Pastor Wayne Edwards continues with his series of sermons leading up to the soon coming evacuation of the Church. Pastor Wayne once again laments the lack of preaching about the Rapture of the Church, which is soon to come. The Sermon begins at approximately 15 minutes 50 secs. Pastor Wayne’s News Handouts follow after the sermon introduction below.
Gibber! Gibber!
Dear Heritage Family,
The only cure for the apathy and apostasy of today’s church is the clear preaching of the unadulterated and uncompromising gospel, including the imminent Rapture of the Church, the arrival and rule of the antichrist, the outpouring of the wrath of God upon those who refused to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord, and the glorious return of Christ as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. However, I’m appalled at the silence of today’s pulpits regarding the signs of our times.
If the Apostle Paul included all of these truths in his proclamation of the gospel to the new believers in Thessalonica, why do today’s pastors refuse to preach it from their pulpits? Sadly, if they genuinely believed it, they could not help but preach it, and according to 1 Timothy 4:1, even such unbelief is a sign of the end times.
As one of God’s watchmen, I am sounding the alarm; warning those who will listen that God is about to remove the Restrainer that is holding back the onslaught of evil and allow the end-time events the Lord Jesus described in Matthew 24 and the Apostle Paul revealed in 1st and 2nd Thessalonians, and the Apostle John defined in the Book of Revelation to bring this age to a close, and to establish His Millennial Kingdom on the earth. We are living on the edge of eternity; I encourage you to brace yourself for the things that are about to happen.
We will explain this further in our next sermon, A Watchman’s Warning: “The Sound of Hoofbeats!” The sermon is based on Ezekiel 33:1-6 and Revelation 6:1-8.
We encourage you to view the sermon on our INTERACTIVE WEBSITE: www.theheritagechurch.org. If you click on the sermon title on the second page, you will find the sermon study guide in another format, and you can follow it on the screen as you listen.
Wayne J. and Linda J. Edwards
PO Box 766
Perry, GA 31069
Fellow Watchmen,
I cannot imagine getting up each morning to face this world without the eternal perspective that is only available through our study of the Holy Scriptures. This world is a scary place, and without a sound, biblical understanding of our times, it is going to appear even scarier in the days to come.
We live in the season of Jesus’ appearing to take us home to heaven. It’s not about date-setting, but about understanding the multitude of signs God gave us in His Word that reveal the nearness of the Rapture.
Jesus rebuked the Pharisees and Sadducees who did not recognize the signs that their Messiah stood in their presence (Matthew 16:1-4). Would not the Lord have a similar reprimand for church leaders today who remain oblivious to all the indications that the Tribulation period is rapidly approaching?
We will certainly not endure the wrath of God that the apostle John describes for us in Revelation 6-18. However, because of the day in which we live, we must be ready for perilous times ahead before Jesus whisks us up to the place that He’s preparing for us.
Or then again, the Lord could come for us today!
Please forward these news stories, and opinion pieces to those you think might be interested. Pastor Wayne