I again present another of Mike Claydon’s watershed Israel Reports. This report reviews the Coronation of the coming King of the Commonwealth of Australia. Joining the mailing list for this report is free, contact details are at the end of this report.
Gibber! Gibber!
Pomp & Pageantry……

September 2022
No one does pomp and pageantry quite as the British do. They demonstrated that in spades this past week sending off in grand style an apparently much loved monarch who reigned over them for an incredible 70 years.
In doing so they surprisingly exposed billions of watchers and listeners around the globe to the message of Biblical Christianity. It has been described as the largest Christian event in human history. According to Newsweek, the viewership surpassed even past royal weddings and would make it the most watched broadcast of all time
In rapid succession a clear Gospel was spoken from cathedral pulpits in London. Cardiff, Belfast and Edinburgh, and finally in Saint George’s Chapel in Windsor castle.
Far from being scripture-reticent or attempting to be “seeker-friendly” toward all the false religionists out there, the “exclusive’ Gospel was front and centre. The services in each location were saturated with sound Christian theology, and the fact that Christ died for the “many” was strongly affirmed.
A large slice of humanity was exposed to more scripture from the ceremonies at Westminster Abbey and thereafter than is presently heard in hundreds of thousands of pulpits today. Texts were from both the Old and New Testaments and included John 11:25-26, Job 19:25-27, 1 Timothy 6:7, Job 1:21, Revelation 14:13, 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 53-58, Psalm 42: 1-17, Job 14:1-9, Psalm 34:8, Matthew 6:9-13, Romans 8:35, 38-39, all of Psalm 121, Revelation 21:1-7, and Psalm 103:13-17.
Then, there were the glorious Christian hymns – songs that highlighted the Queens faith in Christ, including, “The Lord is My Shepherd,” a favourite of the late monarch. The sentiments of those who officiated clearly indicated that the queen didn’t just identify as a Christian but lived a Christian life.

Dr David Hoyle, Dean of Westminster [pictured above] acknowledged, “With thanksgiving we praise God for her constant example of Christian faith and devotion,” and expressed thanksgiving, “for her unswerving devotion to the Gospel.”
And one of the most poignant moments in the state funeral service was the declaration, “Go forth, O Christian soul, from this world, in the name of God the Father almighty, who created thee; in the name of Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, who suffered for thee; in the name of the Holy Spirit, who was poured out upon thee and anointed thee.”
Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, could not resist a deep dig toward the many self-serving, cravenly ambitious politicians sitting before him in the Abbey – comparing Elizabethan adherence to duty and the selfless serving of her subjects to their current standards – stating; “People of loving service are rare in any walk of life. Leaders of loving service are still rarer. But in all cases those who serve will be loved and remembered when those who cling to power and privileges are long forgotten”.

It is doubtful that the world will ever see and hear such a spectacle again – and it would be wonderful if what was read and proclaimed challenged the thinking of a human race which at the present moment stands at a dangerous crossroads militarily, financially, socially, and most importantly, spiritually.
So, King Charles III now reigns over a Commonwealth of nations – many with divided loyalties to his throne, and has promised to depart from his many lunatic predilections such as the blasphemous Climate Change hoax, the defence of manifestly contradicting ‘faiths’, and an oft stated belief in the soon-coming demise of planet earth due to human activity.
Yet, there’s reason to fear that he won’t be keeping that promise for long.
In a September 17 address to a gathering of “faith leaders” at Buckingham Palace, he spoke of his “duty to protect the diversity of our country by protecting a space for faith itself.”
By doing so he was openly found disclaiming the very foundations of British Anglicanism. and for the Anglican oaths he will now swear at his coronation. This, from an about to be installed monarch, might sound like a conciliatory remark, and may have been acceptable from a politician.
However, he brings to his reign a long history of political meddling, spiritual apostasy, paganism, and a deep admiration for Islam. He more often appears as a suitable leader for the New Age movement or the World Economic Forum than a wearer of the British crown? We can only pray that he proves his many critics to be wrong?
Rosh Hashana……

