Jan Markell, Olive Tree Ministries, relates how Biblical prophecies are converging and are falling into place as your world disintegrates. The good news is that the second coming of Christ Jesus for His Church is very close.
Gibber! Gibber!
The Thinking Chimp
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Now see Greg Willis’ series of DVD’s featuring the end times. Many think he is todays Barry Smith! Saturdays feature product is “The Great Reset”. This DVD also runs for about 54 minutes. This is not teaching you will find in the average “church”, many of which never speak of these things. Make sure you are equipped to cope with the crisis in which you now find yourselves. And, Please, look after my zoo!
Excited customer David writes:
The Rapture
The Rapture is so important to be understood by all people. It is the entry into Eternity.
This DVD is so well researched with topics and points supported by scripture.
Bible verses very clearly read by Judy Willis.
Recommended viewing.
All the best, David (Sydney)
Thank you David!
Gibber! Gibber!

2 thoughts on “CONVERGENCE”
We are progressing through end times as we live day to day. Just know where we are in the plan and do not have fear. Love overcomes fear!
Yes, that is why I believe my range of DVD’s from Timeline Ministries are so helpful for people. They explain in crystal clear language what is going on.. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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