated for his work and for his engagements that many, lovingly, call him ‘Archie’. He wrote down his experiences in the masterpiece “Every Second Child”. Instead of being rewarded for doing so, he was harassed and his methods were disregarded by the authorities, probably because they were too simple, too cheap and too efficacious to fit modem medical standards. And, besides, they were meant to protect a population which, in its own native county, is regarded by some as not worth taking the trouble for anyway. Dr. Kalokerinos thought differently. He pinpointed the increase in vaccination campaigns as the reason why, at a certain point, up to half of the vaccinated Aboriginal infants died, obviously from an acute vitamin C deficiency provoked by the vaccination.
IVN: Dr. Kalokerinos you started off as a convinced vaccinator when you were working with the Aboriginees, but then things happened. What have been your experiences with vaccinations?
Kalokerinos: At first it was just a simple clinical observation. I observed that many infants, after they received routine vaccines like tetanus, diptheria, polio, whooping cough or whatever, became ill. Some became extremely ill, and in fact some died. It was an observation, It was not a theory. So my first reaction was to look at the reasons why this happened. Of course I found it was more likely to happen in infants who were ill at the time of receiving a vaccine, or infants who had been ill recently, or infants who were incubating an infection. Of course in the early stages of incubation there is no way whatsoever that anyone can detect the disease. They turn up later on. Furthermore, some of the reactions to the vaccines were not those that were listed in the standard literature.

They were very strange reactions indeed. A third observation was that with some of these reactions which normally resulted in death I found that I could reverse them by giving large amounts of vitamin C intramuscularly or intravenously. One would have expected, of course, that the authorities would take an interest in these observations that resulted in a dramatic drop in the death rate of infants in the area under my control, a very dramatic drop. But instead of taking an interest their reaction was one of extreme hostility. This forced me to look into the question of vaccination further, and the further I looked into it the more shocked I became. I found that the whole vaccine business was indeed a gigantic hoax. Most doctors are convinced that they are useful, but if you look at the proper statistics and study the instance of these diseases you will realise that this is not so.
I think the most obvious example of the harm that vaccines can do is demonstrated by what happened in 75-76. I received a phone call from a politician who was elected to a position where he had some responsibility for Aboriginal health in the Northern Territory. This man had, in fact, been a patient of mine. He was concerned because the infant death rate in the Northern Territory had doubled in one year, and looked as if it was going to double again. There was no obvious explanation. I knew the Northern Territory fairly well, in fact I had walked over a lot of it, and could not see how this could be explained. I thought about it a lot, and as I traveled around the world I talked to people about it and asked questions and looked for advice. I came back to Australia and I went out to visit my mother, and staying with my mother at the time was my youngest brother who was a medical student, and he had with him a fellow medical student. I sat down with them and discussed the problem again, and I went through every factor that I new that could be responsible for making a child sick and resulting in a death. And one of the things that I did know a little bit about, not a lot then but I had some experience, was the fact that under certain circumstances these vaccines could be very dangerous. And I didn’t mention it. And when I finished I went into my car and I drove towards the city where I was staying at a hotel. Halfway there it just hit me like a bomb.

