HOW SHOULD WE THEN LIVE? As you may remember, my correspondent Shirley from England put me in touch with Pastor Wayne Edwards from Heritage Baptist Church in Georgia, The United States of America. May I recommend his last Sundays sermon to you? Click the link above and choose the top sermon in the right hand list on the site. You may not agree, but it will certainly prompt you to think, or perhaps re-think about what you really believe. It seems to this monkey that never was there such a time in human history when the TRUTH has mattered more. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley The…
My regular correspondent, Gerry, sent this engaging clip through. I must say, it makes me keen to evolve into a human and inherit these amazing benefits at no charge. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley The Thinking “I might be evolving” Chimp