Dave Daubenmire raises some provocative points about the Church in America. Maybe it has some bearing on the Church in Australia? Gibber! Gibber! Chugley The Rise of the Ex-Vangelicals By Dave Daubenmire|June 3rd, 2021 by Dave Daubenmire The American Church is so compromised it has become good for nothing. Not Christianity. Christianity is alive and well. But the building where people gather on Sunday has become almost as useless as a rotary phone. It is still a means of communication, but the line does not really connect to the person on the other end. The American Church has become little more…
Thank you to Penny from England who sent through this most insightful comment. Dear Chugley, I have just been sent this with permission to pass it on. It was written by Chris Biddle, a resident here in Launceston, Devon, England. He read it before sharing the Communion – staggeringly brilliant. God bless you! A pandemic is a disease that is prevalent over the whole of a country or all over the world. When God created the world it was perfect and good, but evil came into the world bringing with it a pandemic wave of lies, faithlessness and sin.God realised…
Update from J.D. Farag. Listen up! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
My Keeper, Algy, and I had an encouraging e-mail exchange during the weekend. We are not going to let Bonkers Biden and the Gnomes of Davos steal all our joy. Algy was sharing with me some of the inspired songs he has found helpful in his Christian walk. I invite my readers to share some of the songs and anecdotes that you have found most empowering. Enjoy Judith Durham and the Seekers, click above. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley