What more can be said? I trust my readers will be encouraged by these timeless words. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
What more can be said? I trust my readers will be encouraged by these timeless words. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley Another no nonsense straight shooting Sermon from Pastor Wayne Edwards of Heritage Baptist Church, Perry, Georgia, USA. Pastor Edwards emphasises the importance of parenting. The sermon begins at 15 mins 11 secs approx. Many thanks Pastor! The weeks news cli[s are included at the end of these observations. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley PASTOR WAYNE WRITES: Parents are still the dominating force in their child’s life because that is the way God intended it. But to protect their children from the evil forces today, parents must be willing to minimize at least, if not withdraw, their children entirely from any involvement… It is wonderful to be able to rely on Pastor Wayne’s excellent sermons. I thank him vey much on behalf of all my readers. This weeks Sermon begins at approximately 13 Mins 35 secs, click link above. Pastor Wayne’s must read news clips are at the end’ Gibber! Gibber! Chugley In his book, “The Problem of Pain,” C.S. Lewis wrote: “The lost enjoy forever the horrible freedom they demanded and are therefore self-enslaved.” In Romans 1:24ff, the Apostle Paul put it this way: God gives [the lost] up to their choices and the consequences of those choices. Beloved, as…
It is a pleasure to present another two part article by Bud Hancock. If only your leaders displayed such Biblically based wisdom, your world would not be in such a terminal mess. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley Deception, Delusion and Damnation – Part One By Bud Hancock Introduction Deception: (a) the act of causing someone to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid: the act of deceiving (b) an instance of actions and or schemes fabricated to mislead and or delude someone into errantly believing a lie or inaccuracy Delusion: (a) An idiosyncratic belief or impression maintained despite being contradicted… Another week passes by. I again welcome Pastor Wayne Edwards. The Sermon begins at 13: 59 secs approx. Click on the link above to access. Pastor Wayne’s News Clips are included at the end. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley Within the last generation, America has regressed from a God-fearing nation to a God-hating nation, from primarily a Christian nation to a post-Christian nation, and now to an Antichristian nation. Today’s neo-paganism is “wokeism,” a religion that aims to reconstruct western culture with a new set of values, including the foundation for the Christian Faith. Every concept of the Christian Faith is… I thank Pastor Wayne Edwards for his timely sermons. It is particularly relevant to embrace this message at Easter 2022. Please click on the link above to listen, the message begins at approximately 15 mins 46 secs. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley PASTOR WAYNE WRITES: The essential proof that Jesus was the Messiah was not His immaculate conception, nor His mighty miracles, nor His marvelous messages, nor His amazing ministries. The fact that Jesus’ body remained in the tomb three days and three nights, just as Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and three nights, and the… Pastor Wayne Edwards implores all his congregation to wake up, and take an interest in what is going on in your world, nothing like it has been seen before. Pastor Wayne is uniquely qualified, as a former professional news journalist, to search out the most relevant news clips for you. If you find the link at the end says “timed out” please go to the website where you should be able to access them. My tech expert is working on why this sometimes happens. The message starts at approx 17 mins, link above. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley Pastor Wayne… Thank you Pastor Wayne for your consistent dedication to the Lord’s work. The sermon link is above, the sermon begins at approximately 15 mins 36 secs. This week on Thursday, 7th April, Australia’s election campaign kicks off with Clive Palmer addressing the Press club at 12:30 pm for one hour on Sky News. Expect some sensational disclosures – there is the stench of treason in the air I hear, which the “freedom parties” – spearheaded by the United Australia Party and Craig Kelly – addressing the real challenges facing your country. Please print off todays News clips, link at…