Thank you Shirley from England for this enlightening article about a movement that began in Australia and has spread worldwide. For some reason the links will not transpose “live” my readers can copy and paste the relevant details into a browser to view. “A Stand in the Park” is a good way to peacefully show your government that you will not accept this imposition of tyranny from a system gone rogue.
Gibber! Gibber!
Shirley from England
Galatians 5:1
For freedom, Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
It was a typical icy cold and damp early January morning as I walked through the frozen mud to the band stand at the centre of my local park.
On this occasion I was not going to listen to the usual brass band which would sometimes leisurely play there, but I was there to meet a group of complete strangers who have been meeting each Sunday morning in parks across the UK and around the world, to stand up peaceably for freedom, jobs, small businesses, against lockdowns, harmful laws and against people behind ‘The Great Reset’.
astandinthepark.org (copy and paste into browser)
I secretly prayed I would not slip over, as I observed them all watching me make my way over to them in extremely unsuitable footwear, my nerves slowly subsided. As I walked up the steps and was met with a friendly and mask less welcome, and even a hug from a group of men and women, who were all extremely different in terms of their age and profession, yet united in their concerns at the tyranny which is currently taking place in our world.
We huddled under the canopy exchanging thoughts and ideas, I spoke to a beautiful young woman who was about to lose her job in the NHS (National Health Service) because she did not want to take a vaccination.
Like me she did not work in a patient facing environment, but her mere presence on the hospital grounds where she worked rendered her a danger to others. She had been notified that she had to have the first injection by the beginning of February and then the second injection by April if she wanted to keep her job.
At the hospital where I work, which is a mental health site, health care workers, have been notified of the same. However, they have been told other non- patient facing roles would be sought for them, and if not suitable, dismissal is their option. I cannot imagine how they must feel after having studied and committed themselves to a profession which is often a ‘calling’ for them to help and heal others.
Over the last two years I have observed some of those staff leave their families and turn up each day to care for the sick. There are obviously good and bad staff; but it is certain, it is not an easy job. Our government who originally promoted the celebration of their dedication and loyalty, by encouraging its citizens to stand on the streets and applaud them have now betrayed and rejected them.

Instead of ‘saving the NHS’, the organization as reported by the Department of Health and Social Care, is set to lose around 126,000 medical staff in April this year. This, together with the absences which are recorded due to isolating as an outcome of a positive test or a family member having a positive result, means that the service is collapsing. This will affect all citizens who access the health service for other minor and very serious issues. They will be at risk.
Covid: Unvaccinated doctor says she is set to lose her job if she does not get jabbed – YouTube (copy and paste to browser).
NHS100k is an initiative set up in November 2021 by a group of frontline ambulance staff who respect freedom of choice and wish to connect 100,000 health and social care staff who will lose their jobs by April 2022.
NHS100k.com – Supporting informed consent, freedom of choice and bodily autonomy
Reference from NHS100k is also made to Dr Sam White, who was a GP suspended by the NHS for speaking out about informed consent, the safety of the vaccine, and other safe and effective treatments. Dr White has recently succeeded in winning a high court battle for freedom of speech after he was ordered not to make comments about anything to do with Covid!
It is reported:
Dr White is finally free to share the peer reviewed literature he has been saving since his social media ban and his focus will be on protecting children from the experimental mRNA vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna, as they can cause myocarditis.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAplLWS4n_M (copy and paste to browser).
Three cheers for Dr Sam – and a judge who backs free speech – The Conservative Woman

As we made our way from the band stand to a local coffee shop I listened to the many divisions and arguments which had been created and experienced within the workplace and the home. The group were extremely aware and well informed of the not-so-subtle brain-washing and relentless propaganda which had taken place in order to create such division. We spoke about The Nuremberg Code, and the cruelty towards patients who had died without their families last Christmas whilst politicians at No 10 Downing Street had reportedly held celebrations.
No 10 partying in lockdown: who enjoyed what and when | Conservatives | The Guardian
Footage reveals No 10 staff joking about ‘Christmas party’ in Downing St last year while under strict COVID rules | Politics News | Sky News (copy and paste).
As we entered the lovely warm coffee shop away from the icy cold band stand, I then found myself sitting with the young NHS worker who was about to lose her job. We were joined by her husband and two young children. I asked them if they had a Plan B. Her husband said they would take one day at a time. He was re-assuring. Despite the dilemma I did think how fortunate they were as a family to be on the same page in relation to their views on the situation.
Their little boy who was about five years old started studying my face and asking me questions and telling me all about himself. He compared our hair colour, his being natural and mine not so natural. He compared the colour of our eyes, staring deeply into mine, informed me of the number of freckles he had, told me about a scar he possessed and various other statements in a wonderfully free manner. Their family dog sat under the table looking from one to the other, possibly wondering when the food would be arriving.
Sitting within the warmth of that family I remembered how life should always be for us all. They made me welcome and it was wonderful to be with them. A mixture of generations with a deep desire and a love for freedom, free to speak, to look at each other and make factual observations without any fear.
For the sake of the next generation, I believe that whatever our differences we must make a stand in our own way and draw a line in the sand against the impossible restrictions and the mandates which are being forced upon us.
A Stand in the Park which was founded in Sydney Australia by Brady Gunn, who invited people to stand for truth with him, stood alone at first but after three months people joined him.
A Stand in the Park now has 100,000 members who meet in over 1000 parks in 20 countries.
Links: Apologies, you will have to Google these, they did not transmit “live” for some reason.
Covid: Unvaccinated doctor says she is set to lose her job if she does not get jabbed – YouTube
NHS100k.com – Supporting informed consent, freedom of choice and bodily autonomy
Three cheers for Dr Sam – and a judge who backs free speech – The Conservative Woman
No 10 partying in lockdown: who enjoyed what and when | Conservatives | The Guardian
Footage reveals No 10 staff joking about ‘Christmas party’ in Downing St last year while under strict COVID rules | Politics News | Sky News

Shirley was born and lives in Great Britain. She has always worked in administration, but has also taught and studied complimentary health. In administrative roles, she has worked within The Church of England. She also worked for some years as a volunteer within the hospice movement. Shirley has an interest in all health issues, loves the British countryside, and enjoys writing. She is thankful for talk radio and loves listening. Shirley has always been concerned about the loss of freedoms in her country, and also the demise of America, a country she loves for the original reasons on which it was founded. She believes in the Pursuit of Genuine Happiness
4 thoughts on “A STAND IN THE PARK”
Thank you Shirley – a very good and clear article – if only people in authority would perhaps read it!! God bless you.
Thanks Penny! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
I went to ‘A Stand In The Park’ for the first time on Sunday (at Rotary Park, Port Macquarie). Everyone was very welcoming and despite the weather, there was a great turn out.
So nice to meet with a group of like-minded people.
I highly recommend!
Thank you for the positive feedback Trudy! Gibber! Gibber! Chugley
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