DANIEL 11: 9 & 10a (The Marginal Reading of The King James Translation) ‘Then He [The King of The North] will come into The Kingdom of The South, but shall return into His Own Land.’ The eldest son of Antiochus II and Laodice, Seleucus II Callinicus [The King of The North – The Seleucid Empire] will eventually counter attack Ptolemy III, [The King of The South – The Egyptian Empire], (The Brother of The Murdered Berenice and The Uncle of The Murdered Antiochus III,) coming into The Ptolemaic Kingdom, [The Third Syrian War (246 B.C.E. – 241 B.C.E.)] but will be forced to surrender his gains and return into His Own Kingdom.
9) The king of the south.–According to the Hebrew text, these words are in the genitive case (so Theod. Jer.), though the English Version is supported by the LXX. In this case the meaning is, “The king of the north shall come into the kingdom of the southern king,” and then shall return to his own land–i.e., the north–apparently without gaining any advantage. As excellent a translation as the King James Version was (and is), its editors never claimed to be infallibile. Their marginal notes indicate instances where they lacked absolute certainty over some readings. They acknowledged this in their preface: …it hath…