Dr Meryl Nass: Anti-covid vaccine doctor sent for psychiatric evaluation for prescribing Ivermectin
https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/01/us-doctors-targeted-and-rounded-up-biden-regime-will-force-life-saving-doctors-into-asylums/ Another highly qualified Doctor, Meryl Nass, has had her license to practice stripped from her for prescribing Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. Click above and hear her story as told to Stew Peters. She is being forced to undergo psychiatric evaluation as to her sanity. How long are you humans going to tolerate this outrage? I urge my readers to listen carefully to this and ask yourself “what are the Australian authorities doing about preventing similar scandalous incidents taking place here?” Get involved in one of the newly emerging active political parties, who are stridently calling for action, particularly to protect…
https://rumble.com/vscszz-julian-gillespie-avn-judicial-review-to-stop-vaccines-in-australia.html Yesterday we had a senior Australian scientist de-bunking the climate crisis hoax, today we have a former Australian Barrister, Julian Gillespie, calling for a judicial review to ban vaccines in Australia. This is worth the listen, click link above to access. Tomorrow is the day of the World Wide Freedom Rally, with rallies taking place Australia wide. This monkey detects a feeling of hope returning to this beleaguered Nation as the citizens wake up. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
https://www.fastmailusercontent.com/jmap/download/uc8f34144/Gfa7fbdd697679edc82020343ef1addf32d18bcd7/c00ea8ad-330b-433c-815c-9744010cc0e8.mov?type=video%2Fquicktime&u=c8f34144&access_token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJkNzg1MzMwODU4YTNmY2ZjN2ZhODhhNjk3MDIyZWJhMiIsInN1YiI6IjdIejMtRGNqWmtsZnhSQnF4MWxpSWpfcW5oVVdQcFhsQ2FXdnFOYm1vOVkiLCJpYXQiOjE2NDI1NTA0MDB9.Fk1VSb8LklpTYkwNp0oPGMDluKH5dCbdSjrFuHh8nJ8 It was heartening to see Pastor Bob Cotton speaking up for your children at the Newcastle Freedom Rally this Saturday. Thanks to the person who sent me this short clip. In four minutes Bob calls out the silent “church”. Chimps treat their children better than this. Click on link above then open bottom left to listen. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
QANON Dies Hard By Cherie Zaslawsky January 2022 By now it’s clear that the QAnon franchise dies hard. A number of its proponents are still at it. Call me cynical, but since having many thousands, or millions, of followers is easily monetized these days, acquisitiveness seems a likely motive. Why upset the Q gravy train that has so generously rewarded its proselytizers? But there may be more nefarious motivations at work than simple greed. That occurred to me as I listened to a recent episode of the X22 Report. How official-sounding and impressive that title is with its James Bondian mystique, enhanced…
Thank you Shirley from England for this enlightening article about a movement that began in Australia and has spread worldwide. For some reason the links will not transpose “live” my readers can copy and paste the relevant details into a browser to view. “A Stand in the Park” is a good way to peacefully show your government that you will not accept this imposition of tyranny from a system gone rogue. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley A STAND IN THE PARKRESISTENCE IN THE UK FOR 2022 Shirley from England Galatians 5:1For freedom, Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do…
Once again Kelleigh Nelson goes straight to the heart of this tyrannical plot striking at the heart of Western democracy. Do not think that somehow humans in Australia are exempt from all this. The same tyranny is rampant here, I count on you to save my zoo. Make sure you read the links, meticulously researched as always. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley VARIANTS, PROPAGANDA, FEAR AND GENOCIDE Kelleigh Nelson The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth….
I am privileged today to publish an article by Pastor Bob Cotton about the evil of enforced child “vaccination”. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley GOD SPARE OUR CHILDREN Bob Cotton Maitland Christian Church December 2021 Dear Christian friends, Australia is about to embark on what could potentially be the greatest medical disaster in our history. Further to that, it is an injustice against the innocent on an unprecedented scale. If we choose to do nothing, not only do we deserve what is coming but we deserve the judgement of God as well. NSW Minister for Health and Medical Research, Brad Hazzard, wants…
Dr. Vernon Coleman: Here’s Why Most of the Jabbed Will Die Early – Vaccine Impact This apparently “evolving” monkey is constantly amazed how humans ignore what some of your best minds are saying. You can click on the link above to hear the eminent Dr Vernon Coleman explain the dangers involved with mRNA concoctions. Your world seems to have abandoned the pursuit of truth. I wonder just how long my zoo can last? Gibber! Gibber! Chugley Chimp for Truth