Pastor Wayne Edwards of Heritage Baptist Church, Perry, Georgia, USA continues his series of sermons on surviving persecution. These sermons are most relevant to these dangerous times. The service begins at 22 minutes. Be certain to read the News Notes pertaining to current news and prophecy.
Gibber! Gibber!
September 22, 2024
Dear Heritage Family and Friends,
Last week, the Christian community witnessed a mighty miracle of God. In 2006, Christian pastor David Lin was found guilty of contract fraud by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). His crime was raising funds for a Christian church in Beijing, and initially, Lin was to be in prison until 2029. However, last week, God answered the persistent prayers of His people, and David Lin, now 68 years old, was miraculously released.
China has been increasing human rights abuses for years – sudden disappearances of pastors and church leaders, persecution of ethnic and religious minorities, unexplained availability of human organs for sale, and the evidence of sex trafficking. China is currently imprisoning over 1 million Uyghurs in concentration camps. Uyghurs are the second-largest predominantly Muslim group in the northwestern province of Xinjiang.
The physical, mental, emotional persecution of Christians is on the rise in every part of the world. Are you prepared to face these trying times? Are you ready to stand firm in your convictions and suffer the consequences for doing so?
This Sunday, we will continue our sermons from 1 Peter, focusing on the theme of “A Living Hope.” The title of this sermon is “Living the Good Life – Even While Being Persecuted.” In this sermon, we will learn how to maintain a positive outlook and a strong faith, even in the face of persecution. This expositional sermon is more than a biblical message – it is a guide on how Christians can navigate these challenging times with faith and resilience.
· The sermon may be viewed at
· The sermon will be available on our website and YouTube.
We want to express our deep gratitude for your unwavering support. Your partnership in sharing these sermon study guides with those you believe might be interested is vital to our Live Stream Ministry. Your involvement is not just appreciated, it is essential to our desire to reach the whole world with the whole Word. Thank you!
By Wayne J. Edwards, September 21, 2024
My Fellow Watchmen,
One of our watchmen in Australia referred me to a website operated by Sundance. While I wasn’t familiar with this site, I found myself agreeing with his perspective on where we are in the world today and what we can expect in the near future.
The main thing upon which we agree is that the coming election is not about Harris versus Trump, Democrats versus Republicans, or even Conservatives versus Liberals. From the spiritual perspective, it is the continuation of the age-old battle between “God and Satan,” which began in Genesis 3:15 and will end when the Lord Jesus returns as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. From the global, earthly, and political perspective, this is the cultural battle between communism/socialism and individual freedom.
However, as many Republicans now support the democrat agenda, and many Democrats support the republican platform, the true battle line for this skirmish is between the “Deep State Warmongers/Bureaucrats” and those who want to live our lives in peace. President Dwight David Eisenhower warned us of what ails us today in his farewell address on January 17, 1961. Eisenhower said: “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”
However, I believe this battle is between those who believe in God and the authority of His Word and those who do not. Notice I did not say between Christians and non-Christians, for that line of doctrinal division continues to be blurred by today’s false teachers and preachers. Therefore, it is my prayer that on January 20, 2025, not only will our nation have survived the most divisive Presidential election in our history without incurring a bloody civil war, but when the voices of division are silent, and the flags of both political parties have fallen, for the first time in many years, there would be a clear distinction between God’s people and those who aren’t. In other words, as the “Sundance” article reminded me, “today’s political division could result in a purposeful distinction,” which would be a great blessing.
Beloved, whether you want to accept it or not, we are all in this battle – not between Harris and Trump, for they are but human beings with their own flaws and sinful nature. This is the battle between “Good and Evil,” and given how this election will affect the future of our children and grandchildren, no one is excused – everyone is needed on the front lines. We need to get up every morning, put on the whole armor of God, and pray without ceasing throughout the day. To adapt the song written by Jamie-Owen Collins:
When the power of darkness comes in like a flood, He will raise up a Standard, the power of His blood. We sing glory, honor, power, and strength to the Lord, for while we are the soldiers, the battle belongs to the Lord!
Please forward these news stories and opinion articles to those you think would be interested in reading them. Pastor Wayne
Wayne J. and Linda J. Edwards
PO Box 766
Perry, GA 31069