I am excited to say that Pastor Greg Willis and his wife Judy, recently visited the Zoo (before these ludicrous lock ups) and we decided that we would make some of his excellent end time DVD’s available on my Blog. My IT keeper Phil is busy setting up the shop so you can purchase these online. Full details very soon. In the meantime I know my readers will be interested in Pastor Greg’s latest Newsletter, so I reproduce it below. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley Pastor Gregory and Judith Willis Timeline Ministries ALECTOWN NSW “Prepare ye the way of the Lord” Pastor…
After another fraught week, this old song was sent to me. It brought back many pleasant memories of gentler times – and I hope it does for you. Some purists may nit pick some of the theology, but this monkey feels the artistic worth surpasses these minor flaws. Thanks to Gerry for sending through the clip below about the amazing effect of Ivermectin on an 80 year old woman suffering from the WuFlu. Plus more eye opening comments from Doctors. Any thinking Aussie surely must question why this medicine is not administered to patients in Australia and we are persisting…
This monkey keeps a watch on developments – frankly I am concerned for my banana supply. It seems likely that Australian and New Zealand truck drivers are going to shut down both countries this coming Tuesday August 31st. See the report below from the Cairns News. Of course I recommend that you approach this matter in the same way that the Bereans approached Paul’s teaching about Jesus Christ. See Acts 17:11. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley New post on Cairns NewsTruckies set Tuesday for big showdown with Australia’s COVID dictatorshipby Editor, cairnsnewsThe advert that has been appearing online across Australia.The truck protest…
I am honoured to present this impassioned article by the brave Kelleigh Nelson, fearless warrior for truth. This monkey, as always, urges my readers to be “Berean” and search the truth for yourselves – Acts 17:11. You will notice that Doctors of impeccable qualifications are quoted in this article, so don’t cry “conspiracy theory” without some logical documentation to back up hysterical knee jerk reactions. As Cory Bernardi has recently said :What was considered “Conspiracy Theory’ just two years ago, is now proven fact”. It seems we are well into WW III, the artillery has changed shape. MEDICAL DISSENTERS SABOTAGED…
Thanks to Richard for sending through this short news flash from his friend Bazz. Don’t forget the Bereans, Acts 17:11. Also do not forget that many do not want you to know the truth, of which Jesus said: John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley G’day All, As many of you may know, our Veterinarians (Vet) can and do implant pet animals (& livestock occasionally) with a ‘numbered’ electronic Identification (ID) RFID scannable ‘Chip’ (as an internal ‘eTag’). These implanted ‘chips’ enable a lost pet animals to be reunited…
Thanks to David and also Gerry for forwarding this powerful article by Conrad Black to me. Australia must wake up to what is really going on, for the sake of your Nation (and my zoo!) get interested! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley China’s COVID Coup China deserves credit for a remarkable feat of strategic improvisation in translating a public health crisis into a large economical and geopolitical advance at the expense of the West.By Conrad Black June 2021 It is time for Americans to contemplate the possibility that the United States may be surpassed as the world’s most influential country. The Chinese have…