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Gibber! Gibber!
Fortifying faith in Creation
Success in apologetics, like athletics, requires training!1
by Philip Bell

From time to time, I am asked, “So what exactly is it that you do?” The short answer is that CMI exists to proclaim the truth and authority of the Bible in a sceptical world. We do so by providing credible answers to questions and sceptical challenges, demonstrating how real science affirms Scripture’s teaching about origins. We also proclaim the Gospel because our vision is to see the Lord Jesus Christ honoured as the Creator and Saviour of the world.Don’t be on the back foot when it comes to the knotty issues in today’s culture.
Part of ‘what we do’ is engaging with people at speaking events, all over the English-speaking world. Each year, speakers do tours in many other countries too. We also provide a wealth of books, magazines, videos, and online resources—such “linking and feeding” is an important aspect of our ministry.
Periodically, CMI also puts on special conferences where a varied panel of experienced creation apologists showcase fascinating, faith-building information on biblical history, biblical biology, anthropology, earth science, astronomy, climate science, and more—as well as critiquing heretical and subtle arguments that are against the knowledge of God.
For instance, you might wonder: ‘With so many scholars who criticise Christianity and deride Scripture as flawed and in error, how can we know that the Bible is an authentic book?’ How are we to respond to the increasing number of reports of professing Christians deconstructing their faith, the so-called ‘exvangelicals’? What does ‘progressive Christianity’ have to do with beliefs about Genesis? And if Christians are to successfully defend their faith, how can we be sure to make our case logically?
Training, learning, growing
“But how could I ever learn all this information in order that I have enough ammunition to hold my own in conversation?” Well, you don’t need to become an expert, to be able to say something that makes someone really think. Spending some time reading articles, listening to podcasts, and watching short videos can be incredibly productive. The numerous testimonies CMI has received following the launch of our ‘social media video project’ have been so encouraging—and millions are watching!
For example, learn some of the many examples of ‘fast fossils’ that strongly argue against slow-and-gradual ideas in geology. Instead of evidence for millions of years, such fossils are powerful confirmation of the worldwide flood of Genesis 6-9. Also learn some of the amazing support for the Bible from extinct fossil creatures—how long-neck-long-tailed sauropod dinosaurs and intriguing mega-crocodiles are remarkable matches for the enigmatic Behemoth and Leviathan respectively (Job 40 and 41).
Don’t be on the back foot when it comes to the knotty issues in today’s culture. What should I think about the issue of climate change? What ought I to be doing about it? How do I respond to the contentious issues of identity politics—racism, feminism, gay rights, transgenderism, and other aspects of ‘culture wars’? Amidst the seeming cultural chaos, where so many people are confused about their identity, we desperately need some biblical clarity. It is surely not enough for Christians merely to respect those with whom we disagree, e.g. on abortion or euthanasia. Ignoring all these issues is negligent, hoping they’ll go away is naïve, so what am I to do? How ought I to respond?Effective Christian apologetics, defending the faith in a fruitful, God-honouring manner, requires some training and studying.
Equip yourself with examples of wonderful design; for example, explore the complexities of human skeletal muscles, which are awesome evidence for the Designer God. Many other wonders of our bodies testify to His creative design too. These were showcased when thousands of athletes from around the world competed in the Paris 2024 Olympics.2 Being a successful Olympian is rarely down to natural ability or talent alone. Not all will win medals, but all will have trained hard to ensure that they give their best in their respective events.
Likewise, effective Christian apologetics, defending the faith in a fruitful, God-honouring manner, requires some training and studying. The apostle Paul told Timothy, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). As well as getting to know your Bible better, build up a store of ammunition (compelling facts and strong arguments) that will prepare you to “fight the good fight of faith” (1 Timothy 6:12).
So what next?
Are you ready? If you’re feeling the need to get in trim, to improve your ‘spiritual muscle tone’, and to get up to speed in defending the faith, I recommend that you join a fitness programme! Creation magazine is one of the very best tools to help you regularly train your mind with biblical and scientific answers. For something more focused—to help you know, defend, and live out the truth of Scripture—check out CMI’s Rock Solid Bible Curriculum.3 And remember, all Christians have an ongoing responsibility to carry the Creation torch.
Published: 17 March 2025
References and notes
- First published as Creation Update, CMI-UK/Europe, July 2024. Return to text.
- 26 July–11 Aug; the Paralympics too, 28 Aug–8 Sept. Return to text.
- In 33 lessons, you’ll become familiar with the entire sweep of Bible history and get equipped to answer common sceptical challenges to Christian faith—rich, interactive, fun, visually stunning presentation