No matter how dark the world appears, reflect on the glorious wisdom embraced by this song. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
No matter how dark the world appears, reflect on the glorious wisdom embraced by this song. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
In honour of the fallen.
Most of my readers, I’m sure, will say “NO’ to Albo and his nefarious plans for deconstructing Australia and plunging her into endless turmoil and confusion. You may look back, as I do, to a more dinky-di age when Slim Dusty sang a song, written by his wife, Joy McKean, (her stage name), about an enterprising Aborigine – Grandfather Johnson. Australia offers opportunity for all humans – even Chimpanzees! If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Gibber Gibber! Chugley
After the messages concerning yesterdays post about Maui I am prompted by my readers to reflect on what happened. My keeper, Algy, spent some time in California in the sixties and comments that it was an idyllic part of the world. Since then he is told it has deteriorated into a kind of large slum. I thought this sing by the Beach Boys captured the spirit of California in those bygone years, and would provide an interlude between the heavy news items. So get yourselves in that cool clear water – at least in your dreams. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
I thought with all the concerning news hurtling around the airwaves it was time to feature a song by the Happy Goodmans. This group are one of my favourites and I trust you will enjoy them also. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
Thanks to Joan Swirsky and Kelleigh Nelson for the story behind Somewhere Over the Rainbow reproduced below, explaining its connection with Israel. Click the red arrow above to hear Judy Garland singing the song. Did you also know that Irving Berlin, born Israel Beilin, gave us the song White Christmas and God Bless America? There is no limit to the depth of genius embedded within the Jewish Nation. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley So beautiful and so true! Somewhere Over the Rainbow Did you know that Somewhere Over the Rainbow, regarded as one of the best songs ever written, was a song written…
Why not begin the week with a well known song from singer/songwriter Buddy Davis confirming belief in Creation, click on red arrow above. I believe that probably most of todays problems stem from teaching your children that they “evolved by random chance from inert chemicals”, instead of teaching them that they are fearfully and wonderfully made by an Almighty God, who also gave them a book explaining why they are here and who Jesus Christ is. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
After another week I can only describe as fraught, how about some Gospel music from Kenny Rogers? Gibber! Gibber! Chugley PS: why not buy me a banana? https://www.buymeacoffee.com/chugleychimp
For my readers who may be feeling overwhelmed by current events I recommend taking time to meditate on the words of this hymn and to appreciate the story behind it which I reproduce below. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley The Story Behind…“Just As I Am” By Author Unknown The Story Behind …“Just As I Am” If there is one hymn that is sung more often than any other while the preacher is inviting people to “come forward” it is, “Just As I Am.” Probably more persons have accepted Christ with strains of that old hymn ringing in their ears than any other gospel…