https://www.fastmail.com/mail/Inbox/Mb7354b1c17b410a90f407aa4/G2741c806a2010e3b85b26f62296db69d27688b6b?u=c8f34144 I like to keep my readers up to speed with what is careering down the track. The Link above gives an Australian warning, please overlook the one expletive. This weekend saw a massive Freedom Rally take place in Australia’s capital city of Canberra. Please check this out, I am glad to say that the people are waking up: https://www.rebelnews.com/australias_biggest_convoy_descends_on_the_capital?utm_campaign=ay_canbprotest_021222&utm_medium=email&utm_source=therebel To further emphasise what is really going on, Pastor Wayne Edwards sent a news clip summary with notes, reproduced below for you. Then Rowan Dean gave a similar assessment on his Australian Outsiders show on Sky yesterday. You have been…