
A big thank you to Bud Hancock for yet another insightful article about Israel and her relationship with the United States, which is looking ever more confusing with O’Biden in charge.
Gibber! Gibber!
Does Israel Really Need U.S. Help?
By Bud Hancock
The “If-Then Argument” is the foundation of deductive reasoning. Followed to their conclusions, these arguments, or statements, can help form a working premise used to either defend or condemn any argument on almost any subject.
Allow me to offer one such “If-Then argument” and follow it to a conclusion:
Most of the world considers the United States to be a supporter of Israel, indeed Israel’s strongest ally. If so, in that role, it should mean that all efforts on the part of the United States government to aid, assist, and help Israel should benefit the State of Israel FIRST and FOREMOST in both the short term and the long term. If there are any benefits to the United States from her aid to israel, they should be merely the collateral results of the righteous action to aid Israel and NOT a primary benefit because of that aid.
I will base all further information for my conclusions in this article on the words of God found in Genesis 12:1-3: “Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” (emphasis mine). Using the If-Then argument, the premise is that the United States should be blessed because we bless Israel.
However, one must truly search out the actions of the U.S. Government regarding Israel to determine the answer to this critical question:
“Is the US truly helping Israel?”
In this country of a majority of Christians (now somewhat questionable), if God were in favor of the United States “help” for Israel (think blessing Israel), at least what is being considered “help”, would God not truly bless the United States for her efforts? If the premise being used is correct, the answer to that question would be an unqualified “YES”.
Is there even one sign that our nation is now being blessed by God? Keep in mind that the biblical use of the word “blessed” means “to enable to prosper”, because the only true prosperity comes directly from God. Having studied the condition of the United States from several perspectives in the past fifteen years, what I now see occurring in this nation resembles cursing more than blessing. This is an indication that what the United States is doing TO, instead of FOR, Israel is creating a situation that has the potential to destroy the United States. I purport that many of the actions taken by the U.S. government against Israel’s sovereignty, mostly that of pushing for a two state solution, are anything BUT help, and the fact that our nation now seems to be more cursed than blessed, perhaps indicates that God is NOT in favor of the actions being taken against Israel under the guise of “help” by our government.
Even though numerous U.S. Presidents have, for decades, pushed and pressured Israeli leaders to accept a separate state for the Palestinian people on the land given to Israel by God for an eternal inheritance, a large majority of Israelis are deadset against the long-touted two-state solution as the answer to the Israeli-Palestinian problem. Analysts both in Israel and the United States have long known that, if a two state solution is agreed on, it will spell certain doom for the Jewish people, by creating multiple non-defensible areas that would threaten their very existence.
Blessing Versus Cursing

If actions taken on behalf of an ally actually cause more harm than good, how can one justify those actions as “help”? It must be admitted that all actions between governments are driven, first and foremost by monetary concerns, then by political ideology. I make that statement based on the definition of politics: “A process intended to produce power and control in favor of those who engage in it”. The very process, if monetary gain was eliminated from it, would fall apart very quickly. The gain of control over people and governments allows those in positions of power to increase themselves monetarily. If you doubt this, simply search on the net worth of any politician in the US Congress for the past fifty years, starting with their net worth pre-politics and then post-politics.
What the monetary issue boils down to is the potential gain of the vast resources of the oil and gas, as well as mineral resources that are so abundant in the Middle East. Any government that has the potential to profit from control over those resources will put all other concerns aside and work toward controlling those resources.
Christians who may harbor some personal animosity toward the Jewish people, should set those feelings aside and remember that, for all believers, the word of God takes precedence over any personal feelings. When God issued His promise to Abraham and to the entire world, that He would bless those who bless Abraham and his descendants, and curse them that vilify, disrespect and work against Israel, He formalized and finalized His policy toward the entire non-Jewish world that a wonderful blessing could be had by blessing the Jewish people; conversely, He established a curse for those who not only refuse to bless Abraham but who hold him and his descendants in contempt with disrespect.
So then, why does He allow such terrible catastrophes to happen to them by the hands of Jew-hating Gentiles?

