A very warm welcome back to Cherie Zaslawsky. Please read Cherie’s updated biography at the end of her article, where she explains her wish to write more if readers can find funds to support her efforts, via substack – a most worthy cause, this monkey thinks. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley The Firebombing of Maui: Part One Cherie Zaslawsky The recent conflagration in Maui’s Lahaina Town shocked the nation. Some have called it an act of war—if so, one might argue that it has a predecessor. Although the Allies in World War II clearly needed to stop Hitler and to aid Russia in…
Because I am known for being a Thinking Chimp, this article from appeals to me. If you humans did some more properly informed thinking you would nor be in the mess you now find yourselves in. The author’s biography can be accessed by clicking on his name – Robert Carter. Make sure you subscribe to Creation Magazine and arm yourselves to resist the devil’s attacks: Gibber! Gibber! Chugley Teaching people how to think —and to not reject good science! by Robert Carter At CMI, our academic staff spends most of their time writing and speaking on scientific and theological…
Wayne Edwards continues his series “Follow the Lamb” at the time of writing I am unable to download the link, Telstra are servicing the system. It should be possible to access the service and the news clips form the Heritage website, the link is below in Pastor Wayne’s introduction. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley PASTOR WAYNE WRITES: September 16, 2023 Dear Heritage Family and Friends, Sunday evening, at 6:00 PM, we will continue our sermon series, “Follow the Lamb,” tracing the types, examples, and illustrations of the Lamb of God in the Old Testament. In our next sermon, we will look at…
Welcome back to Mike Claydon and his well informed Israel Report. Don’t forget, Israel is God’s time clock and the ticking is increasing in tempo. stay alert! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley How long shall the wicked triumph? Editorial’ We now live in an epoch unknown and remarkable to any other generation that has inhabited this planet. The technology alone is witness to that. We can fly around the world in hours, orbit the earth from space, communicate over ten’s of thousands of miles in seconds, survey minute objects from hundreds of satellites, engineer the weather, and digitalise just about everything. If…
Last week, in our study of selected scriptures in ‘The Writings of Daniel’, we examined The Babylonian Kingdom – ‘The Head of Gold’ (Daniel 2:38b) in King Nebuchadnezzar’s Image. This week, we are focusing on ‘The Breast and Arms of Silver’ of Nebuchadnezzar’s Image (Daniel 2:32). This subsequent kingdom was The conqueror of The Babylonian Kingdom (539 B,C,E.), The Kingdom of The Medes and The Persians. The Medo-Persian Empire was ruled initially for two years by Darius The Mede, Cyaxares II, and then by Cyrus The Persian and his descendants. The mighty Median kingdom’s last king was Cyaxares II, Darius…
Many of my readers struggle with accepting the Biblical account that the earth is young – around 6,000 years in fact. Bishop Ussher worked this out in the 1600’s and modern observations confirm the good Bishop’s work. The major stumbling block is the carbon dating method, used by modern man, to calculate the age of various physical items – such as rocks and fossils. This article addresses these anomalies in an easy to grasp format. The biography of the writer is accessible by clicking on his name. Make sure you keep yourself informed by subscribing to Creation Magazine, clock below:…
Bud was very encouraged by the response to his first article. Here is part two which should answer the questions raised in some minds by part one. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley The Body of Christ – Part Two By Bud Hancock What Does It Mean To BE The Body Of Christ? I must assume that, even as there are many religious denominations whose beliefs on every aspect of Christianity vary greatly, there will also be much disagreement on what the Body of Christ really means and what bearing that understanding should have on our conduct as Christians. Jesus had a very…
Bud Hancock brings you another article, in two parts, considering the Body of Christ. Here is the first part, the second should appear tomorrow. Bud considers these two amongst the most important articles he has ever written, thank you Bud for sharing them with my readers. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley The Body of Christ – Part One By Bud Hancock Introduction I‘ve heard the term, “Body of Christ”, used by many preachers, teachers, commentators and authors, and generally, their use of the term seems to refer to the Christian Church in general on this earth, but let me clarify that by…
FOLLOW THE LAMB Pastor Wayne continues his series of Sermons and complements this with some hard hitting News Clips. Click the link above, the Service begins at approximately 15 minutes. The News Clips follow below. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley PASTOR WAYNE WRITES: September 9, 2023 Dear Heritage Family and Friends, Sunday evening, at 6:00 PM, we will continue our sermon series, “Follow the Lamb,” tracing the types, examples, and illustrations of the Lamb of God in the Old Testament. In Genesis 3:15, God promised Satan that one day the “seed” of Eve would crush the Serpent’s head! God also promised Adam and Eve,…