This monkey was horrified to learn that many “scientists” censor Non-Darwinian Theories. I have long believed that most, it not all, of your human problems stem from rejecting God, and His Word, the Bible.
You just must subscribe to Creation magazine and keep informed. You can also receive daily update InfoBytes, such as this, featured above. From only $32 a year, for 4 glorious full colour issues, it must be the best value magazine on the market! It also makes a great present that repeats for a whole year and could save a soul!
Gibber! Gibber!
2 thoughts on “MUMMY WAS I CREATED?”
Beautiful magazine. Open your mind to logical conclusions.
Yes, people are crazy not to take it. Inoculate yourself against the word’s deceptions…Great articles for kids in there also, fantastic pictures to top it off! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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