THE PROCLAMATION OF THE KINGDOM Here is another highly relevant sermon from Wayne Edwards. I published his most insightful notes on the news yesterday. The Sermon begins at 21 minutes. Today I publish Mike Claydon’s weekly Israel Report from Australia, in the place of Pastor Wayne’s usual notes on the news. Mike’s introduction is a wonderful summary of where this shaky world is up to. It complements Pastor Wayne’s view from America, essential reading. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley Pastor Wayne writes: According to biblical researchers, Jesus walked 21,525 miles during His 33 years on earth, including 400 miles from Egypt to Nazareth, 18,000 miles from…
Pastor Wayne’s handouts this weekend are so pertinent I am publishing them today. Because of the time difference with Georgia USA, his Sunday sermon will be published tomorrow. Todays notes are short but compelling, I recommend printing them to read in a comfortable spot, with your favourite beverage. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley My Fellow Watchmen, Under the guise of the “greater good,” world leaders conspired to use their positions of power to enforce every individual to comply with their rules regarding the Covid-19 vaccines, which we now know aren’t vaccines at all. In so doing, they sowed seeds of fear, suspicion,…
THE TEMPTATION OF THE KING Pastor Wayne Edwards continues his sermon series with The Temptation of the King. The main Sermon begins at about twenty four minutes. The Sermon studies the books of Daniel and Matthew. This Sermon is another study attuned to todays events in this tortured world. Pastor Wayne also includes his news clips which pinpoint the way in which your world is spinning into darkness. I recommend that my readers keep their hope centered on Jesus Christ, not on things that are passing rapidly away. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley Pastor Wayne writes: Those who teach the Christian life is about health, wealth,…
Kelleigh Nelson again exhibits her outstanding skills at discerning the truth in this fallen world. Be sure to read the live links, and assure yourselves as per ACTS 17:11, that you are like the Bereans of old. Australia is experiencing the same avalanche of false information being deliberately used against us. Educate and inform yourselves. Mrs Chugley and I have to attend a funeral of a dear friend. God willing we shall be back next Monday. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley DR. ROBERT MALONE, KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR OR CONTROLLED OPPOSITION? Kelleigh Nelson The best way to control opposition is to lead…
THE CORONATION OF THE KING Pastor Wayne Edwards today relates the importance of Baptism for true believers in Jesus the Christ. The Service begins at 16 minutes, please access it by clicking the link above. Pastor Wayne has again assembled a selection of news items. These illustrate yet again how perilous are the times in which you live. They also threaten the very existence of my zoo. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley Pastor Wayne writes from Perry, Georgia, USA: Leonard Ravenhill once said, “If John the Baptist were to come back today, he would not be crying in the wilderness, but a voice crying in the church,…