Let’s start with the fact that God is gracious, merciful, long-suffering and not willing that any should perish, Jews or Gentiles. That may be difficult for many to understand, but it is true. He also has established a standard for the judgment of all peoples, and the treatment afforded to the Jews by all the nations, based on Genesis 12:1-3, IS that standard and it has never been revoked or amended.
Jesus said in Matthew 25:31-46 that the treatment afforded by the World toward the Jews would be the standard by which all nations would be judged. Adherence to that standard will determine which nations will be allowed to enter into the 1000 year earthly kingdom of Jesus after He destroys all the armies that have tried to annihilate Israel as they attack Jerusalem at the end of Jacob’s seventieth week, the Tribulation Period. Sadly, all the nations of the world that are now voicing their hatred of Israel and are lending their support to the enemies of Israel, will learn that the hard way.
American Help for Israel
Relations between the United States government and the leaders of Israel currently seem to be extremely strained, and as the war between Israel and her surrounding neighbors rages on, many seem to be concerned that, without the help of the United States, Israel will be overrun and potentially destroyed. But throughout history, with God standing FOR them, Israel survived many wars and is still a strong, albeit a small, nation.
Trust me, God has all the resources needed to totally guard and keep and protect from harm, all the Jewish people and their land, so why does Israel need so much assistance from the United States? If you will allow me, I believe Israel does NOT need our help, but they believe they do, and that belief may be due to their estrangement from the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They have been able to re-form as a nation and maintain that status for nearly 76 years. My premise is that the aid given to Israel by the United States is NOT for the benefit of Israel but for the benefit of the so-called leaders of this nation.
Just as Jesus said to the righteous sheep nations, recorded in Matthew 25, when they ministered to the “least of these my brethren, they were ministering to Jesus Himself and in so doing, they reaped the reward of the righteous and “life eternal”. When the goat nations failed to minister to the Jewish people, they also failed to minister to Jesus, and their reward was “everlasting punishment”.

Right now, even though our government is still providing some military assistance to Israel, they are, at the same time, working behind the scenes to force Israel to give up the West Bank, Judea and Samaria, and Gaza to foreigners to whom God has NOT given that land; in addition, their pressure is also trying to divide the Jewish capital of Jerusalem. The word of God specifically states what will happen to those who try to divide God’s land: They will be “cut in pieces” (Zechariah 12:3). I find it interesting and somewhat ironic that the words in Zechariah 12:3 offer a further amplification of the curse stated in Genesis 12:3 that God declared on those who curse Israel. The word for “curse” in Genesis 12:3, is the Hebrew word, arar, pronounced aw-rar’ (Strong’s 779), meaning “to execrate, to abhor, to detest and to utterly destroy”. The words “cut in pieces” in Zechariah 12:3, is the Hebrew word sarat, pronounced saw-rat’, (Strong’s 8295), meaning “to gash” or “to make multiple pieces out of one” and it denotes complete destruction.

God in His mercy has waited a long time for the nations to heed His words and treat Israel as He demands they be treated, and in that waiting time, based on the way they are trying to force God and the Jews to agree to their demands instead of agreeing with God on His demands, many nations seem to have already made their decisions.
The Arrogance of the Nations
Throughout history, God has shown His mercy to the nations and has insisted in His word that He loves them all and wishes that none would perish (John 3:16). But God made an everlasting covenant with Abraham based, NOT on Abraham’s righteousness, but on God’s righteousness. In that covenant, he promised that Abraham would (1) be made a great nation, (2) that he would blessed by God who would (3) make Abraham’s name great; but He went further and also promised that Abraham would be a blessing to all nations. That last promise was a conditional one for the nations that desired to be blessed by God, the condition being that the nations were expected to treat Abraham and his descendants with respect and were to bless them when they were called upon to do so (Genesis 12:2-3).
Nearly 3000 years after God spoke those words to Abraham, God’s only begotten Son, Jesus, Himself also being a direct descendant of Abraham through His mother, Mary, confirmed the words of God when He spoke of the judgment that would fall on ALL nations that failed to meet the condition of Genesis 12:3. The past nearly 2000 years have been a prolonged test of the nations, and Jesus will announce the results of those tests when He stands in judgment of the nations, just prior to entering into His millennial reign.
However, during all the time since God made that eternal covenant with Abraham, God never failed nor forsook His Earthly people. He always kept His eye on them and provided whatever they would need to survive, as proven by the fact that Israel still exists today in spite of the 190+ member nations of the U.N. who despise and accuse Israel of being the problem that has plagued the world since their beginning. Some of these are the same nations who claim to support the Jewish people, but who go behind their backs and support the enemies of Israel, and to a certain extent, pay those enemies to destroy Israel. The United States is in the group that covertly and profusely offers money to Israel’s enemies while claiming publicly that they are allies of Israel. To most people, this would be called duplicitous behavior.
In the past, God has dealt with the same treacherous behavior. In Exodus 17 (READ THE ENTIRE CHAPTER), when Israel had left Egyptian slavery and was en route to the Promised Land, they were attacked from behind by the Amalekites who wished to plunder them and take a spoil.
Because of their treachery, God instructed Moses to do battle against the Amalekites, and Moses instructed Joshua to choose his men to go fight against them. Moses, Aaron and Hur were to stand on the nearby hill where Moses would hold the Rod of God in his hand; as long as Moses’s hand was held up, Israel prevailed in the battle, but if his hand lowered Amalek prevailed. Moses hand became heavy and, to alleviate this problem, Aaron and Hur placed a stone on which Moses was to sit and Aaron and Hur would then hold up Moses’s hands, allowing Israel to prevail in the battle. Aaron and Hur exhibited the actions of a TRUE ally of Israel. While a true ally in today’s conflict between Israel and Amalek should be holding up the hands of the leader of Israel, they seem to be tying his hands behind his back.

