Pastor Wayne warns: “The goal of today’s anarchists’ is to replace every semblance of the God of the Bible with government, and every visual and verbal reference to Jesus Christ with the Antichrist, and that plan is unfolding everyday under the banner of Marxist-socialism. Those who want to cancel Christianity will soon get what they want, but I’m not sure they will enjoy what they are going to get, for at least a little while, the world will be as it was before the flood, when the thoughts and intentions of every man and woman will be of evil only. Please…
Biblical creation gives us the answer to modern insanity by Gary Bates, Lita Cosner Published: 15 September 2020 (GMT+10) First published in a CMI newsletter, January 2020 A decade ago, who would have predicted the level of societal insanity that is currently gripping the world? Teenagers have become the apocalyptic prophets of climate change. There is an ever-growing number of gender identities being claimed for young children. Individuals and businesses are being persecuted for their non-conformity over LGBT issues. Unsurprisingly, depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders are at an all-time high. Maybe we think that we are safe within the walls of…