Thanks to Richard for sending through this short news flash from his friend Bazz. Don’t forget the Bereans, Acts 17:11. Also do not forget that many do not want you to know the truth, of which Jesus said:
John 8:32
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Gibber! Gibber!
G’day All,
As many of you may know, our Veterinarians (Vet) can and do implant pet animals (& livestock occasionally) with a ‘numbered’ electronic Identification (ID) RFID scannable ‘Chip’ (as an internal ‘eTag’). These implanted ‘chips’ enable a lost pet animals to be reunited with their owners after such have been found.
But, Read this human story:
My close friend Graeme has just related a true story from the NSW country region, whereby a Covid-Vaccinated lady had her arm scanned by a Vet. Sure enough, as I’ve informed All earlier, this Covid-Vax recipient had been implanted with a scannable ID ‘Chip’, in that the Vet was able to identify her new traceable ‘Chip’ number.
Unfortunately, this lady is now permanently ‘marked’ with an identifiable number – her number in the coming ‘Mark of the Beast’ system. Hence, all Covid-Vax recipients will be ‘numbered’ trans-humans.
This Covid-Vax RFID ‘Chip’ is cunningly fitted into the single use (then throw away) CNSyringe Needle housing (& cannot be seen in the clear Syringe plunger housing), such that a ‘specific numbered’ RFID ‘Chip’ only releases one-way into arms at inoculation (and is not sucked up into the Syringe as vaccine is extracted from the Vial).
Very shortly we’ll hear our Govt Health authorities come out on the media, verballing, blasting this subject Covid-Vax ‘Chip’ as a foolish rumour, or as a ‘conspiracy theory’.
Thanks Graeme – Please Share – Blessings to All, Bazz
5 thoughts on “CHIPPED LIKE YOUR PET”
Dear Chugley. Surely no one believes this ridiculous story. If there was a ‘modicum’ of truth it would be all over the the news headlines. Thanks Chugley for posting this, it reminds us all that there are still ‘ratbags’ out there hell-bent on creating uncertainty and panic.
On what basis does the writer conclude that…
“Unfortunately, this lady is now permanently ‘marked’ with an identifiable number – her number in the coming ‘Mark of the Beast’ system”?
The “mark of the beast” described in Revelation 13 is, first of all, “in their right hand or in their forehead”…not in the innoculated arm. Secondly, Rev 13 explains the “mark” will be implemented during the latter half of the Tribulation when these “beasts” will be manifest in their wickedness and destruction.
Finally, as a committed Believer, I don’t believe God will allow any of His beloved children to unwittingly and unthinkingly fall into the trap of receiving this “mark of the beast”… Revelation 14: 9-11 tells us of the dire consequences from God. Surely He would make it abundantly clear to any Believers at that time the gravity of receiving this “mark”.
I think the “mark of the beast” will be much more obvious in its delivery and context than the Covid vaccine!
I am pleased to see the Bereans are alive and active! I am waiting further details from Richard who has asked for them from this vet. Many of my readers believe this is the pre-cursor to get people compliant with accepting the mark. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
Never have given our dogs the chips, why? Because they’re more likely to get cancer in the areas where the chip is placed. No thanks…I’ll stay unmarked…the Social Security number is bad enough.
Thanks Kelleigh! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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