Some wise advice from Creation Ministries. Subscribe to the sensational Creation Magazine here: Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
Some wise advice from Creation Ministries. Subscribe to the sensational Creation Magazine here: Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
A teenage boy has died in hospital a week after being stung by a Box Jellyfish. Tommy Johnson was swimming at Patterson Point near Bamaga, in Cape York in Far North Queensland on February 22 when he was stung. … It is believed to be the first fatality from a box jellyfish sting in 15 years. A timely reminder of the results of Adam and Eve’s fall. Thank you Creation Ministries for this insightful article. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley Skeptics challenge: a ‘God of love’ created a killer jellyfish? by David Catchpoole When Christians point to the complexity of living things as evidence for a Designer (i.e. God), scoffers…
Another attention getting article from Creation Ministries. A graphic illustration of how animals could have easily re-populated the earth after the Great Flood of Noah. Don’t forget, you can subscribe to Creation magazine here: Gibber! Gibber! Fantastic far-reaching foxtrot by Philip Robinson Researchers at the Norwegian Polar Institute ( see above photo) have tracked an Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) traversing three countries and two continents in just 76 days. The vixen, of the blue type typical in coastal areas, was fitted with a satellite tracking collar when just under a year old. It was tracked from 1 March to 1…
I am convinced that the root cause of the world’s problems is that people believe they “evolved” from monkeys like me. What a diabolical insult to the Holy Creator, Almighty God. Creation Ministries’ latest InfoByte makes this quite clear. You really must subscribe their outstanding magazine, Creation. Click here: Gibber! Gibber! Chugley Divine design denies evolution by Gavin Cox Published: 4 February 2021 (GMT+10) Adapted from Prayer News, CMI-UK/Europe, July 2020. Animals the world over sport amazing design features that defy evolutionary expectations while testifying to the Creator’s wisdom. Here we will briefly consider two examples that have been reported in…