Pastor Wayne of the Heritage Baptist Church, Perry Georgia, USA bravely soldiers on as he perceives his country falling into disarray. However he urges you to keep faith in the Gospel and hang on to the Truth delivered to the saints. The service begins at approximately 22 minutes click link above. The News items are becoming ever more strident as they demonstrate the fulfilment of many Biblical prophecies.
Gibber! Gibber!
September 26, 2024
Dear Heritage Family and Friends,
Beloved, I am as angry as anyone about what is and isn’t happening in America. At this very hour, we are on the verge of becoming involved in multiple military conflicts which could lead to WWIII. Illegal immigrants have taken over many of our largest cities, and in their need to find a way to survive, every form of crime is on the rise. In less than 40 days, Americans will go to the polls to vote in our presidential election, and regardless of the outcome, the initial explosion of anger by the losing side will result in major civil unrest that could destroy our civilization. In addition, the blatant persecution of Christians in America has never been higher.
I know this is not what our forefathers intended this nation to become, nor is it the kind of nation many good men and women have given their lives to defend. However, as Christians, while we have the obligation to stand firm in our convictions, we also have the responsibility to show God’s love, even to those with whom we disagree. As Christians, we cannot become like those who are persecuting us lest we forfeit our witness to them – we must be willing to suffer for doing good!
This Sunday, we will continue our sermons from 1 Peter. The title of this sermon is: “A Living Hope – Being Willing to Suffer for Doing Good.” This sermon is particularly relevant to the current state of our nation.
· The sermon will be available on our website and YouTube.
We want to express our deep gratitude for your participation in sharing these sermon study guides with those you believe might be interested. Your involvement is a vital part of our Live Stream Ministry, and we truly appreciate your help. We enjoy reading the comments as well.
Wayne J. and Linda J. Edwards PO Box 766 Perry, GA 31069 706-599-3966
As I emphasized in my previous column, the 2024 election is not just a matter of political parties, platforms, or empty promises. This year’s election is a crucial battle between globalism and national sovereignty, between war and peace through strength, and between Marxist socialism and personal freedom. This is not a political contest, but rather it is a spiritual battle of good versus evil, and God versus Satan. It’s a battle that will only be resolved when Jesus returns as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
While the mainstream media is preoccupied with the candidates’ political rhetoric, the real narrative is unfolding at the United Nations. As Andrew Muller, a witness to the Summit of the Future in New York City, reports, 193 governments are fervently working to erode national sovereignty and liberty in favor of globalism. This is a belief that advocates for economic and foreign policy planning on a global scale, rather than catering to the needs of individual nations.
While we know the New World Order will soon come, and a new Global Leader will quickly arise, the Bible teaches that God ordained the individual nations and governments to restrain evil and enable righteousness to flourish (Romans 13:3-4). Therefore, Christians should carefully pray and vote for those candidates who best align with and stand for Biblical principles. Christians have no option but to stand for biblical truth and oppose evil. As believers, we understand that this earth is not our ultimate home. However, as long as we are here, we must remain engaged with the culture and politics while standing firm on the truth of God’s Word.
Therefore, our purpose should be to vote for the candidate who best advocates for religious freedom and freedom of speech, the candidate who supports the biblical definition of marriage as that relationship between a man and a woman, the sanctity of human life, even in the mother’s womb; parental rights over the education of their children; and sufficient border security to protect our families. Without those freedoms and protections, none of the other issues matter.
In that regard, and according to their published positions, Kamala Harris’ anti-faith agenda would be a danger to the mission of the Church and all Christians. Not only does she support government-funded, unlimited abortion, including after-birth infanticide, but she is promoting every facet of the LBGTQ+ agenda, including government funded transgender surgeries, even for those in prison. This week, the CatholicVote issued a memo to their Priests and Church leaders that “A President Harris would pose an existential threat to Catholics and all people of goodwill for that matter.”
Beloved, when we cast our vote this year, our first and foremost concern should be the freedom to proclaim the Gospel without restriction, including what God’s Word says about the various moral issues we are struggling with today. While there are many other significant issues, for the sake of our nation, our children, and even our children’s children, let’s let religious freedom be the deciding factor. Just look at the nations around the world that wish they had the freedom we may lose if Christians do not care enough to vote!
Please forward these news stories and opinion pieces to those you think might be interested! PW
Wayne J. and Linda J. Edwards PO Box 766 Perry, GA 31069 706-599-3966