Thanks to Mike Claydon for this thoughtful statement and information link about the strong possibility of an imminent Israeli strike on Iran, from Amir Tsarfati.
This monkey never ceases to wonder how humans can be so utterly stupid and cruel. Darwin certainly undermined humanity when he managed to deceive people into believing his theory of evolution. I am ashamed to be thought of as in any way involved with deranged humans.
I just hope you don’t blow my zoo up.
If anything transpires tonight I shall keep you up to date tomorrow.
Sleep well.
Gibber! Gibber!

In no way do we want to be seen joining the recent hysteria over developments in the Middle East – but here is a message from Amir Tsarfati revealing what appears to be apparently important developments currently in play as a possible response from Israel after the attack from the Mullah’s of Tehran.
Watch HERE Starts at the 7 minute mark