Thank you to John Adams, Australian economist, who wrote to me with his assessment of where Australia is at right now. As usual I urge you to be like the Bereans who searched the Scriptures to see if these things be so, Acts 17:11 “These (Jews) were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so”. I have no connection with John Adams, but his thoughts seem helpful at this time, if only to provoke my readers to think for themselves and research thoroughly.
Gibber! Gibber!
Australia’s Darkest Chapter Since 1942 Dear all, It is without question that Australia has entered its darkest chapter since 1942 when our homeland was attacked by Japan during World War 2. I have been personally stunned at how quickly my home state of New South Wales (NSW) has descended into extreme totalitarianism in the past 2 weeks without any parliamentary debate, public consultation or critical scrutiny (the NSW Parliament has been suspended from sitting because of COVID-19!). Everyday we are bombarded with extreme, reckless and outrageous policy announcements by the NSW Government. The pace of change is frightening and it is clear that our political institutions and important political and medical norms such as “consent of the governed” and “informed consent” have been abandoned. No longer are we just living under lockdowns, we have now been split into two societies – the vaccinated and unvaccinated. For the vaccinated there are promises of freedom and normality (only promises), but for those who wish to exercise their own sovereignty over their own bodies there is extreme brutality. Under Premier Berejiklian, there will be no work, no free movement, no ability to participate in society and no ability to access essential services for the unvaccinated. Berejiklian has actively encouraged businesses to exclude unvaccinated citizens from their businesses. In the past week, I spoke to an Australian living in Sydney who lived for 15 years as a child in Czechoslovakia under communism and whose parents lived under Nazi fascism prior to World War 2. Their genuine non-hyperbolic observation is that the NSW Government’s lockdown policies are literally indistinguishable from the policies that Hitler’s regime implemented in Czechoslovakia prior to Germany’s invasion of Poland in September 1939. People across the world (especially in Europe and America) are scratching their heads wondering what has become of Australia! Why is this happening? All this for a virus which has a 99.7% survival rate! Vaccination Target Importantly, what is clear by now is that the NSW Government is unable to reach 70% and 80% vaccination population coverage through persuasion and wall-to-wall mainstream media propaganda alone. The NSW Government has now restored to: exaggerated claims; false and misleading claims; and forced coercion. Exaggerated Claims. It should come as no surprise that this past weekend we heard NSW Health official Dr Jeremy McAnulty admit that the government’s COVID-19 claims of lethality are exaggerated. McAnulty admitted that doctors in NSW are unable to determine to what extent COVID-19 contributes to a patient’s death and thus the NSW Government’s published COVID‑19 death statistics are deaths with COVID-19 and not from COVID‑19. False and Misleading Claims What is more concerning is that Berejiklian and her government continue to make false and misleading public statements which is not supported by science and international data. Let me provide you three clear examples. Firstly, last week NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant said that residents of NSW are likely to be required to wear masks in the coming years to protect themselves from COVID-19 infection and yet according to a new study from the University of Waterloo (see the following link), popular blue surgical masks are only 10% effective (that is they don’t work)! Popular blue surgical face masks do NOT stop people from being infected with COVID-19 | Daily Mail Online Secondly, this past weekend NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard stated there was no evidence that the vaccines impacted women’s fertility. The reason why there is no evidence is that Pfizer (by virtue of its own documents) won’t complete the appropriate study until 2025! Thirdly, on Monday morning a NSW paramedic said that taking the vaccine will break the “chains of transmission” of COVID-19. This is clearly a false statement which data from Israel, who has a high vaccination rate, can prove to be false. Forced Coercion If exaggerated, false and misleading claims were bad enough, the NSW Government, in order to meet their arbitrary targets, have unleashed a deliberate and calculated campaign to financially destroy and socially vilify and exclude those who do not wish to take their prescribed experimental gene-therapy chemical compound. This campaign is being supported by the deployment of a paramilitary force, which we know as the NSW police. Berejiklian had made clear that the current lockdown will not be lifted unless and until the NSW Government’s vaccination target of 70% is reached. Given that Australian households are drowning in the largest debts in Australian economic history, millions of people in NSW are left with no choice but to comply with the coercive tactics of the NSW Government or face literal bankruptcy, homelessness and hunger. Unfortunately, these tactics seem to be working given that millions of citizens have submitted themselves to receiving the vaccines albeit with severe reluctance and reservations. As I noted last week on social media, the NSW Government are using lockdowns as a tool of psychological terrorism and unfortunately for many Australians, psychological and physical submission is more convenient than resisting to preserve natural rights and the fundamental pillars of western civilisation. Remember what Prime Minister Scott Morrison said? But importantly, cast your mind back to what our Prime Minister said on 23 July 2021. When asked about two Australians who had died from the AstraZeneca vaccine, the Prime Minister said that all Australians “are responsible for their own health” (see the following twitter link). How can we be responsible for our own health if we are not given the freedom to exercise our own medical decisions? The reality is that Australia’s politicians are forcing its citizens to take an experimental vaccine without little to no choice – and if you happened to