September 2022
As the sun sets on September 25th, families all over the globe will begin to settle into the first of the Autumn Biblical feasts: Rosh Hashanah or the Feast of Trumpets. The trumpets [Shofar] are blown on each new year to gather God’s people, and rouse them to repentance. During the feast, the trumpet is blown a total of 100 times, with the final horn blast lasting much longer than the first 99..
Rosh Hashanah, meaning “head of the year” in Hebrew, is the celebration of the Jewish New Year. During Rosh Hashanah, Jewish people around the world ask God for forgiveness for mistakes they’ve made over the past year and remind themselves not to repeat those mistakes in the coming year.
It begins on a day and an hour that cannot be predicted, 25-27 September this tear – that no man knows, until the new moon appears over the Temple. Therefore it is spread over two days, although counted as one, to allow time for this sighting. Many in the church today believe at the sound of the last trumpet sounding during this feast in a certain year – the Parousia, or rapture will occur.
As we are not to be found setting dates for this glorious event, we are encouraged to look up and not be overtaken by surprise as by a thief in the night. Therefore it demands that we look for the beginning of signs of situations that are prophesied to occur after we are taken to be with the Lord.
Today, the shadow of so, so many prophesied global events are now crowding in upon us – they are clearly destined for the coming Time of Jacob’s Trouble….wars and rumours of wars, the micro-chipping of humans that they may buy and sell, global inflation and financial collapse, a massive loss of human life, and the major sign of course, that Israel is a nation once again, now surrounded by her ravening enemies seeking her annihilation.
Could it possibly then, be this year that we see our Lord face to face? In a few hours we will have the answer to this continual hope for the discerning Christian believer.
Lapid tells UN Palestinian State “Right for Israel” but Can’t be Terror Base……

September 2022
The future Arab Palestinian state that will exist next to Israel must be peaceful and not terror-based, Prime Minister Yair Lapid told the UN General Assembly on Thursday afternoon, just before returning to Israel. If that [impossible] condition is met, then the best path forward is “an agreement with the Palestinians based on two states for two peoples,” Lapid said. This “is the right thing for Israel’s security, for Israel’s economy and for the future of our children.” said he.
His statement about a future Arab Palestinian state and his affirmation of a two-state resolution to the conflict marks the strongest language an Israeli premier has used with regard to Palestinian sovereignty since the days of prime minister Ehud Olmert. It is the first time since 2016 that an Israeli leader has spoken of the two-state solution when addressing the UNGA.
“Despite all the obstacles, still today a large majority of Israelis support the vision of this two-state solution. I am one of them,” Lapid said.
How will a future Palestinian state look?

“We have only one condition: That a future Palestinian state will be a peaceful one, that it will not become another terror base from which to threaten the well-being and the very existence of Israel. Peace is not a compromise. It is the most courageous decision we can make. Peace is not weakness. It embodies within it the entire might of human spirit,” he said.
US President Joe Biden and Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau welcomed Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s statement that the two-state solution “is the right thing” for Israel.
In a tweet, Biden wrote: “I welcome Israeli Prime Minister Lapid’s courageous statement at the UN General Assembly: ‘An agreement with the Palestinians, based on two states for two peoples, is the right thing for Israel”.
“I could not agree more,” Biden added.
Trudeau tweeted that a two-state solution “with Israelis and Palestinians living in peace, security, and dignity – is in everyone’s best interest.” He needs to check on just how the God of Isaac and Jacob feel about this – and quickly too!

These three arrogant and foolish men have called for the division of Israel, which would divide the Land that God gave to His people by giving a good portion of it to the Arab so-called Palestinians. This is precisely what the Bible tells us would happen in the last days.
In Joel 3:1-3, the Lord addresses His anger at the nations concerning His “heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land.” Those who seek to divide the Land will experience God’s great wrath and anger.
Notice that the Lord refers to Land as “my land.” It belongs first to Him and He gave it to the descendants of Jacob as an “everlasting covenant” (Psalm 105:8-11). Since we have not yet reached the end of “everlasting,” the Land belongs to Israel and to no one else.
The stage is perfectly set for the soon fulfilment of this passage as well as Zechariah 12:1-3. Jerusalem will remain a “burden” to the nations resulting with them gathering together against the city in the tumultuous final battle
Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by September 30…..

September 2022
Pope Francis has ordered that the Holy See and connected entities move all financial assets to the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), commonly known as the Vatican bank.
We all know that a global financial collapse following hyper-inflation is on the cards for the coming months – but so does Pope Francis it seems?? T
he pope’s rescript, issued late August, clarifies the interpretation of a paragraph in the new constitution of the Roman Curia, Praedicate Evangelium, promulgated in March.
According to Francis’ rescript, financial and liquid assets held in banks other than the IOR must be moved to the Vatican bank within 30 days of September 1, 2022.
The IOR, based in Vatican City State, has 110 employees and 14,519 clients. As of 2021, it oversaw 5.2 billion Euros of client assets.
Though commonly called a “bank,” the IOR is technically a financial institute, with no branches, working within Vatican City State to provide services to clients, which include the Holy See and connected entities, religious orders, clergy, Catholic institutions, and Holy See employees.
What does this man know about what is coming soon, that we are not fully aware of?.

World News Briefing – with Tom Hughes and Dennis Swick – September 2022

Israel Report
Editor; Mike Claydon
2 thoughts on “ISRAEL REPORT”
That Joel 3:1-3 passage that Mike quotes is quite clear about Israel has no right to divide up its land just to to make “peace” with Palestine….temporary peace, I should think. The spiritual enemy of God’s people has his ultimate goal of wanting to sabotage and destroy anything of God’s…especially God’s people and the Holy land given to them.
This monkey agrees! Thank you Paul. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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