Wayne Edward’s latest service concerning Contending Earnestly for the Faith can be viewed by clicking on the above link, the service begins at approximately 14 minutes 30 seconds. We include Pastor Wayne’s News Links at the end of these notes that were published on Wednesday.
Gibber! Gibber!
Dear Heritage Family,
According to Lifeway Publishers, if the current trend continues, by 2030, 70% of today’s youth will not identify as Christians. Their solution was that the church must find new ways of reaching today’s generation; for not finding the answers to their questions in today’s churches, they are looking to the dark side, including mediums, crystals, Ouija boards, and such.
However, from my perspective, the main problem is that our children are being educated on life’s most critical issues by those with the least knowledge of and respect for God’s Holy Word, including many of today’s pastors and age-group leaders.
If we are to preserve our children from Satan’s deceptive schemes and free those who have fallen victim to his lies, pastors and parents must put away the cheap clichés and gospel gimmicks and return to preaching and teaching nothing but the Word of God.
We will explain this further in our next sermon, “Earnestly Contending for the Faith: Holding to the Truth in the Midst of Apostasy.” In this sermon, we will see how we must take our “Battle for Truth” to those who have any level of influence on our children.
f you view the sermon on our INTERACTIVE WEBSITE: www.theheritagechurch.org, Click on the sermon title on the second page, and you will find the sermon study guide in another format, so you can follow it on the screen as you listen.
· THANK YOU for forwarding these sermon study guides to those you think might be interested.
Wayne J. and Linda J. Edwards
PO Box 766
Perry, GA 31069
Dear Fellow Watchmen,
In Western societies today, telling the truth regarding human biology can have detrimental consequences. A Catholic School suspended a conservative Canadian teenager for the remainder of the school year because he refused to abandon his correct beliefs on gender and for standing up for girls uncomfortable with biological males in their restrooms.
However, offending Christians is perfectly okay in this day and age, and that was evident in the Grammy Awards presentation Sunday evening. CBS did this on purpose, and they knew precisely what was coming. In a tweet that has now apparently been deleted, the official CBS Twitter account boldly declared that “we are ready to worship”.
We have reached a point where literally anything goes and nobody seems to care that the fabric of our society is coming apart at the seams right in front of our eyes. Whether you like it or not, this is America’s culture now. We have openly embraced evil, and evil has openly embraced us.
Please forward these articles to those you think might be interested!
Pastor Wayne