Today I am pleased to bring you Greg and Judy Willis’ Christmas Newsletter from their Timeline Ministries. I am privileged to offer Timeline’s DVD’s for sale in my shop, check it out. (Click on Shop button at top of page). A purchase helps you, it also helps this Blog, and Greg and Judy’s work. Also the work of other people involved. A sort of all round Blessing system. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley Chimp Militant Topping up your oil & trimming your wick! Pastor Greg Willis, Timeline Ministries The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in…
In these strange times, humans are teaching children, by law, that evolution is fact – you are in fact related to me – from goo to you via the zoo. You are also insisting that people must be injected with an experimental gene altering substance in order to attend many “churches”….. Can this really be so? Do you now need this concoction to hear the Gospel? Amongst all this lunacy it is good to see a new publication, from Terry Arnold, proclaiming the TRUE TRUTH, as Francis Schaeffer called it. A purchase will be an all round help, to you,…
Many thanks to Cherie Zaslawsky for sending in these letters she has written to various newspapers around her home in California. They express most succinctly what you Australians should be most concerned about regarding the current “vaccine” contretemps. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley Preaching Beyond the Choir By Cherie Zaslawsky October 13th, 2021 By Cherie Zaslawsky Those of us who write for NewsWithViews and assorted Conservative and Libertarian journals are essentially preaching to the choir, which, by the way, I believe is absolutely necessary, as the choir doesn’t leave the church during the sermon, but is inspired by it. Yet sometimes we need to reach out…
PANDEMIC – A BIOLOGICAL PROPHECY David Jeremiah, Turning Point Ministries, delivers a very insightful and encouraging message for these tumultuous times. A suitable way to begin another uncertain week. Click link above. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley Check out my new store! Cut and paste: