De Mark Harwood applies his scientifically trained mind to the myth of the “millions of years” deception constantly being foisted on the human world and its children. Even an apparently evolving Chimp can see how fatuous this belief in evolution over long ages is. Why is this so important you ask? A belief in long ages means that the chronology, so meticulously recorded in Genesis, is wrong. This logically means that the first “Adam” is a myth, therefore, why did humans need the second Adam – Jesus Christ – to save them from their sins. Thus the entire Bible is undermined to those with logical minds employing a capacity to think. This seems to be an attribute sadly lacking in many of you today, surely this goes a long way to explaining the mess you are all in. I thank God I am comfortable in my zoo.
I suggest you support Creation magazine as it confronts this persistent lie of evolution and strengthens your faith in the truth::
Gibber! Gibber!
Three monkeys sat in a coconut tree
Discussing things as they’re said to be.
Said one to the others: “Now listen you two,
There’s a certain rumour that can’t be true
That man descended from our noble race –
Why, the very idea is a total disgrace!
The same three monkeys sat in a tree.
Each to the other said,”look at me”
If this ‘evolving’ stuff is true,
I should start looking different to you.
But all three agreed, no difference they saw.
So this evolution stuff is a hoax or more.
To be true I should look different to you
And ‘cos I’m not, creation is true..
Love it Mandrill! Many thanks Gibber! Gibber! Chugley