A UK Perspective – The pre-cursor to a Cashless Society. The Wearing of Masks?
August 3, 2020 by Shirley
These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years. Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.
God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
On July 24th, 2020, the UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, enforced a rule, with a few exceptions, that mask wearing in all shops in the UK was now a mandatory requirement.
Together with various members of the Conservative Party, who have publicly ripped up their membership cards in disagreement with the ruling, many other people across the country have seriously questioned the decision on why this requirement would be enforced now, in the middle of summer, and four months after the initial lockdown?

Mask wearing, according to Mr Johnson, and numerous media outlets, and biased talk show debaters, have stressed it will stem the spread of infection and give more confidence to shoppers! Some now hold the upper ground in responsibility by believing that only the selfish would not wear a mask, and according to police chief Cressida Dick, those who don’t wear a mask should be “shamed” by shop owners.

Division can be a wonderful thing in a country which keeps promoting the ‘all in it together’ rhetoric.
A Room with a View
This week from my office window, I have observed some wonderful, and yet very bittersweet sights.
The Designer mask: Usually floral or leopard print and colour co-ordinated to the outfit.
The Sports mask: Depicting your favourite sport or team.
The Bandana: Tough, casual, slightly rebellious, but does the job.
The Face Shield: Perspex windscreen minus the wash and wipers.
The Ultimate Survivor: Tight fit, quality mask with temperature gauge and air filters.

The Whatever: Those who wear them under their chin, hanging from their ear, or worse, the rear-view mirror in their car.
“Mistrust all enterprises that require new clothes” (a quote from Henry David Thoreau’s Walden)
And then there are those who seriously struggle. They have bright red faces and are obviously breathless, with sad weary eyes. Some are elderly, or lonely, and have no friendly smile or conversation to great them.
However, aside from genuine people with health and disability issues which are being cruelly overlooked by police chief Cressida Dick and the recruited vigilantes, there could be much more serious consequences to consider apart from your own particular views on the wearing of a mask against a coronavirus.
Whose orders you follow, whether it is via your conscience, the laws enforced by a government, or by God, if you are a believer, can have serious consequences as well.
The organized church who have been told their congregations must wear masks in church, could be complicit in promoting some ‘pre-conditioning programming’ which is required for not being able to buy or sell as indicated in the book of Revelation which states:
It causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. (Revelation 13:17-17)
Is mask wearing the precursor to programming us to not being able to buy or sell at a later date, or into readily accepting a vaccination which will free us from the bondage of our muzzles?
Or, is ‘mandatory’ mask wearing, despite its inefficiency, reported by many other experts in the health field, a means of preventing the spread of a virus?
They are points to consider, most especially if you are a preacher leading people to their Creator, whilst standing in front of a congregation of mask wearers staring back at you.
As a friend pointed out. We do not look for the signs and wonders to prove Gods existence, but the signs of good which is God, and evil which is hell; is all around us. They do not hide.
The Creator of Confusion
The person of faith of course believes we have an enemy which comes to kill, steal and destroy. There is a spirit of darkness which is always attempting to build its own kingdom on this earth.

