My keeper, Algy, went to an English boarding School founded in the 1500’s. He did not do a lot of work there, as the above picture indicates. (This may be why he ended up in a zoo). The School is very good at keeping in touch with their old boys (now including old girls, something which is a shock to Algy). He received this notice below about their Remembrance day event. It brings a welcome change of pace after another week of watching the free world teetering on the brink of oblivion. A time for reflection on what you owe to a generation who gave their lives so that you may live in freedom.
Prepare for some culture.
Gibber! Gibber!
The Well Connected Chimp
What beautiful choral singing from these well-disciplined young people! The magnificent chapel setting added to the sombreness of the occasion.
For me, I loved the line spoken by one of the Uppingham staff near the end, when speaking of the lark singing in the “unharmed” air above the war-ridden landscape.
Thank you Paul, I shall pass your comments on to Algy. May the human race avoid such catastrophes in the future! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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