Another cracking article from Lex Greene published in News With Views the other day. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley Stupid is as Stupid Does By Lex Greene|July 29th, 2021 Lex Greene writes another article in New With Views explaining what is going on. My readers are fortunate to have access to such cutting edge information. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley By Lex Greene In the famous words of Forrest Gump, “stupid is as stupid does” and these days, stupid seems much more common than common sense in the USA. Even Forrest was smart enough to know it. To arrive at the right answers, you only…
Thank you to Ashley for sending this article in from Steve Waterson, Commercial Editor of THE AUSTRALIAN. It is heartening to see some good Australian common sense, sprinkled with humour, shining some rational light on the plight of your country. My zoo is, again deserted, and I don’t know if my banana supply will continue. My keepers tell me I’m “WuFlu Safe”, which is more than they are according to Gladys. Gibber Gibber! Chugley THE WEEKEND AUSTRALIAN, JULY 17-18, 2021 Facing this ‘existential’ war we’re urged to run and hide The only thing our clueless leaders have done is…
Marilyn Brown has sent in a follow up article to Joan Swirsky’s report on anti-semitism in America. following Biblical history carefully Marilyn finds the signs of anti-semitism beginning here in Australia. Marilyn gives us due warning and many thanks to her for this warning. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley THE BIBLICAL BACKGROUND TO ANTI-SEMITISM Marilyn Brown Thanks to Joan Swirsky for her updates on the progress of anti-Semitism in the U.S.A. (see post “carefully Taught, July 19th). As in America, so will it go here in Australia. We shake our heads in horror and remember, with grief, the unimaginable images of the holocaust…
This article is another insightful summary detailing the progress of the attempted Marxist takeover of America. Thank you to Amil Imani. May I suggest that my readers substitute “Australia” every time you see that Nation mentioned in the article? You are in very dark days and need to awake from your torpor to protect your Judaeo Christian way of living. Amil’s biography appears at the end. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley Surrender Is Not an Option By Amil Imani|July 18th, 2021 By: Amil Imani Who are we? We are patriots. We are Americans. We are individuals dedicated to resist tyranny, lies and the…
Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, He it is that doth go with thee; He will not fail thee, nor forsake thee”. Fight the Good Fight! Chugley
I am getting very despondent in my zoo watching you destroying your Nation along with many others. Surely some beastly little bug is not going to bring the Western World to its knees? Listen to the clip above and have a read of this below, kindly sent by Wayne and Judy. Wake up Australia, unmask your true selves. Click on “Continue Reading” for full article. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley Chimp for God and Australia
Thanks to David and also Gerry for forwarding this powerful article by Conrad Black to me. Australia must wake up to what is really going on, for the sake of your Nation (and my zoo!) get interested! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley China’s COVID Coup China deserves credit for a remarkable feat of strategic improvisation in translating a public health crisis into a large economical and geopolitical advance at the expense of the West.By Conrad Black June 2021 It is time for Americans to contemplate the possibility that the United States may be surpassed as the world’s most influential country. The Chinese have…
Ever since Abraham thought he should help God by conceiving Ishmael through Hagar the Jewish people have had trouble. Thank you to Joan Swirsky for picking up the most recent continuation of the story. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley Israel supporter THE OLDEST HATRED NOW FULMINATES AND FLOURISHES By Joan Swirsky In February, not two weeks into the, ahem, presidency of Joe Biden, I described in my article, “Joe’s Jews,” the appointments he made of 11 longtime Jew haters and Israel loathers to key positions in his cabinet/regime. A month later, in my article “More about Joe and the Jews,” I described…