One of its calling cards is usually ‘confusion’ and you can be sure if there is confusion or mayhem in any given situation, there is a source of darkness which is usually at play.
Life out there, after our initial summer holiday at home, is now officially miserable – if you look at the faces of those who are currently trying to live, shop, travel or work in a state of chaos which has incorporated misleading information, mandated draconian rules, and enforced silencing of speech via different methods of suppression against innocent and healthy people.
As predicted, people are now avoiding their once pleasurable pastime of shopping. This will close down even more of the small businesses.
Who will you allow to bring in the order which has been systematically broken down over the years?
Navigating your way through the minefield of confusion, minus the rose-coloured plastic face shield, requires a common sense and simplistic approach. It requires an uncompromising stance on boundaries and the suppression against your freedom to breath, work and speak how you choose, whilst still observing obvious health issues pertaining to both yourself and others.
We are not alone in our fight against ‘the virus’ Speak up,
The very wonderful Lloyd Marcus who sadly passed away recently wrote:
God instructed Pharaoh, “Let my people go.”
God instructs us ,“Let my people know.” Spread truth.
Many thanks Shirley!
Gibber! Gibber!
Chimp in the “Thick of It”.
14 thoughts on “LET MY PEOPLE KNOW…”
Dear Chugley. I have read Shirley’s piece and although I can sort of see where she is coming from, I feel her arguments are, can I say, I think she is “drawing a long bow”. I assume it is compulsory to use car seat belts in the UK. They are for the safety of the occupants. Many claim they are not necessary. But still it is the law, and as christians, we are told to obey the law. If mask wearing is the law, regardless of what I may think of that, it is the law. Or am I missing something???
I shall send your comment on to Shirley. This monkey wonders if you are missing something, my dear old Mandrill. For instance would you have obeyed Hitler, as a Christian, if he had employed you as a stoker of the ovens at Auschwitz? After all, it was the law. I recommend watching Schindlers List, which features a man who disobeyed the law, and saved thousands of Jews from murder. There is a huge amount of medical information saying that masks are useless and a risk to the aged. There seems to be more and more evidence that Hydroxychloroquine, used with two other substances, has a near perfect success rate at stopping this virus. Why are these FACTS (not conspiracy theories) not being made known to the public as they witness the wholesale destruction of your entire way of life – AND what about my Zoo? Gibber Gibber! Chugley
Well written Shirley! And good response I feel from you Chugley – with you both all the way.
Ah haven’t given you a pseudonym name yet!!!! How about Giraffe? Having seen them in the wild they are my favourite?
Thank you Penny, great to have your response! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
I love what Shirley wrote. She’s always spot on, sees through the fraud and deception and goes right to the core of the subject. We love to hear from her in the USA!
We love her too Kelleigh. We also love your forthright writing from the USA, hope your bakery is surviving this dreadful self inflicted disaster. Thanks for your interest, it is hugely encouraging to us in the zoo downunder. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
The response that we are to obey governments because they are over us, is often confusing and I think incorrect. They are the leaders of a party who we have employed. We are not their servants. We pay our governments their salaries and they are meant to serve us. They are not above us and they are not above God or his laws. We give God what belongs to God, and then we pay them what is due to them. Really appreciate the comments and the thoughts to think on.
Well said Shirley! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
A dilemma to think on. If your government made it a law that you could only have one child for the well being of the country and you must abort any more children, whose law would you put first?
Do understand about obeying the law Milton, which we do, but we do have to question some of them and the motives against Gods laws which are for our real well being.
This monkey is proud of your response Shirley, polite reasoned, and Godly, thank you. I wonder what the old Mandrill has to say? Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
Dear Chugley and Shirley,
Here is my take on wearing a mask – it is a service I can give to my community by keeping my germs to myself. I will wear a mask in church on Sunday, complying with our State Premier’s recommendation and I don’t feel that this will dull my awareness and make me more likely to comply with instructions to gas any fellow humans, or abort my pregnancies, should the State ever recommend that.
I also believe that a real smile includes the eyes, and is therefore not obscured by a mask.
Thanks for being reasoned and polite WEJ. The issue mainly appears to be that masks are of doubtful use according to many. Will pass your comment on. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
Dear Chugley. Can I come and hide in the zoo. I seem to have started something, I am trying to digest it all. I totally agree with Shirley, yes Shirley you read me right, with regard to seeing Gods law, but when Jesus said, “”Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s; and to God the things that are God’s”, I’m not too sure He meant obey Ceasar if you think he is right, disobey if you think he is wrong. If we believe that man is given position of authority by God, and He sure allowed a few ‘badies’ in past days, then I think we obey the laws of our Govt. And if wearing a mask will help prevent someone from catching this thing, then I am prepared to wear a mask, and smile at people with my eyes. Now Chugley I am coming to your zoo and hide myself.
You are a game old Mandrill! It is good to stir people to THINK. You are welcome in my zoo any time if you pass the virus tests. Isn’t the question to do with the fact that masks are worse than useless? Not according to me, according to the honest medics not grinding axes? Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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