I thank Bud Hancock for sending through another most timely article as the world faces a new crisis with the breakout of war in the Ukraine. This article is in two halves to enable easier reading over the weekend. It explains with great lucidity how Jesus Christ is intertwined with humanity – and the Creation of the world and its history, which is now reaching a climactic period. A highly readable synopsis. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley The Scourge of Politics and Politicians – Part one By Bud Hancock The Creator The heavens and the earth were created in a six day…
Patriotic Americans Classified as Domestic Terrorists
Thank you once again Kelleigh Nelson for another deeply researched article about the crisis in Western democracy. Please take the time to diligently check out the live links which support Kelleigh’s observations. Always apply the Berean attitude of Acts 17:11 “These (Bereans) were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so”. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley By Kelleigh Nelson February 2022 The closer the collapse of an empire, the crazier their laws. —Marcus Tullius Cicero Power is not a means; it is an…
WARNING! I like to keep my readers up to speed with what is careering down the track. The Link above gives an Australian warning, please overlook the one expletive. This weekend saw a massive Freedom Rally take place in Australia’s capital city of Canberra. Please check this out, I am glad to say that the people are waking up: To further emphasise what is really going on, Pastor Wayne Edwards sent a news clip summary with notes, reproduced below for you. Then Rowan Dean gave a similar assessment on his Australian Outsiders show on Sky yesterday. You have been…
Pastor Wayne’s handouts this weekend are so pertinent I am publishing them today. Because of the time difference with Georgia USA, his Sunday sermon will be published tomorrow. Todays notes are short but compelling, I recommend printing them to read in a comfortable spot, with your favourite beverage. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley My Fellow Watchmen, Under the guise of the “greater good,” world leaders conspired to use their positions of power to enforce every individual to comply with their rules regarding the Covid-19 vaccines, which we now know aren’t vaccines at all. In so doing, they sowed seeds of fear, suspicion,…
My keeper, Algy’s old Royal Air Force chum Dave, sent this story through. It was sent to him by another pilot friend, John. I just had to post this amazing story as a break from the WuFlu war reports currently being waged against humanity. Many thanks, Algy, Dave and John. Back Monday – God willing! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley BAD ANGEL We were in Hanger #4 of the Pima Air and Space Museum to view the beautifully restored B-29, When I happened to take notice of a P-51 Mustang near the big bomber. It’ s name? “Bad Angel” I…
YOUR FLAG Click on link above to watch and listen to Larry Hannigan’s moving story explaining the origins of your flag. Refresh your sense of patriotism and what your country stands for. Hold the line. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
Dr. Vernon Coleman: Here’s Why Most of the Jabbed Will Die Early – Vaccine Impact This apparently “evolving” monkey is constantly amazed how humans ignore what some of your best minds are saying. You can click on the link above to hear the eminent Dr Vernon Coleman explain the dangers involved with mRNA concoctions. Your world seems to have abandoned the pursuit of truth. I wonder just how long my zoo can last? Gibber! Gibber! Chugley Chimp for Truth