This speech by President Donald Trump, on Independence day, in front of the Mount Rushmore monument, should inspire you all anew with what America stands for, and dispel the fog with which some traitors are trying to envelop this great country and ally of Australia, bringing both to destruction.
The air display even impressed Algy as being close to Royal Air Force standard. See link below:
God Bless America and Australia.
Gibber! Gibber!
The Patriot Chimp
Dear Chugley. That was 42 minutes of inspiration. I now see that Trump is an orator, who is up there with the best. To speak like that for that amount of time without notes or prompts is really something. And if we can get some of that enthusiasm, challenge and belief into out nation, we will stay great. We should stand against those who want to tear us down, and we should never forget that we are all born in the image of God. And please Donald, keep your ‘tweets’ as clear and rational as your speech.
A profound comment Milton! I agree! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
The American first citizen has encapsulated the American dream and provided inspiration to his supporters. Needless to say one hopes that this inspirational oration will inspire thought and respect from his detractors and that he be given the will to continue to lead the free world in a manner that no other can.
Chugley may be asked to ponder whether the Democratic front runner in the Presidential race could ever provide such leadership.
I don’t need to ponder that for long Murray! I think Mr Biden suffers from a lack of “evolution”, or a bad case of decrepitude. Australians would simply say “he’s not a full quid”. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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