When this politician rang me up he said in an endeavor to improve the Aboriginal mortality we stepped up the vaccination campaigns. And that is what had done it. They were actually immunising sick kids. The next day I took off by plane to go to the Northern Territory and I was excited by the realisation that at last I had the answer to the problem, but I was naturally concerned because I did not know how to communicate it. Well I went to the Northern Territory. No one would listen to me, I was regarded as a total utter redbag. But I found that they were visiting the reservations, the outlying camps of Aborigines in the desert, and if for some reason a mother didn’t want her child to be vaccinated they would simply grab the child and forcibly vaccinate it. I saw them chasing them on foot, and chasing them in Land Rovers and grabbing the kids and vaccinating them. Now, a lot of these kids were terribly sick. They were malnourished and everything else. And if they survived the first vaccine, In a few weeks they would come back with booster shots. And then with more and more, and then they would come around with polio shots and so forth. It is a wonder that any kid survived really, not that the death rate had just doubled. It is a wonder that any one survived.
So it was a pretty grim sort of situation, and it has never really been fully corrected.
The other thing of interest is that in 1977-78 there was an epidemic of a very peculiar disease in Naples, Italy. They called it the dark disease of Naples where infants and children would suddenly become unconscious without any special reason and autopsies would not really reveal a cause. Now this was just the sort of trouble I saw amongst Aboriginees. So, to make a long story short I went over with a “60 minute” television team, and we found that two thirds of the infants and children had upper respiratory tract infections, but one third of them had just been recently vaccinated with triple antigen including whooping cough vaccine. So my advice to the Italian doctors was to give the children vitamin C intravenously and to stop using the whooping cough vaccine. It was a peculiar situation because they would never admit as to whether or not they had given them the vitamin C. But I do know that they stopped using the whooping cough vaccine, because parents that I spoke to from Italy over the next four, five or even ten years told me that they could not obtain triple antigen for their children. They could only get the diphtheria and tetanus portion of the vaccine. This terrible, strange disorder has never recurred since I so there was a connection.
Perhaps the most infamous connection was when I was working up in the Gulf country of Australia and Cape York in 1976 and I observed in some Aboriginal communities where the Health department came around and vaccinated them against a particular brand of flu, that a lot of them just dropped dead shortly after receiving the vaccine. And I went to Alman, a man who was in his early twenties, and I flew the bodies across to Cairns at the coast where the autopsies were performed, and apparently they had had heart attacks. And I had some further experiences in Town shall, a few weeks later, particularly with diabetics. Now it was strange that I was the only doctor in the whole of b***dy Australia that recognised this combination of events, and yet it was happening all over Australia. But this is fairly typical of my work really that other doctors for some reason seemed to go around with their heads in the sand…
IVN: … and there is plenty of sand in Australia…

Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame
Inducted 2009
“Any attempt to adequately write about Archie Kalokerinos would need a thousand pages and would incorporate many such adjectives as: far-sighted, intelligent, sensible, observant, honest, caring, altruistic, congenial, meticulous, brave, dogged, intrepid, and last but not least, the trite, but well-deserved, ‘great.’”
-Oscar Falconi (Author The Miracle of Vitamin C)
Archie Kalokerinos was born in Glenn Innes, Australia, in 1927 and took his MD degree from Sydney University in 1951. He was appointed Medical Superintendent of the hospital at Collarenebri, Australia, where he served until 1975. His practice is based on Linus Pauling’s theory that many diseases result from excessive free radicals and can accordingly be prevented or cured by vitamin C.
Kalokerinos is well known worldwide as the doctor who spent much of his time fighting for the well-being of the Aboriginal inhabitants of Australia. He became very concerned about the high death rate of Aboriginal children in New South Wales and came to the conclusion that the infants had symptoms of scurvy, a deficiency of vitamin C. In his ground-breaking book, Every Second Child, he discovered that the an acute vitamin C deficiency provoked by the vaccinations was the reason why, at a certain point, up to half of the vaccinated Aboriginal infants died. Instead of being rewarded for this lifesaving observation, Kalokerinos was harassed and his methods were disregarded by the authorities, probably because they were too simple, too cheap and too efficacious to be accepted by the vested interests of modern medicine. And, besides, they were meant to protect a population which, in its own native country, is regarded by some as not worth taking the trouble for anyway. Dr. Kalokerinos, however, thought differently, and the Nobel prize winner Linus Pauling, (who wrote the foreword to Every Second Child) endorsed his views.
Kalokerinos is a Life Fellow of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health, of the International Academy of Preventive Medicine, of the Australasian College of Biomedical Scientists, of the Hong Kong Medical Technology Association, and a Member of the New York Academy of Sciences. In 1978 he was awarded the AMM (Australian Medal of Merit) for outstanding scientific research. He is an author of 28 papers listed in PubMed. He retired from full time practice in 1993 and spends most of his time doing private research.