Some wise advice from Creation Ministries. Subscribe to the sensational Creation Magazine here: Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
Some wise advice from Creation Ministries. Subscribe to the sensational Creation Magazine here: Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
Move over “1984”/ George Orwell: This is crazy. C.S. Lewis wrote these words in his book “The Screwtape Letters” nearly 79 years ago. Amazing how this could have been written today: ′′One young devil asked the old man: “How did you manage to bring so many souls to hell?” The old devil answered: “I instilled fear in them!” Answers the youngster: “Great job! And what were they afraid of? Wars? Hunger?” Answers the man: “No, they were afraid of the disease!” For this youngster: “Does this mean they didn’t get sick? Are they not dead? There was no rescue for…
I trust my readers appreciate how privileged they are to to able able to access articles such as these, from a leading American thinker and writer – (see Kelleigh Nelson’s Bio at end). As an apparently evolving Chimp, I am horrified to witness the fall of your Western culture, and the somnolent attitude of so many. I am very heartened to be able to also bring you solid, Biblical teaching, (such as that from Creation Ministries), to assist your Sprits to remain optimistic towards Biblical promises, in the face of the current torrent of conflicting news. May I recommend that…
Robert J. Firth is a retired Airline Captain with over 28,000 hours of flying time. He is also a prolific Author, and an aircraft dealer based in Florida USA. I am going to serialise his book Atheists are Idiots on Saturdays, and will feature an aircraft of the week for my readers considering avoiding the China virus disrupted Airports. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley THIS IS YOUR CAPTAIN SPEAKING ATHEISTS 3 PREFACE Antitheism (sometimes anti-theism) implies an opposition to theism. The etymological roots of the word lie in the Greek anti-and theismos. The term has had a range of applications; in secular…
Welcome once more to our newest contributor, prolific Christian author, Marilyn Brown. Marilyn has written a very comprehensive explanation of what the Bible is – The Truth – and how it is constructed. Because of the length of this most scholarly work, if you wish to read the entire document, please click this link: and I shall send you a link. Many thanks Marilyn for sharing this significant work. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley THE BIBLE Compiled by Marilyn Brown (A synopsis). Several years ago, a friend, who had come out of Buddhism and embraced Christianity when she was in University,…