Australians have been traumatised in recent days by the deaths of two of their most illustrious cricketing heroes, Rod Marsh, aged 74, and Shane Warne, aged 52. When you also add the trauma of the Eastern States “Rain Bomb”, it brings to mind the head of Olive Tree Ministries, Jan Markell’s remark “Well what did you expect the End Times to look like?”. Even the most ardent scoffer must now be wondering: “What’s going on”? My recommendation is to read your Bible. But then I am just an apparently “evolving” Chimp, who am I to pontificate?
Today I can think of no more appropriate report to bring you than our Australian friend, Mike Claydon’s Israel report. Subscription is free, contact details at the end. For some technical reason I could not publish Mike’s pictures within the text – sorry!
Gibber! Gibber!

Biblical Prophecy – Today’s News……
Israel Report Biblical Prophecy – Today’s News…… Israel Report Weekly – Saturday 05 March 2022 Mike Claydon History in a Statue… 05 March 2022 Circa 603 BC the unjustly imprisoned Biblical prophet Daniel was summoned before Babylon’s despotic king Nebuchadnezzar to attempt to interpret a night vision the monarch had been sent of a huge statue made of differing metals. The king was greatly troubled and his sleep deserted him. The image’s head was of fine gold, his breast and arms of silver his belly and thighs of brass his legs of iron, his feet and toes part of iron and part of clay. Hebrew Daniel was given the interpretation by the God of Israel; the metals descending in value represented successive future world empires. Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome – and the feet a revival of the Holy Roman Empire in the days just before the return of Christ. History has so far proven this interpretation to be absolutely correct. We now live in the days depicted by the toes – a bloc of 10 nations situated in what was once the Roman empire and gradually growing in power. It is a staggering thought – but biblical prophecy goes on to say that in the days of these kings the toes of the feet are to be part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. The people of that day shall mingle themselves with the descendants of men: but they shall not hold one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. And in the days of these kings we are told shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed, and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. Under the Treaty of Rome in 1957 embryonic revived Rome was established and has since grown steadily into a major power – and now she is planning to form a combined military. As American hegemony wanes rapidly now – a new empire is rising exactly as Biblical prophecy told us where and when. We have arrived in those days. Emmanuel Macron steps up EU army plan to deter Russian threat… 05 March 2022 The French president said EU leaders would meet to discuss plans to pool military resources on March 10 at a summit in Versailles. Macron supports the creation of an UE army and the plans could lay the groundwork for that force in the very near future. He has called on the EU to make itself able to act independently of the US and NATO. Europe had to accept it must “pay the price for peace,” Macron, who condemned Putin’s “lies”, said. “We cannot let others defend ourselves; whether on land, at sea, under the sea, in the air, in space or in cyberspace,” Macron said in a televised speech on Wednesday night. He added “Our European defence must take a new step”. Plans for a 5,000 strong EU rapid response force, which could be deployed to crisis zones around the world are expected to be discussed at the defence summit. Measures to boost interoperability between national militaries, increase pooled research funding, and defence spending initiatives favouring European companies are also likely to be on the table. Macron said he would continue talking to Putin to try and prevent the current war spreading. The French president had always planned to use France’s six month term as holders of the EU presidency, which began in January, to push through his plans for common defence. France, as the EU’s largest remaining military power after Brexit, is set to hold an influential leadership role and its companies will benefit from measures to encourage other member states to buy European weapons. However, the invasion of Ukraine has already triggered a series of hitherto unthinkable policy shifts across Europe. Pacifist Germany reversed years of Merkel era-defence policy to announce it would hit NATO defence spending targets and revive its under-resourced military. On Tuesday, Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, said EU defence policy had moved forward more in “the last six days than in the last six years”. “If Putin was seeking to weaken the EU, to divide NATO,” she said, “he has achieved the exact opposite.” Von der Leyen has called for European defence to “step up to the next level” after the fall of Afghanistan and now the war in Ukraine. The Decline of the Great American War Machine….. 05 March 2022 US Army Announces Mandatory Training on Pronouns and Gender Dysphoria — While Russia Invades Ukraine, Surrounds Kiev…… Russia continued its invasion of Ukraine on Friday. A 40-kilometre military convoy is moving toward Kyiv. While Russia invades Ukraine and bombs civilian centres the US Army is putting soldiers through mandatory training on pronouns and gender dysphoria. And they wonder why the barbarians in Afghanistan were able to hand them a humiliating defeat? Maybe they should be holding mandatory leadership training instead? While Russia wages a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the U.S. Army is coaching officers on when to offer soldiers gender transition surgery, according to an official military presentation on the subject. The mandatory presentation, “Policy on the Military Service of Transgender Persons and Persons with Gender Dysphoria,” was given to officers earlier this month along with instructions for them to train their subordinates on the material. An Army spokesman confirmed that the slides in question are part of “mandatory training” and come from an official program “used to train Army personnel on the recent changes to the DoD and Army transgender service policy.” All Army personnel, from soldiers to commanders and supervisors, are required to participate in the training by September 30, 2022, according to the spokesman. The rapid end of a once great nation? State of the Delusion speech…… By Bill Wilson, KIN Senior Analyst – 05 March 2022 Joe Biden just delivered the worst State of the Union address of any president in most of our lifetimes. He slurred words, called “Ukrainians” “Iranians,” even made up a new word, “progremiums.” I guess that’s a cross between a health program and an insurance premium? There were basically no policy revelations or depth of explanation for where we stand as a nation. Instead, it was a series of one-liners stitched together for applause lines. It’s hard to sound tough when you can’t enounce words properly. The speech was what you would expect on a comedy parody of leftist ideals such as “infects” of climate change and keeping out a vaccine with a wall. Everybody sort of knew what he meant, but overall, it was an embarrassment. To demonstrate just how delusional Biden is, here is another of his quotes: “Folks, if we are to advance liberty and justice, we need to secure the border and fix the immigration system.” Yeah, he actually said that and more. Colossians 2:8 says, “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit.” And that’s the state of the delusion. The Biden Crime Family… 05 March 2022 Let us remember the 87-page joint report issued by the Senate Committees on Homeland Security and Finance concluding that Hunter Biden, aided by his then vice president father, enriched the Biden family with scurrilous dealings in Russia, Ukraine and China. The Bidens used the position of vice president, hidden by a complicated international cadre of corporations and bank accounts, to extract money from government officials in these countries.. In doing so, the Bidens and their family members and friends, such as former Secretary of State John Kerry’s son, were enriched at the expense of American foreign policy and national security. In Russian dealings, Biden received some $3.5 million from the wife of the former mayor of Moscow and paid Russian nationals involved with prostitution and human trafficking. The Bidens were paid tens of millions of dollars taking money from the very countries that are now seeking to destroy America. This man and his crooked family are completely compromised. The Signs of the Times are Crying out! Storms and natural cataclysms are multiplying. Wars and rumours of war are increasing — in Europe, in the Middle East and the Far East. Christianity is declining in the West and expanding in formerly hostile nations. Israel is increasingly threatened and isolated. For anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear, the signs of the times are crying out that the end is near. The cacophony is growing day by day. Please keep your eyes open and be ready for the soon coming king! So many in the Church today are in despair, and unbelief. We are being tested in so many ways no matter where we live. Do not lose your strength and faith – all the indicators of the imminent great tribulation are all around us now – do not be ashamed at His coming! World News Briefing – with Tom Hughes and Jeff Kinley – 03 March 2022 Israel Report Editor; Mike Claydon israelreport@mail.com “None of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand”. [Daniel 12;10] © 2022 Israel Report P.O. Box 2043, Victor Harbor, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 5211 |
3 thoughts on “HISTORY IN A STATUE”
Yes, it’s spot on.
Mike Claydon has pulled together well the events of today in the context of Last Days biblical prophecy.
Thanks Mike.
A very good point by point summary of current events and the context of Biblical prophesy.
For those that ask Why is God doing this?
Jan Markell’s remark “Well what did you expect the End Times to look like?” is a good way to explain and open up conversations on the Kingdom.
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