My keeper Algy and I are on good terms. Of course we have to converse by e-mail because I was not Created with vocal abilities except gibberish. I was very disturbed because I had observed a long period of inactivity in his e-mailing activities. I decided to investigate, the following article discloses what I found.
Gibber! Gibber!
By Chugley the Thinking Chimpanzee
My keeper, Algy, has been abnormally agitated lately. I finally scribbled him an e-mail note asking what the problem was. (I did not receive a vocal download upon my creation).I was surprised to receive a reply almost by return.
I always knew that Algy was politically aware, but now I found he joined the Libertarian Party of Australia, almost two years ago, which professes to stand for Liberty. This appealed to my free-wheeling keeper. It seems though, that – to his disbelief, Algy had just found out that this Liberal attitude extends to decriminalising Cannabis, also known as Marijuana, Dope or Pot. Algy has a tale to tell about this supposed harmless “recreational drug”.
Before he took up Zoo keeping Algy tells me that he had been married to a divorced woman with two sons. These boys were thirteen and fifteen when Algy had married their mother and had become their step-father. After several months it had become apparent to Algy that these boys were heavily into smoking Marijuana.
Algy is an easy going type of person. He tells me that he had had almost no previous experience of marijuana. He was about to undergo a crash course on the impact of the drug that lasted nearly twenty years. The first effects he noticed were his stepson’s lack of ability to display acceptable social manners. Both boys were very intelligent and mechanically clever. They had achieved high marks at school, but it was there that they had been introduced to Marijuana by their peers.

The second effect Algy witnessed was the deterioration of their ability to maintain any meaningful relationships, except with their fellow users. Their friends were all smoking marijuana.
The Third effect was now the habitual habit of stealing, cutting school and dangerous driving. cutting school attendance, dangerous driving and rudeness.
Algy found this very difficult to cope with. He could not engage with his stepsons, it was as if a barrier had been created by this drug. His then wife would not discipline her sons, or their friends. The house, which was hers, reeked of marijuana smoke almost continually, eventually causing them to move out.
One morning Algy had risen early and had noticed a bright light shining from underneath the house. He found a sophisticated hydroponic plantation of Marijuana. So it seemed that the boys were now in commercial production. His wife did destroy this crop, but refused to report the matter.
Algy began to realise the many differences between this illegal substance and the legally acceptable substance, alcohol. The active ingredient apparently was absorbed by the body fats and would not rapidly “wash out” as the result of natural digestion, as will alcohol. The residues build up in fatty tissues and can manifest their destructive and irrational effects at any time.
* Please see notes at end of this article
One evening the elder boy rolled his car, narrowly escaping injury for himself and his female passenger. He seemed oblivious to what had happened. He was in a trance like state. This was apparently symptomatic of the drugs ability to destroy the capacity to rationalise. This effect increased with regular use, progressively destroying self-will. Ambition diminished. Another hugely deceptive side effect.
Algy’s then wife bought one of the boys a new television. He picked it up, carried it into the street and threw it on the ground smashing it into smithereens. Foul and abusive language towards their mother, and of course Algy, became the norm.
Eventually Algy called in a Mental Health Emergency team from a local hospital after yet another “incident”.
The leader sat with Algy and explained how that they were unable to take the elder boy, who by now could not hold a job, into care at this time, unless they actually witnessed him manifesting “dangerous” behaviour – even though he had been reported to the police weaving down the wrong side of the road in Algy’s wife’s car, (Algy’s wife had denied to the police it was her car). The Mental Health Team shared with Algy the awful stories of otherwise “normal” people being locked up for life-threatening behaviour. The term “recreational drug” was not one these professionals accepted.

Algy observed the effects of this “recreational drug” for nearly twenty years. His two former stepsons, who had so much potential, are now wastrels
It is understandable that now Algy considers that no penalty is too harsh for people using and dealing in these substances.
It is with the greatest sadness that he has resigned from the Libertarian political party. He has no alternative if its representative in Parliament condones legalising such a lethal and destructive substance – that is not Liberty but bondage.
When there are so many crucial issues to highlight – the failing economy, the destructive climate change hoax, the indiscriminate migration policy, the increasing ant-Semitism and partisan justice system, the dangers of the transgender movement, for the Libertarians to become known as the “legalise cannabis party” to placate an aging hippie population is abhorrent.
Gibber! Gibber!
Technical notes on THC:
THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)
When marijuana is smoked, the active ingredient THC passes from the lungs and into the bloodstream, which carries the chemical to the organs throughout the body, including the brain. In the brain, THC connects to specific sites called cannabinoid receptors on nerve cells and influences the activity of those cells.
THC is highly lipid soluble and is therefore rapidly taken up by fat tissue. The plasma half-life of THC is 1 to 3 days in occasional users and 5 to 13 days in chronic users.
Abstract At least 100 cannabis species are compounds known as cannabinoid’s, a molecule with a 21-carbon terpenophenolic skeleton. Cannabinoid’s produce more than 100 naturally occurring chemicals, the most abundant of which are Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), terpenes, and flavonoids. THC and CBD bind with cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2), which are present in the brain and many organs. Metabolism of cannabis is determined by the route of consumption. When inhaled, THC and its metabolites enter the bloodstream rapidly via the lungs; they achieve peak levels within 6 to 10 minutes and reach the brain and various organs. The bioavailability of inhaled THC is 10% to 35%. After THC is absorbed, it travels to the liver where most of it is eliminated or metabolized to 11-OH-THC or 11-COOH-THC. The remaining THC and its metabolites enter the circulation. The bioavailability of ingested THC is only 4% to 12%. THC is highly lipid soluble and is therefore rapidly taken up by fat tissue. The plasma half-life of THC is 1 to 3 days in occasional users and 5 to 13 days in chronic users. The bioavailability of CBD via inhalation is 11% to 45%, whereas that of oral CBD is 6%. CBD has high lipophilicity and therefore is rapidly distributed in the brain, adipose tissue, and other organs. CBD is hydroxylated to 7-OH-CBD and 7-COOH-CBD by cytochrome P450 enzymes CYP3A4 and CYP2C9 in the liver and is excreted mainly in feces and less in urine. The plas CANNABIS
That marital situation Algy found himself in sounds awful. The heavy use of cannabis the boys were smoking would’ve certainly had an adverse effect on each one’s personality…even to the point of possible schizophrenia with long-term use.
Another reason for the boys anti-social behaviour even towards their mother could also be because their parents split-up when they were quite young and impressionable…and the boys definitely needed their father as a positive role model. It sounds like the positive influence of an emotionally stable family life and an involved, caring father didn’t happen for them.
The consequent unresolved anger they would’ve had would also be a major cause for their anti-social behaviour.
Thank you Paul for your most sensitive assessment of this situation, I shall pass it on to Algy Gibber! Gibber! Chugley