experience a severe vaccine injury or even death, you are on your own. Our political leaders will wash their hands of you and your predicament as if you didn’t exist and don’t matter. This situation is simply intolerable. This Will Not End Anytime Soon If anyone believes that this extreme totalitarian regime will end with just two jabs, you are sadly mistaken. In the past few days, the Israeli government has changed the definition of “vaccinated” from 2 jabs to now 3 jabs given that the Pfizer vaccine only has an effective life of 4 – 5 months. Given this fact, NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant in the past 24 hours stated that all vaccinated citizens will require booster shots going into 2022 and for the foreseeable future as COVID-19 remains with us! So expect double vaccinated Australians to be rudely awakened when, in the coming months, they will be deemed as “unvaccinated” by both the Australian as well as state/territory governments. As totalitarian tactics will force Australians to take ever more doses of experimental vaccine, expect that the scale of vaccine injuries and death to increase evermore. Escaping the Matrix No matter where you go, alternative information is hard to come by when it comes to COVID-19, lockdowns and importantly vaccines. Australia’s main channels of information are pushing only one consistent message and that is to take the prescribed AstraZeneca or Pfizer vaccines. There is no discussion of prevention measures such as: weight loss; exercise; adequate vitamin D and zinc levels; or taking Ivermectin as a prophylactic. Adverse reactions to the vaccines which cause serious injury or death are being completely covered up by the Australian mainstream media. Critically, all Australian doctors and health practitioners have been issued with strict guidelines from the national regulator – the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority (AHPRA) – that they are unable to make any public or private comments which would “undermine the national immunisation campaign (including via social media)” otherwise they may lose their ability to practice medicine in Australia. For this reason, Australian health practitioners (doctors and nurses) are actively denying that recent injuries and death are linked to the vaccines. Some Australian health practitioners are even accusing patients who dare mention vaccine injuries of having mental health problems! The new series of “Our Voices Matter” (which is being shown on Telegram) in which a former Channel 7 reporter is reporting the truth about the vaccine rollout in Sydney and Melbourne shows the devastating impact of these experimental vaccines. Unfortunately, for millions of naïve and gullible Australians, this information is being denied them. In conversations with my own family and social circle, it is clear that the lack of access to alternative information is a big reason why they are complying with the commands of the NSW Government. These people have simply no clue on what is going on and in the parlance of the 1999 movie, “the Matrix” have taken the ‘blue pill’. As I noted in my last newsletter, because of mass censorship which is occurring through the mainstream media and big tech platforms such as YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn, I have been sharing most of my thoughts and views on Telegram via my “Adams Economics” group. This group which I formed a few months ago has quickly grown to 7,900 members as of this morning, 31st August 2021. Both myself and the community which has grown within the Adams Economics group have been able to share a lot of information about the current situation in real time. It is an excellent resource if you wish to remain informed about the important things I am seeing and hearing which includes updates from current and former Australian politicians. If you would like to quickly join this fast-growing community, I would recommend that you firstly download Telegram either on your smart phone or computer desktop and then look up “Adams Economics”. If you can’t find my group, reach out and let me know. I would also encourage you to tell people in your social circles about the group and encourage them to follow me and other informed groups on Telegram. Financial Preparedness In the past week, several people reached out to speak to me to get my economic assessment of the current situation and what financial considerations should they think about. While I am not licensed to provide financial advice, I have been referring to my 10 step preparation plan which I published back in 2018 via (see the following link) in anticipation of the inevitable economic crisis which I have been warning about. How to prepare for an economic crisis: Ten steps to follow | — Australia’s leading news site These ten steps remain the bedrock of my approach and have served me well. In these times of uncertainty, I would strongly recommend that people focus on step 2 of my ten step plan and ensure that you have adequate personal cash flow management. I am consistently hearing that financial distress (especially in the small business community) is resulting from an inability to meet immediate cash flow obligations. Once you have adequate cash reserves to meet your likely future cash flow obligations, reducing debt and protecting yourself from the current accelerated stagflation, through holding good money such as physical gold and silver, should bode you well in the current economic environment. Given the nature of my activities and the fact I have financially prepared myself over the past few years means that my family and I have sufficient financial buffers to weather the current economic storm and to resist the mandatory vaccination push. For those Australians who didn’t heed my warnings over the past 5 years, they are now at the mercy of the totalitarian commands of Australia’s political and bureaucratic elite. Do you have any questions? If you have any economic or financial questions which you would like to discuss given the current stressful times, please feel free to reach out to me by email and I will endeavour to make time to give you a phone call and to discuss your concerns and questions. Thanks for your ongoing support. This is a difficult time for everyone and I remain committed to helping as many people as possible navigate the current economic, political and legal environment. All the best for now. Cheers, John Adams |