For their cowardly act, the Lord God swore that He would war with Amalek from generation to generation (Exodus 17:16), and would eventually end their existence (Exodus 17:14). Could this become a fate of those who are now turning against Israel?
Who Was Amalek?
Amalek was the grandson of Esau, though Eliphaz, the firstborn son of Esau. By the time the Israelites left Egypt, Amalek and his people had settled in the area we now know as Gaza and dwelt there. It is well understood that the people now known as “Gazans/Palestinians” are the direct offspring of Esau, also known as the Edomites (Genesis 36:1).
These are the same people who attacked Israel and slaughtered more than a thousand Jews in the cowardly attack of October 7, 2023. While they are still around now, we know by the prophetic words of God, they will soon be obliterated according to Exodus 17:14.
While it is not unexpected that the Amalekites would attack Israel, based on the everlasting hatred that has existed for thousands of years between the offspring of Esau and Ishmael, and the offspring of Jacob, the fact that so many other nations decided to put their names and their forces behind the Gazans is very telling. It speaks to the decisions that were made when the eternal hatred began and to the same hatred we see today. It also means we MUST look back to the words of God to see what He has planned for those people.
If God made His decision on His righteous judgment concerning the Amalekites who attacked the Jews in a cowardly manner, causing much death and destruction, will His righteous judgment not also apply to those who have done the same to Israel today?
The title of this article addresses the need of help for Israel by the United States. I state, as my opinion, that they absolutely do NOT need that help. The God of Abraham is unlimited in His ability to protect His people, and when the time is right for Him to show Himself strong on their behalf, he will not falter nor fail and He will NOT be late. No, as long as the Jewish people place their faith and trust in God, the do not need the help of the United States.
On the other hand, it is the United States that needs to remove any and ALL demands on Israel and the Jewish people. Currently, in the United States, we constantly hear the phrase, “Make America Great Again”, and I am a proponent of that very idea.

I love my country and do not want to see horrible judgment and destruction come upon it. But they truth is that we are witnessing, NOT God’s blessings, but mass cursing on our nation which will only worsen until and unless our government realizes that it is WE that need to provide unconditional assistance to Israel in their quest to finalize the words of God in His promise to erase the name of Amalek forever from under heaven.
If those who are in power in the U.S. government would do so, and begin to truly bless Israel, we could once again experience the blessings of God ourselves. However, if those in power refuse to acknowledge that fact, the fate of Amalek and Esau could also become the fate of the United States.
Maranatha and Blessings!

Born and raised in a small textile town in North Carolina, Bud’s family moved to Michigan in the hope of finding better employment with General Motors. After graduating from high school, Bud began an apprenticeship with General Motors to become a Metal Modelmaker. Retiring after a 30 year career, which included an eight year stint as a Metrologist (Science of high precision measurement), he and his wife moved back to North Carolina to be near his elderly parents. Shortly thereafter, with both of his parents having passed, he began a new career in the bank security/ATM business, advancing from an entry level technician to one of two North Carolina customer service managers for his employer. Retiring again after 13 years, he and his wife of 51 years relocated to Tennessee where Bud began writing articles emphasizing Biblical teaching and geopolitical issues. At age 75, he and his wife relocated to South Carolina with their Miniature Schnauzer, Baxter. Bud continues to study God’s word and write articles on Christian living and geopolitical issues from the Biblical end times perspective.