The Love of Money – Part Five
The Love of Money, and the ‘Politics Connection’
Is there a connection between The Love of Money and politics? To know the answer to this question, one must know more about ‘politics’. One dictionary defines politics as: “The use of underhanded crafty schemes, plots, intrigues and deceitful plans, methods, or series of maneuvers (machinations and intrigue) in obtaining any position enabling one to do or act (power), providing the capability of control, domination or command (control) as in business or government, etc. I highlighted the words “power or control” since this seems to be what modern politics is truly all about, especially in the USA. Frank Herbert once said, “Power attracts the corruptible. Absolute power attracts the absolutely corruptible.”
When a person of low, or no, moral character or values, is given power, or authority, such as that which goes along with most elected positions, especially at the Federal level in our country, that person will become a thief. When the practice of thievery becomes habitual in that person’s life, the result will usually be a ‘seared conscience’.
The practice of politics, or the desire for power or control, in the ‘modern age’, is very expensive, since it involves the use of the modern media to achieve the desired results, i.e., the spreading of ideas, information or rumors intended to influence the way people think and therefore the decisions they make. One dictionary defines these ideas and information as ‘propaganda’. History has shown that propaganda is used by corrupt politicians to keep ordinary citizens in the dark as to their true motives and agenda (the gathering of more wealth and power), and their tactics (lies and deception).
Because of the expense involved, money is critical to a successful political campaign of any kind, especially in the US federal government. It is recorded that, in the 1896 campaign for POTUS, Mark Hanna, the campaign manager for William McKinley, stated: “There are two things that are important in politics. The first is money, and I can’t remember what the second one is.” How interesting that he did NOT make a connection between politics and the importance of moral standards or ethics.
So, the connection between a successful political campaign and large amounts money is certainly nothing new. The desired result of any such campaign is to make people think the way you want them to think, and therefore make decisions based on the information you provide them. If successful, the result is a population under the power and control of the campaign managers. In government, this places the entire population, to some extent, under the power of the politicians who are elected to “representative office”.
The amount of money used for a successful political campaign is mind-boggling, and seemingly wasteful, to most Americans. However, to the power-hungry politician, it is only a pittance since the power and control gained from winning elections places the politician in a position to appropriate even more money in the direction he, or she, wants. It is not surprising then that so much of the ‘appropriated funds’ end up in the hands of the “so-called” elected representatives, rather than going to benefit the citizens from whom most of the funds originate in the form of taxes. The cycle of corrupt politics continues when politicians realize that they can gain even more riches by using public funds to get themselves re-elected for many years. This allows them to continue to gain more power and control over the citizens of a nation, so it is no surprise that most “career politicians” leave office (finally) as multimillionaires.
The immoral politician establishes a behavioral pattern of using money to gain and maintain control over people.
The love of power/control is fed by the love of money and vice-versa. Those who desire to “control” the lives of others and have “power” over them are suffering from the evil of avarice, or greed. It is not enough for them to merely be in control of their own lives, but, they also have such high opinions of themselves that they feel they are fully qualified to control others as well. They usually use the money gained through their greed/love of money to accomplish the desired control.
I have heard it said that “money is the currency of power, and power is the currency of politics”. To break it down even further, in politics, power is ‘bought’ with money and once that power is gotten, it is the currency that is used to maintain a political; status. The connection between money and politics is, therefore, the love of money in conjunction with the love of power and control.
This could easily be a great dictionary definition of the love of money, or as Paul stated it, avariciousness/greed, as used by him in his first letter to Timothy. Since Paul clearly said that the love of money is the root of all evil, and the political process actually subsists on the love of money and power, it stands to reason that the end result of politics is, for the most part, evil.
The argument could be made that there are some good results from politics, such as programs that benefit segments of the citizenry and to some extent, that may be correct. But there is always a cost involved in any so-called ‘beneficial program’, usually a cost paid by those who receive absolutely no benefit at all, only the bill for the costs. If there is ever any question about the benefit of any governmental program, start at the beginning of the political process that produced the program and “follow the money”.
So then, why is it so important to understand the connection between the love of money, and politics?
For anyone willing to look closely, it is not difficult to see, and understand, why there is a seriously evil connection between the love of money, and politics in the US. The politically dominated system of government in our nation has become nearly totally corrupted, and a far cry from the system of government Almighty God and our Founding Fathers initially planned for us.
The corruption began when men lacking character and moral ethics became so-called “representatives” of the citizens of the country. When they realized that they could legally (not lawfully) vote themselves financial gains, leading to great wealth, in their elected positions, the future of the nation began to become clouded and uncertain. Because money was the source of their ‘power’, they used it to increase their wealth, and also to increase their power through ill-gotten gains. They completely ignored the warnings of the Founders about such an occurrence and neglected their Constitutional duties to serve and represent their constituencies. They demonstrated exactly what John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, better known as Lord Acton, spoke when he said: “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men”.
We are now a nation, indeed a world, governed by a group of powerful, wealthy (in some cases ‘super-wealthy’) men and women, who have allowed their love of money, and the power it can buy, to totally corrupt their natures so that they are like the people Paul mentions in II Timothy 3:13,
“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived”.
This cabal of evil people, possibly dates back to the time of Nimrod, who was the great-grandson of Noah, and the man described as a ‘mighty hunter before God’ who tried to start the first “One World Government” in defiance of God, by building a ‘tower that will reach to the heavens’. Not unlike Lucifer who wanted to ‘exalt his throne above the stars’, Nimrod desired to ‘be like God’, and, over centuries and generations, those who have followed Nimrod’s example have allowed Satan to control their lives through greed and a desire for power and have become totally corrupted, having their consciences seared beyond all feeling.
Paul also speaks of people of faith throughout the years who have been deceived by these evil people. In I Timothy 4:1-2, “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron…Anything that has been seared with a hot iron loses all feeling in the area where seared. The function of the nerves, or the source of feeling, has been literally and permanently destroyed.
The extremely evil group of globalist elites is made up, somewhat, of members of the oldest and wealthiest banking families throughout history, the people who now literally control almost every government on the planet. By means of their vast wealth, and the power it can buy, they have been collecting (think ‘buying’) politicians like trophies and using them to influence both the domestic and foreign policy of their respective nations. Their influence then becomes the catalyst that causes numerous wars to start; as a result, the wealthy cabal lends the money needed to finance the wars to various governments and by controlling the arms manufacturing and energy resources, they profit regardless of which nation wins.
They then demand repayment of their loans, with interest. They have no concern for the millions of people who are killed and injured as a result of their greed; they are only concerned with increasing their wealth and control.
Born and raised in a small textile town in North Carolina, Bud Hancock’s family moved to Michigan in the hope of finding better employment with General Motors. After graduating from high school, Bud began an apprenticeship with General Motors to become a Metal Modelmaker. Retiring after a 30 year career, which included an eight year stint as a Meteorologist, he and his wife moved back to North Carolina to be near his elderly parents. Shortly thereafter, with both of his parents having passed, he started a new career in the bank security/ATM business, advancing from an entry level technician to one of two North Carolina customer service managers for his employer. Retiring again after 13 years, he and his wife of 51 years relocated to Tennessee where Bud began writing articles specializing in Bible teaching and geopolitical issues. At age 75, he and his wife relocated to South Carolina with their Miniature Schnauzer, Baxter. Bud continues to study God’s word and write articles on Christian living and geopolitical issues from the Biblical end times perspective