Pastor Wayne Edwards, Heritage Baptist Church, Perry, Georgia, USA, continues his topical sermons. The service begins at approximately 21 minutes, just click the link above. Pastor Wayne’s Watchmen’s Report follows this preamble. This week do not miss the report about Yellowstone park in Wyoming, USA, there is a giant volcano under Yellowstone rumbling into life. Keep abreast of these pivotal news reports defining the end times in which you are living.
Gibber! Gibber!
Dear Heritage Family and Friends,
In Philippians 1:21, the Apostle Paul made a profound statement about life and death. He declared, “For me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” This verse encapsulates Paul’s belief that when our life’s journey is with Christ, our death is just a transition to an even greater fellowship with Christ.
Most of us have been raised in a society that cherishes life and dreads death. We strive to safeguard and prolong our lives, and to postpone or evade our date with death. Yet, the time will come for some of us when our lives are filled with such pain, sorrow, and suffering that death is seen as a release from the anguish and grief of this world.
However, that is not what Paul means.
Our common thought might be, “For me to live is Christ, and to die is to be free of our misery, to see the streets of gold, to see the mansion he has prepared for us, to see our loved ones who have gone before us, to see those sights of heaven that are too glorious for words.” Paul said, for him, having had Christ living in him for the past 30 years, his death would rob him of nothing, but rather it would allow him to live with Christ for eternity.
The theme of our new sermon series from Paul’s Epistle to the Philippians is “The Epistle of Joy.” The title of this sermon is: “In Life or In Death.”
- The sermon may be viewed at
- The sermon will be available on our website and YouTube.
- The YouTube URL:
Thank you for forwarding these sermon study guides to those you think might be interested. We are encouraged by the response we’ve received from viewers worldwide. Pastor Wayne
Wayne J. and Linda J. Edwards
PO Box 766
Perry, GA 31069
By Wayne J. Edwards, March 8, 2025
My Fellow Watchmen,
In the Bible, evil is defined as anything harmful, wicked, or contrary to God’s will. It can also refer to actions that cause harm or distress, including murder, theft, adultery, hatred, lying, greed, idolatry, lust, and CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE. Evil defiles what is good. It breeds chaos, cursing, and death. Evil breaks our relationship with God and our fellowship with our neighbors.
While watching the disgusting behavior of democrats at the President’s State of the Union Address, the word that kept coming to my mind was EVIL. In Mark 3:24, Jesus said, “And if a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom is not able to stand.” For many years, both political parties agreed on the fundamental goal of America was to be that “City on a hill” for other nations to see and emulate. Not anymore!
Most of the Democrats will not work with President Trump to do what is best for America. In fact, the Democrat Party is filled with those who are anti-American, anti-God, anti-family, and anti-peace. The Marxist-Liberals that have taken over the Democrat Party have found ways to fund terror organizations like Hamas, Hezbollah, AlQaeda, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab, and the Islamic Jihad while encouraging students to attack the Jews on their campus.
According to my friend Bill Wilson,
“They are against protecting women’s sports from male competition, lower taxes, Americans joining the military, defeating inflation, holding government accountable to waste and fraud, bringing jobs back to America, border security, peace in Ukraine, waging war on drug cartels, ending sexual mutilation of America’s youth, and the list goes on and on. According to the way the Democrats behaved, they are the party that is against what is good and right for America. Today’s so-called “liberals” are global “Marxists,” opposed to all forms of individual freedom and liberty and in favor of total Federal authority over everything and everyone. Today’s so-called “liberals” oppose…Maximum individual freedom for all, Economic freedom, A basic Right to Life, Free speech, National sovereignty, National security, The Rule of Constitutional Law, Limited Government, Free exercise of Faith, A basic Right to Keep and Bear arms, Performance-based equality, States Rights, True Women’s Rights, Peace in the World, or America, Government Accountability, Personal Accountability, The Nuclear Family, Victims of Violent Crimes, The Declaration, Constitution and Bill of Rights, A Republican Form of Government, Sanity and Honesty, True Education, Fiscal Responsibility, Real diplomacy to end and prevent wars.”
The Oxford Dictionary defines “Decorum” as “behavior in keeping with good tastes and propriety. A few synonyms for decorum include politeness, courtesy, good manners, dignity, respectability, modesty, and the ability to follow a standard protocol or what might be considered customary behavior. I saw none of that from the majority of Democrats, and they want us to let them continue to define our philosophy of education. I don’t think so!
Pastor Wayne
Wayne J. and Linda J. Edwards
PO Box 766
Perry, GA 31069